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WarmUpTill edited this page Aug 16, 2023 · 1 revision

Hotkey condition

The hotkey condition allows you to perform a set of actions depending on if a hotkey is pressed.


You can specify the name of the hotkey at (1).
If multiple hotkey conditions use the same name they will be triggered by the same key bind.

The key combination to trigger the hotkey must be configured in the OBS settings window in the "Hotkeys" section.
You can filter by the name you have configured at (1) to make finding the hotkey easier.


Note that this condition type also supports duration modifiers, in case you want to check how long a hotkey was pressed for.

Hotkey action

The hotkey action allows you to ...

  • trigger any functionality, which can be triggered by OBS hotkeys. (1)
  • simulate key presses. (2)


Triggering OBS hotkeys

Note that it is not required, that a key is bound to the given hotkey functionality.
This can be useful to trigger functionality which is not directly accessible to the Advanced scene switcher.

For example, this can be used to trigger functionality provided by other plugins, like starting the vertical recording for the "OBS Aitum Vertical plugin":


Simulating key presses

This option can be useful if you want to interact with entirely different programs, which offer interaction via hotkeys.
You can select which key and which modifier keys shall be pressed and for how long.

Note that on some platforms the simulated key presses can only be sent to OBS itself.

Example guides


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