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NS4nti edited this page Aug 21, 2019 · 1 revision

Filter configuration

Darwin is 100% customizable and can be used in different ways, thanks to its configuration file. Several modes are available for each filter:

1. The filter can reply directly back to its caller

2. The filter can send its result to the next configured filter

3. The filter can do both the steps 1 and 2

4. The filter can send no reply at all

Here is an example of a possible Darwin workflow, combining different modes for each of its filters:



Darwin can improve the HAProxy workflow with WAF features. To do so, SPOE (Stream Processing Offload Engine) are used with SPOA (Stream Processing Offload Agent), which is implemented in the Vulture HAProxy project.


Darwin can also be used with Rsyslog, with the mmdarwin module working on JSON-formatted log lines.

Python code

Darwin can be used from any piece of Python code, thanks to the Darwin Python Client project.