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Add instructions and sample code for using TriNet.
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lucasb-eyer committed Aug 15, 2017
1 parent 4fa93e7 commit aa4b8e5
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# Triplet-based Person Re-Identification

Code for reproducing the results of our "In Defense of the Triplet Loss for Person Re-Identification" paper.

# Publication Pending!
The publication of all code is pending acceptance of the paper. Since we've been asked several times, this work was a submission to ICCV'17 and you can have look at the [timeline](, so if all goes well, code will come online sometime this summer.
Both main authors are currently in an internship.
We will publish the full training code after our internships, which is end of September 2017.
(By "Watching" this project on github, you will receive e-mails about updates to this repo.)
Meanwhile, we provide the pre-trained weights for the TriNet model, as well as some rudimentary example code for using it to compute embeddings, see below.

# Pretrained Models

This is a first, simple release. A better more generic script will follow in a few months, but this should be enough to get started trying out our models!

As a first step, download the weights for the TriNet model [trained on MARS]( or trained on [Market1501](
(Pre-trained LuNet models will follow.)

Next, create a file (`files.txt`) which contains the full path to the image files you want to embed, one filename per line, like so:


Finally, run the `` script, passing both the above file and the weights file you want to use, like so:

python files.txt /path/to/trinet-mars.npz

And it will output one comma-separated line for each file, containing the filename followed by the embedding, like so:


You could for example redirect it to a file for further processing:

python files.txt /path/to/trinet-market1501.npz >embeddings.csv

You can now do meaningful work by comparing these embeddings using the Euclidean distance, for example, try some K-means clustering!

A couple notes:
- The script depends on both [Theano]( and [Lasagne]( being correctly installed.
- The input files should be crops of a full person standing upright, and they will be resized to `288x144` before being passed to the network.
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#!/usr/bin/env python
from __future__ import print_function
import numpy as np
import cv2
import pickle
import sys

if len(sys.argv) != 3:
print("Usage: {} IMAGE_LIST_FILE MODEL_WEIGHT_FILE".format(sys.argv[0]))

# Specify the path to a Market-1501 image that should be embedded and the location of the weights we provided.
image_list = list(map(str.strip, open(sys.argv[1]).readlines()))
weight_fname = sys.argv[2]

# Setup the pretrained ResNet

#This is based on the Lasagne ResNet-50 example with slight modifications to allow for different input sizes.
#The original can be found at:
import theano
import lasagne
from lasagne.layers import InputLayer
from lasagne.layers import Conv2DLayer as ConvLayer
from lasagne.layers import BatchNormLayer
from lasagne.layers import Pool2DLayer as PoolLayer
from lasagne.layers import NonlinearityLayer
from lasagne.layers import ElemwiseSumLayer
from lasagne.layers import DenseLayer
from lasagne.nonlinearities import rectify, softmax

def build_simple_block(incoming_layer, names,
num_filters, filter_size, stride, pad,
use_bias=False, nonlin=rectify):
"""Creates stacked Lasagne layers ConvLayer -> BN -> (ReLu)
incoming_layer : instance of Lasagne layer
Parent layer
names : list of string
Names of the layers in block
num_filters : int
Number of filters in convolution layer
filter_size : int
Size of filters in convolution layer
stride : int
Stride of convolution layer
pad : int
Padding of convolution layer
use_bias : bool
Whether to use bias in conlovution layer
nonlin : function
Nonlinearity type of Nonlinearity layer
tuple: (net, last_layer_name)
net : dict
Dictionary with stacked layers
last_layer_name : string
Last layer name
net = []
ConvLayer(incoming_layer, num_filters, filter_size, stride, pad,
flip_filters=False, nonlinearity=None) if use_bias
else ConvLayer(incoming_layer, num_filters, filter_size, stride, pad, b=None,
flip_filters=False, nonlinearity=None)

if nonlin is not None:
NonlinearityLayer(net[-1][1], nonlinearity=nonlin)

return dict(net), net[-1][0]

def build_residual_block(incoming_layer, ratio_n_filter=1.0, ratio_size=1.0, has_left_branch=False,
upscale_factor=4, ix=''):
"""Creates two-branch residual block
incoming_layer : instance of Lasagne layer
Parent layer
ratio_n_filter : float
Scale factor of filter bank at the input of residual block
ratio_size : float
Scale factor of filter size
has_left_branch : bool
if True, then left branch contains simple block
upscale_factor : float
Scale factor of filter bank at the output of residual block
ix : int
Id of residual block
tuple: (net, last_layer_name)
net : dict
Dictionary with stacked layers
last_layer_name : string
Last layer name
simple_block_name_pattern = ['res%s_branch%i%s', 'bn%s_branch%i%s', 'res%s_branch%i%s_relu']

net = {}

# right branch
net_tmp, last_layer_name = build_simple_block(
incoming_layer, list(map(lambda s: s % (ix, 2, 'a'), simple_block_name_pattern)),
int(lasagne.layers.get_output_shape(incoming_layer)[1]*ratio_n_filter), 1, int(1.0/ratio_size), 0)

net_tmp, last_layer_name = build_simple_block(
net[last_layer_name], list(map(lambda s: s % (ix, 2, 'b'), simple_block_name_pattern)),
lasagne.layers.get_output_shape(net[last_layer_name])[1], 3, 1, 1)

