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Darwin configuration

NS4nti edited this page Aug 21, 2019 · 8 revisions


The configuration file is JSON formatted and contains the filters information. Each entry in the JSON object represents a filter.


Each parameters are mandatory:

  • exec_path : the path to the filter
  • config_file : the path for the filter's configuration
  • next_filter : the next_filter called after this one, if the filter is called in both or darwin mode.
  • nb_thread : the number of thread used by the filter
  • output : which body the filter will send to the next filter. You can have :
    • RAW : body received by the filter
    • PARSED : body received by the filter after been parsed
    • LOG : filter's result under log form (json)
    • NONE : no body send
  • log_level : which level of log you want to have. You can have :
    • DEBUG
    • INFO
    • ERROR


Darwin configuration MUST be formatted as follow:

  "session_1": {
    "exec_path": "/home/darwin/filters/darwin_session",
    "config_file": "/var/sockets/redis/redis.sock",
    "next_filter": "logs_1",
    "output": "LOG",
    "cache_size": 0,
    "nb_thread": 5,
    "log_level": "DEBUG"
  "user_agent_1": {
    "exec_path": "/home/darwin/filters/darwin_user_agent",
    "config_file": "/home/darwin/conf/fuseragent/fuseragent.conf",
    "next_filter": "logs_1",
    "output": "LOG",
    "cache_size": 0,
    "nb_thread": 5,
    "log_level": "DEBUG"
  "dga_1": {
    "exec_path": "/home/darwin/filters/darwin_dga",
    "config_file": "/home/darwin/conf/fdga/fdga.conf",
    "next_filter": "logs_1",
    "output": "LOG",
    "cache_size": 0,
    "nb_thread": 5,
    "log_level": "DEBUG"
  "anomaly_1": {
    "exec_path": "/home/darwin/filters/darwin_anomaly",
    "config_file": "/home/darwin/conf/fanomaly/fanomaly.conf",
    "next_filter": "logs_1",
    "output": "LOG",
    "cache_size": 0,
    "nb_thread": 5,
    "log_level": "DEBUG"
  "logs_1": {
    "exec_path": "/home/darwin/filters/darwin_logs",
    "config_file": "/home/darwin/conf/flogs/flogs.conf",
    "next_filter": "end_1",
    "output": "NONE",
    "cache_size": 0,
    "nb_thread": 5,
    "log_level": "DEBUG"
  "end_1": {
    "exec_path": "/home/darwin/filters/darwin_end",
    "config_file": "/var/sockets/redis/redis.sock",
    "next_filter": "",
    "output": "NONE",
    "cache_size": 0,
    "nb_thread": 5,
    "log_level": "DEBUG"
  "ftanomaly_1": {
    "exec_path": "/home/darwin/filters/darwin_tanomaly",
    "config_file": "/home/darwin/conf/ftanomaly/ftanomaly.conf",
    "next_filter": "",
    "output": "NONE",
    "cache_size": 0,
    "nb_thread": 5,
    "log_level": "DEBUG"