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A-Frame: Vologram

This example allows users to play a vologram in AR. The code shows a basic example of how to open a vologram file, as well as change the position and rotation. Built on top of 8th Wall’s A-Frame Cursor Place Ground example.


Vologram player provides an easy way to play volumetric video from volograms.

*Currently Available for AFRAME projects. *

How to Use

  1. Include vologram-player.js file in your project
  2. Include Volograms player CDN scripts in header.html
  3. Create an A-Frame element: <vologram-player></vologram-player>
  4. Control it using events: playStream(true | false), muteStream(true | false), replayStream
  5. Listen to events: streamReady, endStreamReached

vologram-player Element

Element Attributes

src (string): path or url to the vologram file (setting after load currently does not change the vologram)
size (number): scale of the vologram (can get and set)
loop (boolean): does the vologram playback automatically loop (can get and set)
muted (boolean): is the vologram audio muted (can get and set)
position (vec3): the position of the vologram object (can get and set)
mesh-position (vec3): the position of the vologram mesh relative to the object (can get and set)
play (boolean): is the vologram currently playing (can get and set)
state (string): the current state of the vologram player (can get, but DO NOT set)


These events are emitted by the vologram player but you should avoid emitted them from the vologram object yourself

streamReady ({player: VologramPlayer}): emitted when the vologram has finished downloading
downloadProgress: ({progress: number}): emitted during vologram download
loadFailed: ({error: Error}): emitted if the vologram fails to download
endStreamReached: (): emitted when the vologram finishes playback

These events can be emitted from the vologram object

playStream: ({state: boolean}): can emit to play or pause the vologram
stopStream: (): can emit to stop the vologram playback and close vologram
replayStream: (): can emit to restart vologram playback
muteStream: ({state: boolean}): can emit to mute or unmute vologram audio


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