net_tmp, last_layer_name = build_simple_block(
net[last_layer_name], list(map(lambda s: s % (ix, 2, 'c'), simple_block_name_pattern)),
lasagne.layers.get_output_shape(net[last_layer_name])[1]*upscale_factor, 1, 1, 0,

right_tail = net[last_layer_name]
left_tail = incoming_layer

# left branch
if has_left_branch:
net_tmp, last_layer_name = build_simple_block(
incoming_layer, list(map(lambda s: s % (ix, 1, ''), simple_block_name_pattern)),
int(lasagne.layers.get_output_shape(incoming_layer)[1]*4*ratio_n_filter), 1, int(1.0/ratio_size), 0,
left_tail = net[last_layer_name]

net['res%s' % ix] = ElemwiseSumLayer([left_tail, right_tail], coeffs=1)
net['res%s_relu' % ix] = NonlinearityLayer(net['res%s' % ix], nonlinearity=rectify, name = 'res%s_relu' % ix)

return net, 'res%s_relu' % ix

def build_model(input_size):
net = {}
net['input'] = InputLayer(input_size)
sub_net, parent_layer_name = build_simple_block(
net['input'], ['conv1', 'bn_conv1', 'conv1_relu'],
64, 7, 2, 3, use_bias=True)
net['pool1'] = PoolLayer(net[parent_layer_name], pool_size=3, stride=2, pad=0, mode='max', ignore_border=False)
block_size = list('abc')
parent_layer_name = 'pool1'
for c in block_size:
if c == 'a':
sub_net, parent_layer_name = build_residual_block(net[parent_layer_name], 1, 1, True, 4, ix='2%s' % c)
sub_net, parent_layer_name = build_residual_block(net[parent_layer_name], 1.0/4, 1, False, 4, ix='2%s' % c)

block_size = list('abcd')
for c in block_size:
if c == 'a':
sub_net, parent_layer_name = build_residual_block(
net[parent_layer_name], 1.0/2, 1.0/2, True, 4, ix='3%s' % c)
sub_net, parent_layer_name = build_residual_block(net[parent_layer_name], 1.0/4, 1, False, 4, ix='3%s' % c)

block_size = list('abcdef')
for c in block_size:
if c == 'a':
sub_net, parent_layer_name = build_residual_block(
net[parent_layer_name], 1.0/2, 1.0/2, True, 4, ix='4%s' % c)
sub_net, parent_layer_name = build_residual_block(net[parent_layer_name], 1.0/4, 1, False, 4, ix='4%s' % c)

block_size = list('abc')
for c in block_size:
if c == 'a':
sub_net, parent_layer_name = build_residual_block(
net[parent_layer_name], 1.0/2, 1.0/2, True, 4, ix='5%s' % c)
sub_net, parent_layer_name = build_residual_block(net[parent_layer_name], 1.0/4, 1, False, 4, ix='5%s' % c)
net['pool5'] = PoolLayer(net[parent_layer_name], pool_size=7, stride=1, pad=0,
mode='average_exc_pad', ignore_border=False)

return net

#Setup the original network
resnet = build_model(input_size=(None, 3, 256,128))

#Now we modify the network's final pooling layer and add 2 new layers at the end to predict the 128-dimensional embedding.
#Different input size.
inp = resnet['input']

network_features = resnet['pool5']

#New additional final layer
network = lasagne.layers.batch_norm(lasagne.layers.DenseLayer(

network_out = lasagne.layers.DenseLayer(

#Setup the function to predict the embeddings.
predict_features = theano.function(
outputs=lasagne.layers.get_output(network_out, deterministic=True))

#Set the parameters
with np.load(weight_fname) as f:
param_values = [f['arr_%d' % i] for i in range(len(f.files))]
lasagne.layers.set_all_param_values(network_out, param_values)

#We subtract the per-channel mean of the "mean image" as loaded from the original ResNet-50 weight dump.
#For simplcity, we just hardcode it here.
im_mean = np.asarray([103.0626238, 115.90288257, 123.15163084], dtype=np.float32)

# a little helper function to create a test-time augmentation batch.
def get_augmentation_batch(image, im_mean):
#Resize it correctly, as needed by the test time augmentation.
image = cv2.resize(image, (128+16, 256+32))

#Change into CHW format
image = np.rollaxis(image,2)

#Setup storage for the batch
batch = np.zeros((10,3,256,128), dtype=np.float32)

#Four corner crops and the center crop
batch[0] = image[:,16:-16, 8:-8] #Center crop
batch[1] = image[:, :-32, :-16] #Top left
batch[2] = image[:, :-32, 16:] #Top right
batch[3] = image[:, 32:, :-16] #Bottom left
batch[4] = image[:, 32:, 16:] #Bottom right

batch[5:] = batch[:5,:,:,::-1]

#Subtract the mean
batch = batch-im_mean[None,:,None,None]

return batch

for image_filename in image_list:
print(image_filename, end=",")

image = cv2.imread(image_filename)
if image is None:
raise ValueError("Couldn't load image {}".format(image_filename))

#Setup a batch of images and use the function to predict the embedding.
batch = get_augmentation_batch(image, im_mean)
embedding = np.mean(predict_features(batch), axis=0)
print(','.join(map(str, embedding)))

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