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Catan Game engine written in java(API). Uni group project.

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Catan game-engine

URL for POST requests regarding game configurations:

Configure Game

Create a game

 "username": "username",
 "password": "password",
 "command": "newGame",
  "scenario": "scenario"
  • only SettlersOfCatan is implemented for scenario at this moment
 "code": "HttpStatus code",
 "status": "message (success or error type)",
  "gameId": "gameId"
  • gameId is a random generated identifier

Set the maximum number of players who can enter the game

 "username": "username",
 "password": "password",
 "command": "setMaxPlayers",
  "gameId": "gameId",
  "maxPlayers": "a number between 3 and 6 (integer)"
  • setMaxPlayers can be sent whenever between newGame and startGame
 "code": "HttpStatus code",
 "status": "message (success or error type)",
 "arguments": null

Add a player

 "username": "username",
 "password": "password",
 "command": "addPlayer",
  "gameId": "gameId"
  • addPlayer can be sent whenever between setMaxPlayers and startGame
 "code": "HttpStatus code",
 "status": "message (success or error type)",
  "playerId": "playerId"
  • playerId is a random generated identifier

Remove a player permanently

 "username": "username",
 "password": "password",
 "command": "removePlayer",
  "gameId": "gameId",
  "playerId": "playerId"
  • removePlayer can be sent whenever between setMaxPlayers and startGame
 "code": "HttpStatus code",
 "status": "message (success or error type)",
 "arguments": null

Start the game

 "username": "username",
 "password": "password",
 "command": "startGame",
  "gameId": "gameId"
  • startGame can be sent only once, if at least one player has been added
 "code": "HttpStatus code",
 "status": "message (success or error type)",
  "board": "array of tiles",
  "ports": "array of intersections"
  • board contains for each tile a random resource, including a desert, and a random number for the dice sum
  • ports contains for the fixed intersections a random port

Remove a player temporarily

 "username": "username",
 "password": "password",
 "command": "changePlayerStatus",
  "gameId": "gameId",
  "playerId": "playerId",
  "active": "true or false (boolean)"
  • changePlayerStatus can be sent whenever between newGame and endGame
 "code": "HttpStatus code",
 "status": "message (success or error type)",
 "arguments": null

See the current ranking

 "username": "username",
 "password": "password",
 "command": "getRanking",
  "gameId": "gameId"
  • getRanking can be sent whenever between startGame and endGame
 "code": "HttpStatus code",
 "status": "message (success or error type)",
  "player_0": "playerId",
  "publicScore_0": "number of public points, without Victory Points development cards (integer)",
  "hiddenScore_0": "number of hidden points, with Victory Points development cards (integer)",
  "player_1": "playerId",
  "publicScore_1": "number of hidden points, with Victory Points development cards (integer)",
  "hiddenScore_1": "number of hidden points, with Victory Points development cards (integer)",
  "foundWinner": false
  • if foundWinner is true, only endGame can be sent next

End the game

 "username": "username",
 "password": "password",
 "command": "endGame",
  "gameId": "gameId"
  • endGame can be sent whenever after startGame and removes the game identifier
 "code": "HttpStatus code",
 "status": "message (success or error type)",
 "arguments": null

URL for POST requests regarding player actions:

Build First Two Settlements and Roads

Build a settlement for free

 "gameId": "gameId", 
 "playerId": "playerId", 
 "command": "buildSettlement", 
  "intersection": "number of intersection (integer)" 
  • works only in the first two rounds
 "code": "HttpStatus code", 
 "status": "message (success or error type)", 
 "arguments": null 

Build a road for free

 "gameId": "gameId", 
 "playerId": "playerId", 
 "command": "buildRoad", 
  "start": "number of first intersection (integer)", 
  "end": "number of last intersection (integer)" 
  • should be after buildSettlement
  • the intersections order does not matter
 "code": "HttpStatus code", 
 "status": "message (success or error type)", 
 "arguments": null 


