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persistent hash tables
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Vincent Toups committed Dec 7, 2011
1 parent d861471 commit e55d2d1
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Showing 5 changed files with 158 additions and 0 deletions.
11 changes: 11 additions & 0 deletions better-monad-parse.el
Expand Up @@ -651,4 +651,15 @@ for string and buffer input."
(m-return n)

(defmacro defparser-w/delim (nameish delim-parser &rest expressions)
"Defines a parser as in DEFPARSER where each term is separated by the DELIM-PARSER."
`(lexical-let ((,d_ ,delim-parser))
(defparser ,nameish ,@(intersperse d_ expressions)))))

(defun =>alist>> (&rest args)
"Returns the parser which returns the ALIST created by passing ARGS to ALIST>>."
(parser-return (apply #'alist>> args)))

(provide 'better-monad-parse)
Binary file modified parse-sombers-lab-files.elc
Binary file not shown.
147 changes: 147 additions & 0 deletions persistent-hash-tables.el
@@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
(require 'ra-lists)
(require 'recur)

(defstruct ptbl buckets test)

(defalias 'ptbl? #'ptbl-p)

(defun* fresh-ptbl (&optional (n 107) (test #'equal))
"Create a fresh persistent hash table with N (107) bins and
TEST for equality."
(make-ptbl :buckets (ra:make-list n '())
:test test))

(defvar the-empty-ptbl (fresh-ptbl) "An empty EQUAL testing persistent hash table.")
(defvar the-empty-ptbl-eq (fresh-ptbl 107 #'eq) "An empty EQ testing persistent hash table.")

(defun ptbl-set-buckets (p b)
"Set the BUCKETS part of a persistent table P to B."
(make-ptbl :buckets b
:test (ptbl-test p)))

(defun ptbl-dip-buckets (p f)
"Set the BUCKETS part of a persistent table P to (FUNCALL F B),
where B is the old buckets."
(make-ptbl :buckets (funcall f (ptbl-buckets p))
:test (ptbl-test p)))

(defun ptbl-n-buckets (p)
"Return the number of buckets in the table P."
(ra:length (ptbl-buckets p)))

(recur-defun* ptbl-add-to-bucket (bucket key val test &optional acc)
"Add an association to BUCKET with KEY, VAL and KEY equality
tested under TEST."
(cond ((empty? bucket) (cons (cons key val) acc))
(let* ((slot (car bucket))
(ckey (car slot))
(bucket-rest (cdr bucket)))
(if (funcall test key ckey) (cons (cons key val) (append bucket-rest acc))
(recur bucket-rest key val test (cons slot acc)))))))

(recur-defun* ptbl-get-from-bucket (bucket key test)
"Find an association to BUCKET with KEY. TEST defines key equality."
(cond ((empty? bucket) nil)
(let* ((slot (car bucket))
(ckey (car slot))
(val (cdr slot))
(bucket-rest (cdr bucket)))
(if (funcall test key ckey) val
(recur bucket-rest key test))))))

(defun bucket-keys (bucket)
"Return all the keys in a BUCKET."
(mapcar #'car bucket))

(defun bucket-values (bucket)
"Return all the values in a BUCKET."
(mapcar #'cdr bucket))

(defun ptbl-set (tbl key val)
"Return a new persistent hash table which is like TBL except
that KEY is associated with VAL."
(let* ((h (sxhash key))
(ix (mod h (ptbl-n-buckets tbl)))
(buckets (ptbl-buckets tbl))
(bucket (ra:list-ref buckets ix)))
(ptbl-set-buckets tbl
(ra:list-set buckets ix (ptbl-add-to-bucket bucket key val (ptbl-test tbl))))))

(defun {} (maybe-ptbl &rest args)
"Construct or augment a PTBL with the KEY/VAL pairs in ARGS.
If MAYBE-PTBL is not a PTBL, treat it as the first key and use an
empty persistent table."
(if (not (ptbl? maybe-ptbl)) (apply #'{} the-empty-ptbl (cons maybe-ptbl args))
(recur-let ((key/vals args)
(ptbl maybe-ptbl))
(if (empty? key/vals) ptbl
(let ((key (car key/vals))
(val (cadr key/vals))
(rest (cddr key/vals)))
(recur rest
(ptbl-set ptbl key val)))))))

(defun ptbl-get (tbl key &optional or-value)
"Retreive the association for KEY from the persistent hashtable
TBL. Return OR-VALUE if no association exists, which defaults to
(let* ((h (sxhash key))
(ix (mod h (ptbl-n-buckets tbl)))
(buckets (ptbl-buckets tbl))
(bucket (ra:list-ref buckets ix)))
(ptbl-get-from-bucket bucket key (ptbl-test tbl))))

(defun ptbl-keys (tbl)
"Return a list of all keys in the persistent hash table TBL.
Order is unspecified."
(recur-let ((buckets (ptbl-buckets tbl))
(keys '()))
((ra:null? buckets) keys)
(t (recur
(ra:cdr buckets)
(append (bucket-keys (ra:car buckets)) keys))))))

(defun ptbl-values (tbl)
"Return a list of all values in the persistent hash table TBL.
Order is unspecified."
(recur-let ((buckets (ptbl-buckets tbl))
(vals '()))
((ra:null? buckets) vals)
(t (recur
(ra:cdr buckets)
(append (bucket-values (ra:car buckets)) vals))))))

(defun ptbl->alist (tbl)
"Return an association list with the same assocations as TBL."
(recur-let ((keys (ptbl-keys tbl))
(pairs '()))
(if (empty? keys)
(recur (cdr keys)
(cons (cons (car keys)
(ptbl-get tbl (car keys))) pairs)))))

(defun ptbl->ppstring (tbl)
"Produce a nice string representation of the persistent hash table TBL."
(recur-let ((keys (ptbl-keys tbl))
(str "({} "))
(if (empty? keys)
(recur (cdr keys)
(concat str
(format "%s%s %s%s%s"
(if (or (symbolp (car keys))
(listp (car keys))) "'" "")
(car keys)
(if (or (symbolp (ptbl-get tbl (car keys)))
(symbolp (ptbl-get tbl (car keys)))) "'" "")
(ptbl-get tbl (car keys))
(if (empty? (cdr keys)) ")" " ")))))))

(provide 'persistent-hash-tables)

Binary file added persistent-hash-tables.elc
Binary file not shown.
Binary file modified stack-words.elc
Binary file not shown.

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