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// You need the latest version of RxJava 1.0+, or the latest version of RxAndroid
compile 'io.reactivex:rxandroid:1.1.0'
compile 'io.reactivex:rxjava:1.1.0'

//actiondispatcher-java for java only, actiondispatcher-android for android.
compile 'com.wemakebetterapps:actiondispatcher-android:1.0.0'


In most cases for Android, the default ActionDispatcher with a few custom components should be enough:

new ActionDispatcher.Builder()
    .withActionLogger(new ActionLogger() {
      @Override public void logDebug(String message) {
        Log.d("ActionDispatcher", message);

      @Override public void logError(Throwable t, String message) {
        Log.e("ActionDispatcher", message, t);


Actions are how we divide up our asyncronous work into object oriented, reusable pieces of code. They have their own lifecycle:

Action Lifecycle

Injecting Actions

Actions can be injected in two different ways. Their is a global approach by providing an ActionPreparer to the ActionDispatcher.Builder. All Actions are presented to the provided ActionPreparer before being run. Another alternative that allows you to prepare each Action individually is to override the Action#prepare() method. This allows for injecting with non-generic dependency injection frameworks like Dagger 2.

Choosing a Background Thread

A background thread can be selected for an Action and overridden in a few different places. Each Action has a Thread chosen for it to executed on when it's provided to the ActionDispatcher via a unique String key. To customize which key is chosen for each Action at a global level, a KeySelector can be provided to the ActionDispatcher.Builder. The default KeySelector defers the choosing of it's thread key to the Action#getKey() method which can be overridden for each Action if desired.

The KeySelector can be bypassed by providing a key directly to the toSingle or toObservable methods.

The toSingleAsync or toObservableAsync methods can also be used to run the Action on the async thread key. By default the async thread key differs from the other thread keys by running on an unbounded cached thread pool.

Providing Executors

Each unique String key corresponds to a specific Executor that an action can be run on. By default, each key corresponds to a single thread executor, except for the async key which runs Actions on an unbounded cached thread pool.

This default behavior can be customized by providing an Executor to the ActionDispatcher.Builder via the withExecutor method.

Any executor can be accessed directly via the ActionDispatcher#getExecutor method.

Persisting Actions

Certain Actions can be marked as persistent to ensure that they eventually finish running by overriding the Action#isPersistent method. When taking this approach, an ActionPersister must also be provided at ActionDispatcher creation. The provided AndroidActionPersister will handle saving Actions to the Android SQLite database, ensuring they run.


A persistent queue for synchronizing asynchronous tasks.







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