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🔍 Table of Contents

💻 Stack

  • next-auth: Authentication library for Next.js projects.
  • react-query: Data fetching and state management library for React.
  • react-table: Table component library for React.
  • tailwindcss: CSS framework for styling the project.
  • axios: HTTP client for making API requests.
  • react-hook-form: Library for building forms in React.
  • prisma: Database toolkit for TypeScript and Node.js.
  • typescript: Typed superset of JavaScript for static type checking.

📝 Project Summary

  • src/app: Main application directory containing various subdirectories for different features and functionalities.
  • src/app/api: Directory for API-related functionality, including authentication, cases, companies, orders, proposals, uploads, and users.
  • src/app/admin: Directory for administrative functionalities, such as managing companies, proposal options, and users.
  • src/app/cases: Directory for managing cases, including creating, viewing, and replying to cases.
  • src/app/orders: Directory for managing orders, including creating, viewing, and updating orders.
  • src/app/proposals: Directory for managing proposals, including creating, viewing, and updating proposals.
  • src/components: Directory for reusable UI components used throughout the application.
  • src/hooks: Directory for custom React hooks used in the application.
  • src/lib: Directory for utility functions and libraries used across the project.
  • src/styles: Directory for global styles and CSS files used in the application.

⚙️ Setting Up


  • Obtain the database URL from your database provider.
  • Make sure the database is properly set up and accessible.
  • Retrieve the connection details, including the host, port, username, and password.
  • Format the URL in the appropriate database connection format.
  • Replace the [DATABASE_URL] placeholder with the generated URL.


  • Generate a random string of characters to use as the secret.
  • Use a secure random generator or a password manager to create the string.
  • Ensure the secret is long and complex enough to provide sufficient security.
  • Replace the [NEXTAUTH_SECRET] placeholder with the generated secret.


  • Specify the URL of your application where NextAuth.js will be used.
  • Use the full URL including the protocol (e.g.,
  • Make sure the URL is accessible and properly configured.
  • Replace the [NEXTAUTH_URL] placeholder with the actual URL.


  • Go to the Google Cloud Console (
  • Create a new project or select an existing one.
  • Navigate to the "Credentials" section.
  • Create a new OAuth 2.0 client ID.
  • Copy the generated client ID and replace the [GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID] placeholder.


  • Follow the steps mentioned above to navigate to the "Credentials" section.
  • Create a new OAuth 2.0 client ID.
  • Copy the generated client secret and replace the [GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET] placeholder.


  • Generate a random string of characters to use as the secret.
  • Use a secure random generator or a password manager to create the string.
  • Ensure the secret is long and complex enough to provide sufficient security.
  • Replace the [UPLOADTHING_SECRET] placeholder with the generated secret.


  • Obtain the App ID from the UploadThing service provider.
  • Sign up or log in to the UploadThing platform.
  • Navigate to the settings or account section to locate the App ID.
  • Copy the App ID and replace the [UPLOADTHING_APP_ID] placeholder.

🚀 Run Locally

1.Clone the cpps-new repository:

git clone

2.Install the dependencies with one of the package managers listed below:

pnpm install
bun install
npm install
yarn install

3.Start the development mode:

pnpm dev
bun dev
npm run dev
yarn dev

🙌 Contributors


30 contributions


No releases published


No packages published