Roll the dice

 "gameId": "gameId", 
 "playerId": "playerId", 
 "command": "rollDice", 
 "arguments": null 
  • works only after the turn starts (after the last buildRoad or after endTurn)
 "code": "HttpStatus code", 
 "status": "message (success or error type)", 
  "dice_0": "second dice value (integer)", 
  "dice_1": "first dice value (integer)", 
  "player_0": "playerId", 
  "lumber_0": "number of received lumbers (integer)", 
  "wool_0": "number of received wools (integer)", 
  "grain_0": "number of received grains (integer)", 
  "brick_0": "number of received bricks (integer)", 
  "ore_0": "number of received ores (integer)", 
  "resourcesToDiscard_0": "0 or half (rounded down) if rolled seven and has eight or more resources (integer)", 
  "player_1": "playerId", 
  "lumber_1": "number of received lumbers (integer)", 
  "wool_1": "number of received wools (integer)", 
  "grain_1": "number of received grains (integer)", 
  "brick_1": "number of received bricks (integer)", 
  "ore_1": "number of received ores (integer)", 
  "resourcesToDiscard_1": "0 or half (rounded down) if rolled seven and has eight or more resources (integer)" 
  • _0 (or _1, _2, _3) groups information for each player
  • player_0 contains the player identifier for which the information with _0 will be about (and so on)
  • if the dice sum is not seven, resourcesToDiscard is 0
  • if the dice sum is seven, lumber, wool, grain, brick, ore are 0

Discard half of your resource cards if the dice sum is seven and you have eight or more resource cards

 "gameId": "gameId", 
 "playerId": "playerId", 
 "command": "discardResources", 
  "lumber": "number of lumbers to discard (integer)", 
  "wool": "number of wools to discard (integer)", 
  "grain": "number of grains to discard (integer)", 
  "brick": "number of bricks to discard (integer)", 
  "ore": "number of ores to discard (integer)" 
  • for example, if resourcesToDiscard_0 is greater than 0 (the dice sum is seven), the player with the identifier from player_0 must send discardResources, otherwise the game will not continue (available for all players)
 "code": "HttpStatus code", 
 "status": "message (success or error type)", 
  "sentAll": "true or false (boolean)" 
  • if the code is 200, the specified resources are moved from the player to the bank
  • if the code is 202, the player must send again discardResources
  • if sentAll is true, the game can continue


Move the Robber if you rolled seven or you use the Knight development card

 "gameId": "gameId", 
 "playerId": "playerId", 
 "command": "moveRobber", 
  "tile": "a number between 0 and 18 (integer)" 
  • if the dice sum is seven and no player has eight or more resource cards, the current player must send moveRobber, otherwise the game will not continue
 "code": "HttpStatus code", 
 "status": "message (success or error type)", 
 "player_0": "playerId from which to steal a resource", 
 "player_1": "playerId from which to steal a resource" 
  • if the code is 200, the robber is moved on the requested tile
  • the players identified by these players identifier have buildings on the tile where the robber was moved

Steal a resource card if you moved the Robber

 "gameId": "gameId", 
 "playerId": "playerId", 
 "command": "stealResource", 
  "answer": "yes or no (just one per request)",
  "player": "playerId" 
  • if answer is no, the current player will not steal any resource card and the game continues
  • player should contain the player identifier from the moveRobber response arguments
  • if the current player moved the robber or uses the Knight development card, he must send stealResource, otherwise the game will not continue
 "code": "HttpStatus code", 
 "status": "message (success or error type)", 
  "resource": "random stolen resource" 
  • if the answer was yes and the code is 200, the stolen resource is moved from the selected player to the current player


Trade with other player

 "gameId": "gameId", 
 "playerId": "playerId", 
 "command": "playerTrade", 
  "lumber_o": "number of lumbers to offer (integer)", 
  "wool_o": "number of wools to offer (integer)", 
  "grain_o": "number of grains to offer (integer)", 
  "brick_o": "number of bricks to offer (integer)", 
  "ore_o": "number of ores to offer (integer)", 
  "lumber_r": "number of requested lumbers (integer)", 
  "wool_r": "number of requested wools (integer)", 
  "grain_r": "number of requested grains (integer)", 
  "brick_r": "number of requested bricks (integer)", 
  "ore_r": "number of requested ores (integer)" 
  • playerTrade can be sent whenever between rollDice and endTurn (if there is no special case)
 "code": "HttpStatus code", 
 "status": "message (success or error type)", 
 "arguments": null 

