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Scala/Spark project, for Languages and Algorithms for Artificial Intelligence class at UNIBO

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Production Line Performance

This repository contains the implementation of a solution to the Bosch Production Line Performance Competition, hosted on Kaggle in 2016. The solution is highly based on the analysis presented in [1] and [2] and has been implemented using the Scala/Spark combo.

Nested projects

In order to test Spark's capabilities and to try ad-hoc functions, other datasets have been included in the project, even though they are not related at all to the main problem, i.e. the Bosch Production Line Performance Competition. The extra datasets are the following:

  • Adult: Aims at separating people whose income is greater than 50 thousands dollars per year from the rest. This dataset was useful to test various classifiers (e.g. decision trees, random forests) and check if the custom evaluation functions (e.g. Matthew's Correlation Coeffiecient) were correct.
  • Arrest: Contains statistics, in arrests per 100.000 residents, for assault, murder, and rape in each of the 50 US states in 1973. It also gives the percent of the population living in urban areas. This dataset was useful to test various clustering algorithms (mainly k-means) and check if the custom evaluation functions (Inertia and Gap [5]) were correct.

Environment info

Package versions in use:

  • SBT: 1.3.13
  • Scala: 2.12.10
  • Scala OpenJDK: 1.8
  • Spark: 3.0.0
  • Spark OpenJDK: 11
  • Flintrock: 1.0.0
  • Python (required by Flintrock): 3.8.4

Installation & Execution



sbt clean package


spark-submit \
  --class "main.<SomeEvaluator>" \
  --input-path "<dataset-path>" \
  --model-folder "<model-folder>" \
  --classifier-name "<classifier-name>"

Here, <SomeEvaluator> is the main you want to run (check the src/main/scala/main/ package for selection), <dataset-path> is the path to the dataset you want to use (check the datasets/ folder for selection), <model-folder> is the path to a folder where to read/write ML models for the dataset in use (check the models/ folder for selection) and <classifier-name> is the name of the classifier you want to exploit (check the section below for selection).


This project makes use of the Flintrock package to manage EC2 clusters and install HDFS/Spark on them, instead of the simpler AWS EMR service, since EMR is not yet compatible with Spark 3.0.0, at the time of writing (July 2020).

In order to run the Scala/Spark application remotely, on an AWS EC2 cluster, you need to do the following:

  1. Make sure that you have generated an EC2 key pair (AWS Console → EC2 → Key pairs → Create a key pair → Name it my-key-pair) and saved the .pem file in the root of the project, as my-key-pair.pem.
  2. Make sure that your AWS credentials are correctly set inside the aws-credentials.env file in the root of the project (see the Notes section for more info). Below you can see a template for the aws-credentials.env file:
  1. Make sure that you have created a IAM role, named ec2-s3, with service ec2 and policies AmazonS3FullAccess, AmazonElasticMapReduceforEC2Role.
  2. Run the script script/, which will create a cluster named production-line-performance.
  3. Make sure that you have created an S3 bucket, named production-line-performance, containing the datasets/ folder present in the root of the project.
  4. Run the script script/ compile remote and check the execution at <ec2-master>:8080, where <ec2-master> is the DNS name of the EC2's cluster master node (you can check it using the command flintrock describe, field master).

Note: You can also use the script/ script to run the application locally. To do so, you just have to launch script/, without passing any additional parameter, or execute script/ compile local.

Supported classifiers

The following is a list of supported classifiers (the highlighted name is the one that should be used with the --classifier-name main option):

Other files/folders

The following is a description of files/folder which were not mentioned above:

  • bin/: It contains JARs which are needed to access S3 services on an EC2 cluster.
  • slides/: It contains the project's presentation slides.
  • .java-version: It contains the Java version to be used by jenv, which is a Java environment manager.
  • .scalafmt.conf: It contains the version of the Scalafmt Scala code formatter.
  • .flintrock-config.yaml: It contains Flintrock's configurations, used in the creation of a new EC2 cluster.
  • splitter.ipynb: It contains simple Python code to split the analyzed datasets.


  • AWS Educate account credentials change after 3 hours (the given session expires). In order to get them again you have to log in to AWS Educate, click on AWS Account and on the orange button labeled as AWS Educate Starter Account, which will take you to Vocareum. On Vocareum, you can either go the AWS Console or copy/paste the session keys (Account Details section) into ~/.aws/credentials (to use awscli), or in aws-credentials.env (for this project).
  • If you change your password on Vocareum, you will be able to access it directly, instead of going through AWS Educate, but the link from AWS Educate will not work anymore.
  • AWS Educate account supports only the following EC2 instance types: m4.large, m4.xlarge, m5.large, m5.xlarge, m5.2xlarge, c4.large, c4.xlarge, c5.large, c5.xlarge, t2.nano, t2.micro, t2.small, t2.medium, t2.large, t2.xlarge, t2.2xlarge.
  • AWS Educate account supports only services in us-east-1 region.
  • AWS Educate account highly limits IAM management.
  • Run sbt console to package the application and try it in the Scala REPL.


  • [1] Darui Zhang, Bin Xu, Jasmine Wood (2016).
    Predict Failures in Production Lines. A Two-stage Approach with Clustering and Supervised Learning.
    2016 IEEE International Conference on Big Data.
  • [2] Caoimhe M Carbery, Roger Woods and Adele H Marshall (2019).
    A new data analytics framework emphasising preprocessing of data to generate insights into complex manufacturing systems.
    Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, Volume 233 Issue 19-20, October 2019.
  • [3] Ankita Mangal, Nishant Kumar (2016).
    Using Big Data to Enhance the Bosch Production Line Performance: A Kaggle Challenge.
    2016 IEEE International Conference on Big Data.
  • [4] Aayush Mudgal, Sheallika Singh, Vibhuti Mahajan (2014).
    Reducing Manufacturing Failures.
    Columbia University E6893 Big Data Analytics Fall 2014 Final Report.
  • [5] Robert Tibshirani, Guenther Walther, Trevor Hastie (2002).
    Estimating the number of clusters in a data set via the gap statistic.
    Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Statistical Methodology, Series B, Volume 63 Issue 2, Pages 411-423.


Scala/Spark project, for Languages and Algorithms for Artificial Intelligence class at UNIBO







No releases published
