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Welcome, this is my personal programming portfolio. It consists of several areas which I'll outline here. There are both working programs, code, screenshots and the like.

Disclaimer: a lot of this code has been written over 10+ year period, some Java, C# and Flash in particular; that code itself is not the best of it's kind but it reflects my journey in coding skills, culminating for now in React examples.

1. Angular section: project structure example that I've worked with before, it depicts how a project can be divided to mostly MVC parts and what content those parts could have. App > Module file ties various imports together. This is a truncated version of a project.

2. Java section: one is my personal old project that I still sometimes use and another is a similar example I've did as an exercise. They both use files as inputs, have Readme instructions, screenshots and working .jar files-executables. Both code bases are provided, they are made with NetBeans UI tools. The code is not super fancy but it gets the job done.

3. Flash section: my other old personal application born out of love for PC game Morrowind and it's alchemy system, a sort of simulation-analysis tool useful for planning potions. It's a desktop (AIR) application. The code is a representation of my old kind of thinking but it shows the technology and how much you could get away with only OOP in flash.

4. React section: since I've done a considerable amount of work with React and associated technologies, I now have 4 separate projects with their own individual descriptions and one more being developed. They are listed in order of importance:

Additionally, I've been accumulating various examples when attending BIT starter course that include Javascript, Java and Php - you can check them out as well.

5. Databases section: during my stay at database section in Euromonitor I've read two books about SQL and advanced topics. Main thing I did there was ETL project that I continued and improved a lot getting quite good at SQL Server SSIS module. Later I've filled in a few database related questionnaires (provided here). There are also two more exercises: one about fixing C# code and doing some queries as well as making a database schema, another is about using my own local database to extract data, format it and display it using Python.

6. Extras section: here I add some misc parts, bits and pieces, including:

  • Old C# excercises with visual forms and simple tasks.

  • Python exercise with very little code and very complicated library setup that culminated in picture generation from special database files, the result is provided (data itself is private) and I quite like it - you can scroll it down and zoom quite a bit before pixelation kicks in.

  • Uipath simple exercise to filter Excel file.

  • Recent version of my own flower data file where I organise things by areas where they physically are, what they are, what are their origins (imports/family breed/etc) and so on, might be interesting for people judging my Excel skills alone.

7. Screenshots section: here are a good amount of Angular and Flash freelance project screenshots. I named "main" ones as largest and most interesting single projects from both eras (I've worked with Flash for 5+ years and Angular for about 2 years). There are also a few personal photos. Re: Flash main body of screenshots, they are arranged thematically by the project they belonged to and use naming format (group)-(instance). Some of the minor ones were prototypes or support tools like photo generators.

You can find more of my achievements in Facebook - flower breeding, minecraft and other pc game construction -; also you can visit my LinkedIn - I also provide my CV in case anyone is interested.

And finally a few "fun facts"/achievements I've did outside of programming which illustrate my hobbies and way of thinking more:

  • Once a friend gave me a birthday gift of 1000 piece pirate themed puzzle. After I've assembled it, I've made it into a picture in a frame and I still have it on the same place ever since.

  • One winter I've tried to engineer a board game using simple cut, glued and colored paper for cards and components, it was ok-meh-ish but I would try again if I was bored enough.

  • Sometimes I stumble upon a game that I want to explore and document fully in my own way. There were two major ones: Fallout 2 and Morrowind - I've explored them fully, made hand drawn maps, item, quest, npc and other lists, collected all or almsot all possible items in games. Later I would do similar things to other games but on smaller scale.

  • I run an Iris (vilkdalgiai) breeding program, among countless things I've done with them are: total replantings, new lists regarding locations, quantities, origins and more. Large collections of photographs that I keep reorganising into ever more useful form (especially naming conventions). In 2019 season I've had first new blossoms after waiting for 3 years since planting those seeds, they were worth it (you can see them in my Facebook).

  • speaking of photographs, I've made over 100K of them with two separate digital cameras over 10 year period and I finally got to processing them (deleting blurs, dark views, etc), naming, sorting, assigning categories and so on.

  • for many years I've been working with plasticine (create, destroy, sort, prepare and begin again - because unlike clay you can do that). In last year of school I've had access to clay and made a lot of figurines, houses and other abstract things with it (glazed them too). I've made and laquered a wooden sword long time ago (about 1m lenght), basically I can tinker with physical objects when I'm able.

  • I love logistics, flow of things, and therefore games like classic OTTD or recent Transport Fever can get me invested for a long time, specifically in TF I can create an interconnected system where different types of vechicles can form interconnected chains of item deliveries, even I can't predict what the pathfinding system will think of my lines and what will be moved where, when I leave options for anything instead of specific goods. Also train track building is so frustrating but rewarding in TF compared to OTTD.

  • I love some good city planning: Sim City 3K was my favourite until more recent spiritual succesor in City Skylines (that eats RAM like it's noone's business). In CS main challenge is fighting street traffic in intelligent ways to make it flow in coordinated paths, speeds and quantities no matter what (like a system of interconnected water pipes). Not to mention "do whatever" style of city growth which is both looking for efficiency and esthetical look in a city.

  • It would be unfair if I didn't mention my worst disease: Minecraft (heavily modded, multiplayer). I sunk over a thousand hours in various maps, various servers and communities over 5 or so years. Sometimes I would finish my plans, but often server closures or resets (or fatal griefs) would rudely interrupt me. What remained constant for a few years now is a certain close british friend with whom we built and manufactured a lot ever since the map I've met him. Basically mods usually add new and better tools, magic, technlogical systems as well as decorative means for builders like me.

  • A bit different side of me is that I have some humanitarian in me as well, specifically I translate english subtitles (of anime series and movies) to lithuanian and give them to any subtitle group that wants them. That way I remember languages, see new words and discover pieces of art I would have missed otherwise.

  • An example of "because I can, I should" attitide was when I went to state literature exam during final school exams and did pass it with 30 or so points, especially because few people from my school even bothered, and even more so because I was a much better mathematician (back then) than humanitarian.

  • While studying in BIT I've noticed acutely that people are relatively lazy and would rather make others tell them what to do. This attitude does not fly for me. In contrast I've done almost every exercise and extra task that my lecturer proposed and devised even more side projects.

I could remember more but that will do.