Express your intention to take part in the trade set by the current player

 "gameId": "gameId", 
 "playerId": "playerId", 
 "command": "wantToTrade", 
 "arguments": null 
  • the current player is not allowed to send wantToTrade
  "code": "HttpStatus code", 
 "status": "message (success or error type)", 
 "arguments": null 

Notify the current player about the other players who want to trade with him

 "gameId": "gameId", 
 "playerId": "playerId", 
 "command": "sendPartners", 
 "arguments": null 
  • the current player must send sendPartner if he sent playerTrade
 "code": "HttpStatus code", 
 "status": "message (success or error type)", 
  "player_0": "playerId", 
  "player_1": "playerId" 

Select the player with who you want to trade

 "gameId": "gameId", 
 "playerId": "playerId", 
 "command": "selectPartner", 
  "player": "playerId" 
  • the current player must send selectPartner if he sent sendPartners
  • player contains the player identifier from the sendPartners response arguments
  • player can contain null only if no other player wanted to trade
 "code": "HttpStatus code", 
 "status": "message (success or error type)", 
 "arguments": null 
  • if the code is 200, the specified resources in playerTrade are transferred from the current player to the selected player and vice versa

Trade directly with the Bank or via a Port

 "gameId": "gameId", 
 "playerId": "playerId", 
 "command": "noPlayerTrade", 
  "port": "-1 if with bank or the number of the intersection of a port (integer)", 
  "offer": "offered resource", 
  "request": "requested resource" 
  • noPlayerTrade is for bank trade (if sent port is -1) and for port trade otherwise
 "code": "HttpStatus code", 
 "status": "message (success or error type)", 
 "arguments": null 
  • if the code is 200, the specified resources are transferred from the current player to the bank and vice versa

Buy Properties

Buy a road

 "gameId": "gameId", 
 "playerId": "playerId", 
 "command": "buyRoad", 
  "start": "number of first intersection (integer)", 
  "end": "number of last intersection (integer)" 
  • buyRoad can be sent whenever between rollDice and endTurn (if there is no special case)
 "code": "HttpStatus code", 
 "status": "message (success or error type)", 
 "arguments": null 

Buy a settlement

 "gameId": "gameId", 
 "playerId": "playerId", 
 "command": "buySettlement", 
  "intersection": "number of intersection (integer)" 
  • buySettlement can be sent whenever between rollDice and endTurn (if there is no special case)
 "code": "HttpStatus code", 
 "status": "message (success or error type)", 
 "arguments": null 

Buy a city

 "gameId": "gameId", 
 "playerId": "playerId", 
 "command": "buyCity", 
   "intersection": "number of intersection (integer)" 
  • buyCity can be sent whenever between rollDice and endTurn (if there is no special case)
 "code": "HttpStatus code", 
 "status": "message (success or error type)", 
 "arguments": null 


Buy a development

 "gameId": "gameId", 
 "playerId": "playerId", 
 "command": "buyDevelopment", 
 "arguments": null 
  • buyDevelopment can be sent whenever between rollDice and endTurn (if there is no special case)
 "code": "HttpStatus code", 
 "status": "message (success or error type)", 
  "development": "random bought development"  

Use a development

 "gameId": "gameId", 
 "playerId": "playerId", 
 "command": "useDevelopment", 
  "development": "knight or monopoly or roadBuilding or yearOfPlenty (just one per request)" 
  • useDevelopment can be sent whenever between rollDice and endTurn (if there is no special case)
  • for knight, the current player must send next moveRobber and stealResource requests
  • for monopoly, the current player must send next takeResourceFromAll request
  • for roadBuilding, the current player must send next two valid buildDevelopmentRoad requests
  • for yearOfPlenty, the current player must send next takeTwoResources request
 "code": "HttpStatus code", 
 "status": "message (success or error type)", 
 "arguments": null 

Take all resource cards of the specified type from all the other players if you use Monopoly development card

