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Readme for 2024_LRS_AS_Benchmark_Code

This repository contains code for article Comprehensive Assessment of Isoform Detection Methods for Third-Generation Sequencing Data.

WARNING: The code here are snapshot of the latest working version of the article, and some software used in this was still under internal active development. The behavior of those software might be changed in later versions.


  • biosoft: Code used to install applications.
  • latex pie_chart_gen: generation of tabulated pie-chart using LaTeX.
  • real_analysis: Some code used in analyzing real data.
  • simulation: Some code used for simulation data generation and quality control.
  • benchmark_codes: R and Python source code for plotting figures.
  • proc_profiler_aggregation_code: Source code for aggregating gpmf_proc_profiler output and plotting.

Following software are moved to other places: