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Build Status WE Vision Widget - WideEyes We Vision JavaScript

A library to dinamically generate a widget that can be embedded in a website and connect to our web services to retrieve search results.

Table of Contents

Getting Started

  1. Dependencies
  2. Setup
  3. Configuration
  4. Quick Start
  5. Development process
  6. Contributing
  7. License


This project has the following dependencies:

They all come prebundled and minified with the library.

BEWARE: Iframe-resizer includes a global script file that may collide with some other version of the same library, in case you have it included in your project. We-vision-widget comes prebundled with iframe-resizer v2.8.10.

Note: Iframe-resizer supports multiple iframes in the same page.


To setup your project, follow these steps:

Install and configure

Source Code

  git clone
  npm install


Before calling the script you need to append the configuration to the global object window. See our example to see how you should do it.


  • apikey: (string) The apikey that you obtain in Wide Eyes dashboard.
  • numberOfElements: The maximum number of elements that can appear in the Widget.
  • widgetPositionAfter: The CSS Selector of the element after which will be placed the widget.
  • type: Custom font styling
  • font-family: String of the font-family set to be applied to the widget
    • options: String with any valid font-family set
    • value: All valid font-family sets (default = "'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif")
  • font-size: Font size to be applied within the widget
    • options: Integer with a valid font size
    • value: Integer with a valid font size (default = 16)
  • color: Font color to be applied within the widget
    • options: String with any valid color value in hexadecimal, rgb or rgba notation
    • value: Any valid value in hexadecimal, rgb or rgba notation (default = "#333")
  • layout: The layout of the widget.
  • columnCount: The number of columns of the widget.
    • options: Legal options for the number of columns in the widget.
    • value: The actual number of columns that the widget is configured to have.
  • mobileColumnCount: The number of columns of the widget when in mobile.
    • options: Legal options for the number of columns in mobile.
    • value:The actual number of columns that the widget is configured to have in mobile.
  • itemCount: The number of elements per page (in case of pagination).
    • options: Legal options for the number of elements in the page.
    • value: The actual configuration of the number of elements in the page.
  • isCentered: Choose if the grid of products should be centered relative to the viewport, or not.
    • options: boolean value (true or false).
    • value: true or false (default = false).
  • tile: The configuration for each of the elements in the widget.
  • hasImage: The element should have an Image?.
  • hasTitle: The element should have a Title?.
  • hasSubtitle: The element should have a Subtitle?.
  • hasDescription: The element should have a Description?.
  • mode: The mode of execution of the widget (debug|production).

Also you will need to adjust the html templates and the CSS to meet your requirements, we only provide some generics as a foundation.


The HTML is created with handlebars templates that live in the templates folder. For instance you can modify the HTML of each of the products modifying ProductContainer.js or modify the widget title in WidgetContainer.js.


Our styles are rendered from a handlebars template that live in templates folder (templates/style.hbs). Take a look to this file, you will see how we reset the styles to apply to our widget. You can modify this file as you will to make your widget get the look that you want.


npm run build (generates build/main.js)

Quick Start

    // Configure the api_key and the product_id and the rest of the parameters.
    window.wide_eyes_product_id = document.getElementById("product-id").innerHTML;
    window.wide_eyes_config =
        "apikey": "b29da1968414512ea4c3b833609469c278ec9f52",
        "numberOfElements": 16, // number of elements to retrieve from API
        "widgetPositionAfter":"#widget", // widget container
        "type": {
          'font-family': "'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif",
          'font-size': 16,
          'color': '#333'
        "layout": {
          "columnCount": 4, // [1, 2, 4, 8]
          "mobileColumnCount": 1, // [1, 2]
          "itemCount": 8, //number of elements per page: [4, 8, 16, 24]
          'isCentered': false // container to be centered in bigger screens: true or false
        "tile": {
          "hasImage": true,
          "hasTitle": true,
          "hasDescription": true,
          'hasPrice' : true
        "mode": "production" // default is production

  <!-- production script -->
  <script id="we-widget-script" src="build/main_external.min.js"></script>

  <!-- debug scripts -->
  <script src="js/vendor/iframe-resizer/src/iframeResizer.js"></script>
  <script id="we-widget-script" src="js/we-widget.js"></script>

IMPORTANT: Remember to comment or uncomment the production or debug scripts depending on the mode you are working on.

Development process

  1. Install dependencies: npm install
  2. Run watcher & server:
  3. npm run dev (generates js/we-widget.js)
  4. Copy the snippet included in Quick Start selecting mode "debug", deleting/commenting the production script and uncommenting the debug scripts
  5. Build for production:
  6. npm run build (generates build/main_internal and main_external.js)
  7. Copy the snippet included in Quick Start selecting mode "production", deleting/commenting the debug scripts and uncommenting the production script


Want to contribute? Check out the contributing guide!


Copyright 2015 Wide Eyes Technologies S.L. All rights reserved.

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.