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structured-log-seq-sink Build Status

A structured-log plugin that writes log events to Seq.

Requires polyfills for Promise and fetch if those aren't supported in your target platform/browser.


npm i structured-log-seq-sink --save


var structuredLog = require('structured-log');
var seqSink = require('structured-log-seq-sink');

var logger = structuredLog.configure()
  .writeTo(seqSink({ /* ... options ...  */ }))
Available options
Parameter Description
apiKey (optional) API key to use
compact (optional) If true, events be serialized using Serilog's compact format
durable (optional) If true, events will be buffered in local storage if available
levelSwitch (optional) DynamicLevelSwitch which the Seq log level will control and use
suppressErrors (optional) If true, errors in the pipeline will be suppressed and logged to the console instead (defaults to true)
url (required) URL to the Seq server

Dynamic Level Control

Much like Serilog's Dynamic Level Control via Seq, Seq can be used to dynamically control the log level of structured-log. To configure, setup a DynamicLevelSwitch and pass it to the sink:

var levelSwitch = new structuredLog.DynamicLevelSwitch("info")
var log = structuredLog.configure()
        url: "http://localhost:5341",
        apiKey: "API_KEY",
        levelSwitch: levelSwitch

This can be used as the log level across the entire pipeline (by using .minLevel(levelSwitch), or just for the seq sink (by passing it in the options array).

Building and testing

To build the modules yourself, you need Node 8 or greater. Check out the code, then install dependencies and run the build script:

npm i
npm run build

Then, you can test the bundled module by running:

npm test