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Small computer vision apps

Some small programs showcasing computer vision algorithms

All these projects are based on open-cv

Face detection

An example script that opens the webcam and tries to detect faces using a deep neural network that comes with opencv. Optionally a command can be given in order to blur all the faces in the video feed, anonymizing the data.

Help for this script:

usage: face_detector [-h] [-p PROTO_FILE] [-m MODEL_FILE] [-c CONFIDENCE] [-b | --blur | --no-blur] [-d | --display_bbox | --no-display_bbox]

A script that opens webcam and detects faces, optionally it can also blur these faces to anonymize the data.

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -p PROTO_FILE, --protofile PROTO_FILE
                        Prototxt file describing the face detection model.
  -m MODEL_FILE, --modelfile MODEL_FILE
                        Caffe model weights.
  -c CONFIDENCE, --confidence CONFIDENCE
                        Minimum confidence before a detection is processed. Value has to be between 0 and 1.
  -b, --blur, --no-blur
                        Turn on or off blurring of detected faces. (default: False)
  -d, --display_bbox, --no-display_bbox
                        Show or hide the bounding box on the video. (default: True)

Document scanner

A script that turns your camera into a document scanner. Pass an image of a document to the script and it will transform it as if you would have put it in a scanner.

usage: document_scanner [-h] [-i IMAGE_PATH] [-r | --recolor | --no-recolor] [-s | --show_steps | --no-show_steps]

A script that takes a picture of a document and transforms it as if you would have scanned the document.

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
                        Image of the document to be scanned.
  -r, --recolor, --no-recolor
                        Turn on or off recoloring of the scanned document. (default: False)
  -s, --show_steps, --no-show_steps
                        Show the different steps taken by the scanner. (default: False)

Object tracker

A script that turns your camera into a simple object tracker. Tracking happens based on the configured colorrange of the object.

usage: object_tracker [-h] [-i MIN_COLOR] [-a MAX_COLOR] [-l TRAIL_LENGTH] [-c TRAIL_COLOR]

A script that uses the webcam to detects and track an object, based on the color.

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -i MIN_COLOR, --mincolor MIN_COLOR
                        First HSV value of the minimum color, the object with a color between min and max will be
  -a MAX_COLOR, --maxcolor MAX_COLOR
                        First HSV value of the maximum color, the object with a color between min and max will be
  -l TRAIL_LENGTH, --traillength TRAIL_LENGTH
                        Length of the trail to be drawn on the image. Pass zero as argument to turn off the trail.
  -c TRAIL_COLOR, --trailcolor TRAIL_COLOR
                        Color of the trail, can be either blue, green or red.

Sleep detector

This is a very basic script that uses the camera to detect if the eyes of the main person in view are opened or closed. I do this using Haar cascade classifiers, which do an okay job. There are of course much better approaches, like using dlib to detect the facial landmarks and then computing a ratio of how open the eyes are. You can also of course use machine learning to determine if an eye is opened or closed. The goal of this repo was to only use opencv, so that is what I did.

usage: sleep_detector [-h]

A simple script that opens webcam, detects the main face in view and determines if the eyes are open or closed.

  -h, --help  show this help message and exit


Some small programs showcasing computer vision algorithms







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