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R package and wrapper functions for identifying serial structural variations from genome assemblies


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NAHRwhals (NAHR-directed Workflow for catcHing seriAL Structural Variations)

NAHRwhals is an R package providing tools for visualization and automatic detection of complex, NAHR-driven rearrangements (few kbp to multiple Mbp) using genome assemblies. Modules include:

  • Liftover of coordinates between arbitrary human DNA assemblies
  • Accurate sequence alignments of multi-MB DNA sequences
  • Dotplot visualizations
  • Segmented Dotplots
  • A tree-based caller for complex, nested NAHR-mediated rearrangements.


(1) Clone the NAHRwhals repository

git clone
cd NAHRwhals

(2) Install dependencies

We recommend using mamba to install dependencies.

For Mac Silicon (M1, M2, M3) Users (Untested!):

conda config --set channel_priority flexible
export CONDA_SUBDIR=osx-64
mamba env create --file env_nahrwhals_apple_silicon.yml
conda activate nahrwhals

# Install Julia manually:
# Step 1: download a julia .dmg file:
# Step 2: install by double clicking and adding to your applications
# Step 3: update your $PATH in .zshrc or .profile to point to julia: 
export PATH=/Applications/$PATH
# Step 4: Install julia packages
julia -e 'using Pkg; Pkg.add("DelimitedFiles"); Pkg.add("ProgressMeter"); Pkg.add("ArgParse")'

For all other users:

conda config --set channel_priority flexible
mamba env create --file env_nahrwhals.yml
conda activate nahrwhals

julia -e 'using Pkg; Pkg.add("DelimitedFiles"); Pkg.add("ProgressMeter"); Pkg.add("ArgParse")'

(3) Install NAHRwhals

Install NAHRwhals using:

Rscript install_package.R

(4) Test your installation

Confirm the installation with a testrun (producing output files and plots in the ./res folder).

> library(nahrwhals)
> nahrwhals(testrun_std=T)

(The latter is equivalent to running the following command:)
> nahrwhals(ref_fa = 'inst/extdata/assemblies/hg38_partial.fa', 
            asm_fa = 'inst/extdata/assemblies/assembly_partial.fa', 


  1. Provide region=chr:start-end coordinates to genotype a single region
> library(nahrwhals)
> nahrwhals(ref_fa = 'ref.fa', 
            asm_fa = 'asm.fa,
            region = 'chr:start-end',
            outdir = 'res',
            threads = 8)
  1. Provide a regions.bedfile to genotype multiple regions at once
> library(nahrwhals)
> nahrwhals(ref_fa = 'ref.fa', 
            asm_fa = 'asm.fa,
            regionfile = 'regions.bed',
            outdir = 'res',
            threads = 8)
  1. Provide no region coordinates to invoke whole genome discovery mode. If ref.fa is human (or comparably complex), you must provide a blacklist bed file to skip centromeres and acrocentric chromsome arms. Tracks for hg38 and t2t are included in the package. Resources: ~1h using 16cpus, max-memory usage ~40Gb.
> library(nahrwhals)
> nahrwhals(ref_fa = 'ref.fa', 
            asm_fa = 'asm.fa,
            outdir = 'res',
            blacklist = system.file("extdata", "blacklists", "t2t_blacklist.bed", package = "nahrwhals"),
            threads = 8)


Modes 2 and 3 automatically invoke post-processing of the nahrwhals_res.tsv file. This can be also done post-hoc on any res.tsv:

> nahrwhals::tsv_to_bed_regional_dominance('/your/nahrwhals.tsv', '/output/nahrwhals.bed')


Key results in the outdir folder are:

1. res/res.tsv: The SV call output file.

seqname start end sample res_ref res_max mut_max
chr1_partial 1700000 3300000 Fasta_x_Fasta_y 71.378 99.595 4_12_inv+11_18_del

In the example provided, the input sequence x and its counterpart on y yielded a 71.3% correspondence in reference state and a 99.6% correspondence after applying the highest-scoring mutation, 'mut_max' (Inversion between blocks 4 and 12, followed by deletion of blocks 11 to 18). The file contains additional columns used mainly for QC. Those are explained at the end of the README.

2. res/chr1_partial-1700000-3300000/Fasta_x_Fasta_y_all.pdf:

This PDF contains seven plots that document the NAHRwhals run:

Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 6
  • 2.1. Self-dotplot of the selected region on sequence x
  • 2.2. Self-dotplot of the corresponding homologous region on sequence y
  • 2.3. Pairwise dotplot of the two regions
  • 2.4. Visualization of the obtained segments on sequence x
  • 2.5. Pariwise dotplot colored on x axis by obtained segments
  • 2.6. Segmented pairwise alignment
  • 2.7. Segmented pairwise alignment AFTER applying the top-scoring mutation

Figures and results from the NAHRwhals manuscript can be replicated by querying coordinates of interest (see supp. Tables and Note the use of T2T as reference.

Run Modes and Required Parameters

The script supports three distinct run modes, each with its own set of required parameters. Below is an outline of what is needed for each mode:

Common required Parameters

These parameters are applicable across all run modes unless otherwise specified.

Variable name Description Default value
ref_fa Path to the reference genome FASTA file. -
asm_fa Path to the assembly genome FASTA file for comparison. -
outdir Path to desired output directory './res'

Mode-dependent required Parameters

Single-region Mode

Variable name Description Default value
region reference coordinates to genotype -

Multi-region Mode

Variable name Description Default value
regionfile path to a bedfile with reference coords to genotype -

Whole-genome Mode

Variable name Description Default value
blacklist path to a blacklist bedfile of centromeres and acrocentric chr arms to skip. Required to avoid explosion of runtimes in human genomes. -

Optional Parameters

Optional Recommended Parameters

Variable name Description Default value
ref_name Label for the reference genome used in outputs. 'Fasta_ref'
asm_name Label for the assembly genome used in outputs. 'Fasta_asm'
anntrack Include annotation tracks (e.g., genes) in dotplot. Specify as a 4-column bedfile (col 4: displayed name). FALSE

Optional Advanced Parameters

Variable name Description Default value
depth Depth of the BFS mutation search. 3
eval_th Evaluation threshold as a percentage. 98
chunklen Sequence chunk length for alignment. 'default'
minlen Minimum length for considering alignments in segmentation. 'default'
compression Minimum segment length. 'default'
max_size_col_plus_rows Maximum size for the alignment matrix. 250
max_n_alns Maximum number of alignments for a single query sequence. 150
self_plots Generates self-comparison plots for the assembly and reference genomes. TRUE
plot_only Skip BFS/genotyping and only create dotplots. FALSE
use_paf_library Use an external PAF library for alignments. FALSE
conversionpaf_link If use_paf_library is TRUE, provide link to whole-genome PAF here. FALSE
maxdup BFS: max number of duplications per chain. 2
init_width BFS: follow up only the best-scoring init_width nodes per depth. 1000
region_maxlen Maximum length of a window that can be analyzed. Larger windows will be split into overlapping fragments. 5000000
threads In whole genome / multi-region: regions analysed simultaneously. Single-region: cores for minimap2 1
asm_fa_mmi Path to pre-indexed assembly genome with minimap2. Useful to avoid re-calculating. 'default'

Report Errors

Please help improve the code by reporting issues you encounter.


For more information about NAHRwhals, check out our publication


Please direct any correspondence to: Wolfram Höps (


R package and wrapper functions for identifying serial structural variations from genome assemblies







No packages published