 "gameId": "gameId", 
 "playerId": "playerId", 
 "command": "takeResourceFromAll", 
  "resource": "requested resource" 
  • takeResourceFromAll must be sent after a valid useDevelopment with monopoly request
 "code": "HttpStatus code", 
 "status": "message (success or error type)", 
  "player_0": "playerId", 
  "resources_0": "number of resources to steal (integer)", 
  "player_1": "playerId", 
  "resources_1": "number of resources to steal (integer)" 
  • resources_0 contains the number of resources of the requested type that were stolen from player_0
  • if the code is 200, all the resources of the requested type are moved from all the players who have resources greater than 0 to the current player

Build two roads for free if you use Road Building development card (use this request twice)

 "gameId": "gameId", 
 "playerId": "playerId", 
 "command": "buildDevelopmentRoad", 
  "start": "number of first intersection", 
  "end": "number of last intersection" 
  • this request must be sent after a valid useDevelopment with roadBuilding request
 "code": "HttpStatus code", 
 "status": "message (success or error type)", 
 "arguments": null 

Take two resource cards if you use Year of Plenty development card

 "gameId": "gameId", 
 "playerId": "playerId", 
 "command": "takeTwoResources", 
  "resource_0": "second requested resource", 
  "resource_1": "first requested resource" 
  • this request must be sent after a valid useDevelopment with yearOfPlenty request
"code": "HttpStatus code", 
"status": "message (success or error type)", 
"arguments": null 
  • if the code is 200, the requested resources are moved from the bank to the current player


See what you already own, what you can buy, where you can build, if you have the Largest Army or the Longest Road and how many public or hidden Victory Points you have

 "gameId": "gameId", 
 "playerId": "playerId", 
 "command": "update", 
 "arguments": null 
  • update can be sent whenever
 "code": "HttpStatus code",
 "status": "message (success or error type)",
  "active": "true or false (boolean)",
  "lumber": "number of owned lumbers (integer)",
  "wool": "number of owned wools (integer)",
  "grain": "number of owned grains (integer)",
  "brick": "number of owned bricks (integer)",
  "ore": "number of owned ores (integer)",
  "knight": "number of owned knights (integer)",
  "monopoly": "number of owned monopolies (integer)",
  "roadBuilding": "number of owned roadBuildings (integer)",
  "victoryPoint": "number of owned victoryPoints (integer)",
  "yearOfPlenty": "number of owned yearsOfPlenty (integer)",
  "usedKnights": "number of used Knight development cards (integer)",
  "longestRoad": "length of longest road chain (integer)",
  "roadsToBuild": "number of remaining roads to build when using Road Building development card",
  "hasLargestArmy": "true or false (boolean)",
  "hasLongestRoad": "true or false (boolean)",
  "publicScore": "number of public points, without Victory Points development cards (integer)",
  "hiddenScore": "number of hidden points, with Victory Points development cards (integer)",
  "canBuyRoad": "true or false (boolean)",
  "canBuySettlement": "true or false (boolean)",
  "canBuyCity": "true or false (boolean)",
  "canBuyDevelopment": "true or false (boolean)"
  • active refers to in the game (not stepped over when when it is your turn)
  • canBuy refers to affords
  • available refers to positions that respect the game rules


End you turn in order to let the next player start his

 "gameId": "gameId", 
 "playerId": "playerId", 
 "command": "endTurn", 
 "arguments": null 
  • endTurn can be sent whenever after rollDice
 "code": "HttpStatus code", 
 "status": "message (success or error type)", 
  "nextPlayer": "playerId"


Error messages

  • No scenario is specified.
  • The scenario is not implemented.
  • The maximum number of players is not specified.
  • The game does not exist.
  • There are already more players.
  • The game has already started.
  • The game identifier is not specified.
  • There is no room left.
  • The player does not exist.
  • The game can not start without players.

Success Messages

  • The game was created successfully.
  • The maximum number of players was set successfully.
  • The player was added successfully.
  • The player was removed successfully.
  • The game has started successfully.
  • The player status has not been changed.
  • The player status has been changed successfully.
  • Here is your information.
  • Here is the current ranking.
  • The game has ended successfully.
  • The game has ended because there are not enough active players.


