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Repository files navigation


Made with SvelteKit, TailwindCSS & shadcn-svelte.


  • Gorgeous UI from shadcn/ui
  • Includes all NPM packages by the Svelte team that can be used in a project
  • Blinking badges to indicate new versions since the last visit
  • Dynamically computed badges to indicate whether a package is the Latest, a Major version, a Prerelease, or a Maintenance version
  • Hover popups at multiple places across the site
  • Optional use of a GitHub token in dev mode to avoid rate limiting

Missing a package?

If you think I missed a package, you can either open an issue or directly contribute.

Package inclusion criteria

  • Must be by the Svelte team or their members
  • Must be on GitHub
  • Must not be an internal package used only by the Svelte team
  • Must have releases on GitHub

How to contribute

Fork the repo, edit the /src/routes/+page.svelte file, and open a PR.
If the repo is not from the sveltejs organization, please open an issue instead.

The code architecture is made to be as flexible as possible, here's how it works:

const repos: Record<Tab, { name: string; repos: Repo[] }> = {
    svelte: ...,
    kit: ...,
    others: {
        name: "Other",
        repos: [
                repoName: "your-repo", // The name of the repo on GitHub, as it appears in the URL:
                dataFilter: ({ tag_name }) => true, // Optional line, return false to exclude a version from its tag name
                versionFromTag: tag => "..." // Return the version from the tag name; must be a valid semver

And that's it! The rest of the site will automatically adapt to the new package(s).