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Strapi Starter Next 14, Tailwind, Typescript and Strapi

note: Next.js is in version 14 and Strapi is in version 4.0.0-beta.3

reference: Next-Stapi-Starter


  • Content Types Builder: Build the most flexible publishing experience for your content managers, by giving them the freedom to create any page on the go with fields, components and Dynamic Zones.
  • Media Library: Upload your images, videos, audio or documents to the media library. Easily find the right asset, edit and reuse it.
  • Internationalization: The Internationalization (i18n) plugin allows Strapi users to create, manage and distribute localized content in different languages, called "locales
  • Role Based Access Control: Create an unlimited number of custom roles and permissions for admin and end users.
  • GraphQL or REST: Consume the API using REST or GraphQL

You can unlock additional features such as SSO, Audit Logs, Review Workflows in Strapi Cloud or Strapi Enterprise.

Getting Started

If you prefer videos that guide you through the setup process you can find them here

  1. Clone the repository locally:
  git clone
  gh repo clone strapi/next-strapi-blog
  1. Run setup command to setup frontend and backend dependencies:
  yarn setup
  1. Next, navigate to your /backend directory and set up your .env file. You can use the .env.example file as reference:

  1. Start your project by running the following command:
  yarn build
  yarn develop

You will be prompted to create your first admin user.


Great. You now have your project running. Let's add some data.

Setting Up The Frontend

Next we need to switch to our /frontend directory and create our .env or .env.local file and paste in the following.


Before starting our Next JS app we need to go inside our Strapi Admin and create two tokens that we will be using for form submission and displaying our content.

Inside your Strapi Admin Panel navigate to Settings -> API Tokens and click on the Create new API Token.

Once you have your token add it to your NEXT_PUBLIC_STRAPI_API_TOKEN variable name in the .env file.

Alternatively: you can create a READ only Token that will give READ permission to all your endpoints.

In this particular project this is not an issue. Although the above is the recommended way, just wanted to show you this option here as well.

When creating a Token, just select the Read-only option from token type drop down.

Once your environment variables are set you can start your frontend application by running yarn dev.

You should now see your Next JS frontend.

Start Both Projects Concurrently

We can also start both projects with one command using the concurrently package.

You can find the setting inside the package.json file inside the root folder.

  "scripts": {
    "frontend": "yarn dev --prefix ../frontend/",
    "backend": "yarn dev --prefix ../backend/",
    "clear": "cd frontend && rm -rf .next && rm -rf cache",
    "setup:frontend": "cd frontend && yarn",
    "setup:backend": "cd backend && yarn",
    "setup": "yarn install && yarn setup:frontend && yarn setup:backend",
    "dev": "yarn clear && concurrently \"cd frontend && yarn dev\" \"cd backend && yarn develop\""
  "dependencies": {
    "concurrently": "^7.6.0"

Go to the root folder and install the package, yarn You can start both apps by running yarn dev.


Hope you find this starter useful, it is a bare-bone example to help you get started quickly.

Would love to hear what you will build using it.

If you find bugs or have suggestions feel free to create issues.

Thank you and stay awesome.