Error Messages

  • Invalid request.
  • Forbidden request.


Error Messages

  • The message has no assigned action.


Error messages

  • You do not have more than seven resource cards to discard half of them.
  • You have not discarded half of your resource cards.
  • Somebody has not discarded half of their resource cards yet.

Success messages

  • The dice sum is seven.
  • The dice sum is not seven.
  • The resource cards were discarded successfully.


Resource Cards

Error Messages

Not Enough Resource Cards

  • You do not have enough Lumber resource cards.
  • You do not have enough Wool resource cards.
  • You do not have enough Grain resource cards.
  • You do not have enough Brick resource cards.
  • You do not have enough Ore resource cards.

No Resource Card

  • You do not have Lumber resource cards.
  • You do not have Wool resource cards.
  • You do not have Grain resource cards.
  • You do not have Brick resource cards.
  • You do not have Ore resource cards.

Development Cards

Error Messages

  • You do not have Knight development cards.
  • You do not have Monopoly development cards.
  • You do not have Road Building development cards.
  • You do not have Year of Plenty development cards.

Success Messages

  • The development was bought successfully.
  • You can use Knight development card.
  • You can use Monopoly development card.
  • You can use Road Building development card.
  • You can use Year of Plenty development card.
  • The resource cards were stolen successfully.
  • You have taken the last resource card from the bank.
  • You have taken the last two resource cards from the bank.
  • The resource cards were taken successfully.

Player Turn

Error Messages

  • It is not your turn.

Success Messages

  • The turn was changed successfully.


Resource Cards

Error Messages

Not Enough Resource Cards

  • The bank does not have enough Lumber resource cards.
  • The bank does not have enough Wool resource cards.
  • The bank does not have enough Grain resource cards.
  • The bank does not have enough Brick resource cards.
  • The bank does not have enough Ore resource cards.

No Resource Card

  • The bank does not have any resource cards
  • The bank does not have Lumber resource cards.
  • The bank does not have Wool resource cards.
  • The bank does not have Grain resource cards.
  • The bank does not have Brick resource cards.
  • The bank does not have Ore resource cards.

Development Cards

Error Messages

  • The bank does not have any development cards.
  • The bank does not have Knight development cards.
  • The bank does not have Monopoly development cards.
  • The bank does not have Road Building development cards.
  • The bank does not have Year of Plenty development cards.

Bank Roads

Error Messages

  • You do not have roads in bank.
  • You do not have settlements in bank.
  • You do not have cities in bank.


Error Messages

  • You have no more available road positions.
  • Invalid position for road.
  • It does not connect to your last intersection.
  • It does not connect to one of your intersections.
  • It does not connect to one of your roads.
  • Road already existent.
  • You have no more roads to build.

Success Messages

  • The road was built successfully.
  • The road was built successfully. You do not have roads in bank.
  • The road was bought successfully.


Error Messages

  • You have no more available settlement positions.
  • Invalid position for settlement.
  • Intersection already occupied.
  • The two roads distance rule is not satisfied.
  • It does not connect to one of your roads.
  • You have no more settlements to build.

Success Messages

  • The settlement was built successfully.
  • The settlement was bought successfully.


Error Messages

  • You have no more available city positions.
  • Invalid position for city.
  • You have no more cities to build.

Success Messages

  • The city was bought successfully.


Error Messages

  • You can not let the robber on the same tile.
  • You can not steal a resource card from yourself.
  • The player does not have resource cards.

Success Messages

  • The robber was moved successfully.
  • The resource card was stolen successfully.


Player Trade

Error Messages

  • No trade available.
  • You are already in trade.
  • The selected player is not in trade.
  • The offer does not match the port.

Success Messages

  • The trade has started successfully.
  • You can take part in the trade.
  • The trade partners were sent successfully.
  • Nobody wanted to trade.
  • The trade was made successfully.

Bank and Port Trade

Success Messages

  • The trade was made successfully.


Catan Game engine written in java(API). Uni group project.







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