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@toolsvenus toolsvenus tagged this 11 Apr 13:03
## [8.0.0]( (2024-04-11)


* migrate to Solidity 0.8.25

### Features

* add deployments of IR for bscmainnet ([b91ad15](
* add redeemAndRepayBatch to the governance helper ([5c7ca53](
* add VTreasuryV8 deployment on arbitrum sepolia ([850d5b9](
* migrate to Solidity 0.8.25 ([3bbb396](
* updating deployment files ([ae58d9d](
* updating deployment files ([0874d1e](
* updating deployment files ([cf5baaf](
* updating deployment files ([ec48969](
* updating deployment files ([b65fb19](
* updating deployment files ([e6fcaae](
* updating deployment files ([5a6c3dd](
* updating deployment files ([c7eed76](

### Bug Fixes

* added deployments ([913eb66](
* backward compatibility ([859458c](
* deployed xvs vault ([f06d9bc](
* fixed integration tests ([3521609](
* fixed lock period ([ef0ebf1](
* fixed prime test ([2051fbc](
* fixed TimeManagerV5 ([c5aea51](
* fork test for testing invalid opcode ([2a8ac14](
* integrated time manager in xvs vault ([acb5538](
* optimised storage slot ([4d7debd](
* redeployed ([d06b583](
* resolved conflict ([46d2838](
* rpc for arbitrumOne ([8340342](
* rpc for arbitrumSepolia ([a0453d4](
* use funcs from utils ([a2a22b2](
Assets 2