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Exercises done in basecamp at School 42 - São Paulo unit. (July/2021).

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Exercises done in basecamp at school 42 - São Paulo unit. (July/ 2021).

Participant in the Basecamp of the technology school - 42 São Paulo. This basecamp is the last step in the selection process to become the 42 São Paulo student. We studied and learned some features of the C language, shell, git and github.

Functions made in this project (C language):


  • ft_putchar - write a character that displays the character passed as a parameter.
  • ft_print_alphabet - displays the alphabet in lowercase, on a single line, by ascending order, starting from the letter ’a’.
  • ft_print_reverse_alphabet - displays the alphabet in lowercase, on a single line, by descending order, starting from the letter ’z’.
  • ft_print_numbers - displays all digits, on a single line, by ascending order.
  • ft_is_negative - displays ’N’ or ’P’ depending on the integer’s sign entered as a parameter. If n is negative, display ’N’. If n is positive or null, display ’P’.
  • ft_print_comb - displays all different combinations of three different digits in ascending order, listed by ascending order: 012, 013, 014, 015, 016, 017, 018, 019, 023, ..., 789$
  • ft_print_comb2 - displays all different combination of two digits between 00 and 99, listed by ascending order: 00 01, 00 02, 00 03, 00 04, 00 05, ..., 00 99, 01 02, ..., 97 99, 98 99$


  • ft_ft - takes a pointer to int as a parameter, and sets the value "42" to that int.
  • ft_ultimate_ft - takes a pointer to pointer to pointer to pointer to pointer to pointer to pointer to pointer to pointer to int as a parameter and sets the value "42" to that int.
  • ft_swap - swaps the value of two integers whose addresses are entered as parameters.
  • ft_div_mod - divides parameters a by b and stores the result in the int pointed by div.
  • ft_ultimate_div_mod - divides parameters a by b. The result of this division is stored in the int pointed by a.
  • ft_putstr - displays a string of characters on the standard output.
  • ft_strlen - counts and returns the number of characters in a string.


  • ft_strcpy - copies the string pointed to by src, including the terminating null byte ('\0'), to the buffer pointed to by dest.
  • ft_strncpy - is similar (strcpy), except that at most n bytes of src are copied.
  • ft_str_is_alpha - returns 1 if the string given as a parameter contains only alphabetical characters, and 0 if it contains any other character.
  • ft_str_is_numeric - t returns 1 if the string given as a parameter contains only digits, and 0 if it contains any other character.
  • ft_str_is_lowercase - returns 1 if the string given as a parameter contains only lowercase alphabetical characters, and 0 if it contains any other character.
  • ft_str_is_uppercase - returns 1 if the string given as a parameter contains only uppercase alphabetical characters, and 0 if it contains any other character.
  • ft_str_is_printable - returns 1 if the string given as a parameter contains only printable characters, and 0 if it contains any other character.
  • ft_strupcase - transforms every letter to uppercase.
  • ft_strlowcase - transforms every letter to lowercase.


  • ft_strcmp.c - compares the two strings s1 and s2.
  • ft_strncmp - is similar (strcmp), except it only compares the first (at most) n bytes of s1 and s2.
  • ft_strcat.c - appends the src string to the dest string, overwriting the terminating null byte ('\0') at the end of dest, and then adds a terminating null byte.
  • ft_strncat.c - is similar (strcat), except it only compares the first (at most) n bytes of s1 and s2.
  • ft_strstr.c - occurrence of the substring needle in the string haystack. The terminating null bytes (\0) are not compared.


  • ft_strlen.c - counts and returns the number of characters in a string.
  • ft_putstr - displays a string of characters on the standard output.
  • ft_putnbr.c - shows all possible values in a variable type int.
  • ft_atoi.c - convert a string to an integer.


  • ft_iterative_factorial - an iterated function that returns a number. This number is the result of a factorial operation based on the number given as a parameter.
  • ft_recursive_factorial - a recursive function that returns the factorial of the number given as a parameter.
  • ft_iterative_power - an iterated function that returns the value of a power applied to a number.
  • ft_recursive_power - a recursive function that returns the value of a power applied to a number.
  • ft_fibonacci - a function ft_fibonacci that returns the n-th element of the Fibonacci sequence, the first element being at the 0 index.
  • ft_sqrt - returns the square root of a number (if it exists), or 0 if the square root is an irrational number.


  • ft_print_program_name - show the name of the program.
  • ft_print_params - show the arguments received on the command line (same order as command line).
  • ft_rev_params - show the arguments received on the command line (reverse command line order).


Exercises done in basecamp at School 42 - São Paulo unit. (July/2021).







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