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Filter Yara Scan

frikilax edited this page Oct 14, 2019 · 1 revision

Yara Scan


This filter launches a yara scan of the data given, and returns either 0 or 100 if there is a match or no (additional information, such as rule name and associated tags, are written to logs if the next_filter is set to a log filter).

Filter Code



  • libyara, 3.9.0 or above

Darwin configuration

Example of darwin configuration for this filter :

    "yara_scan_1": {
        "exec_path": "/path/to/darwin/build/darwin_scan_yara",
        "output": "LOG",
        "next_filter": "{your_log_filter_name}",
        "nb_thread": 1,
        "log_level": "WARNING",
        "cache_size": 0

Config file

  • rule_file_list [string list] : list of fullpath to valid yara rule files to include in the yara compiler.
  • fastmode [boolean] (optional) : tells yara lib whether to continue scanning for a rule if a match has been found, can speed up scanning but will not match rules with count conditions.
  • timeout [positive integer] (optional) : sets a scanning timeout in seconds, 0 (zero) means no timeout (and potential seconds or tens of seconds of scanning for huge rulefiles).

Example :

    "rule_file_list": ["/full/path/to/first/rule/file", "/gull/path/to/second/rule/file", ...],
    "fastmode": true,
    "timeout": 0


The currently allowed format for data is in base64, the input should be valid in this regard or the filter will return a certitude of 101 to indicate an error.



Here is an example of a body:

 "this is obviously not valid...",


[certitude_1, certitude_2, certitude_3, 101, ...]

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