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Saving and loading settings

WarmUpTill edited this page May 10, 2024 · 4 revisions

When are my settings saved?

The settings are saved each time you close the advanced scene switcher's settings dialog window or if you are shutting down OBS.

Where are the settings stored?

The settings of the advanced scene switcher are stored as part of the scene collection of OBS.
So where ever your OBS installation is storing your scene collection data the plugin's settings are stored as well.

An example for a Windows installation of OBS would be the following:

Important note: The settings being stored in as part of OBS' scene collection data has the effect that if you start OBS without the plugin and close OBS the scene collection data will no longer contain any of the plugin's data.

How to create and import a backup of your settings

If you want to back up your settings for the currently active scene collection you have the option to export (1) them to a file on the General tab in the "Save / load settings" section.
The resulting file contains all your advanced scene switcher settings of the current scene collection in JSON format.

You can import settings by clicking the "Import" button (2) in the "Save / load settings" section of the General tab.


Automatic backups

The plugin automatically creates backups of the settings:

  • A backup will be performed for the scene collection that is active when OBS is closed.
  • One backup will be kept for each combination of scene collection name and plugin version.

The backups are stored in the plugin-config/advanced-scene-switcher directory.
The exact location can vary based on your OS and OBS configuration.
For example, on Windows you might find the backups under:
C:\Users\<Your Username Here>\AppData\Roaming\obs-studio\plugin_config\advanced-scene-switcher

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