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GAM Query Tool

Application allows communication with Google Ad Manager through API and serves Tableau Web Data Connector. It can be used to mass create Prebid.js lines and for other big changes within GAM inventory.

Project developed during the Wikia Summer Hackathon 2016.


GAM (previously DFP) Query Tool is a project written in PHP and maintained using Composer. In order to install all dependencies and generate autoload files simply run:

composer install


Duplicate auth.sample.ini file, rename it to remove .sample. Fill it with Google Ad Manager OAuth2 connection credentials (by visiting and running php ./GenerateUserCredentials.php or ask other team member to use shared, GAM Tableau credentials. Remember to set networkCode to 5441:

networkCode = "5441"

applicationName = "GAM Tableau"

clientId = ""
clientSecret = "clientSecretHash"
refreshToken = "refreshTokenHash"

Browser usage

Project can be hosted and used via internet browser, but this approach is inefective: web forms are synchronous and they report timeouts during more complex tasks. Also lack of progress and error log makes it harder to use.

CLI usage

Run app/console from the root project directory to list all available commands.

  adunits:archive                              Archive ad units.
  creatives:associate                          Associates existing creative to all line items in order
  creatives:deactivate                         Deactivates associated creatives in all line items in order
  creatives:find                               Finds all creatives with given text in snippet code.
  key-values:get                               Get GAM ids of given key and its values
  key-values:remove-values                     Remove values from given key
  line-items:child-content-eligibility:update  Update Child Content Eligibility field in given order
  line-items:create                            Creates line items in the order (with associated creative)
  line-items:find-by-key                       Find line items by used keys in the targeting
  line-items:key-values:add                    Add key-values pair to line item custom targeting
  line-items:key-values:remove                 Remove key-values pair from line item custom targeting
  line-items:key-values:update                 Update key-values targeting pair in all lines in given order
  lint:yaml                                    Lints a file and outputs encountered errors
  order:key-values:add                         Add key-values pair to all line items custom targeting in order
  order:key-values:remove                      Remove key-values pair from all line item custom targeting in order
  order:add-creatives                          Add new creatives to all line items in the order
  reports:fetch                                Downloads data to database.
  suggested-adunits:approve                    Approve all suggested ad units in queue.
  bidders-slots-json                           Generates and prints in the output JSON config for slots for selected Prebid.js bidder

Create line items

Prepare JSON based on prebid20.sample.json, prebid50.sample.json or amazonDisplay.sample.json and execute command:

app/console line-item:create ./line-item-presets/<your-configuration>.json

It will create multiple line items in the provided order with associated creative.

WARNING 1. prebid20.sample.json is the default file, prebid50.sample.json is for bidders with maxCpm set to EXTENDED_MAX_CPM.

WARNING 2. While creating video line items add "isVideo": true,

Update Child Content Eligibility

Child Content Eligibility is an option in Google Ad Manager lines introduced and switched to "Disallow" for all line items late 2019 / early 2020. This query can automatically switch it back to "Allow" for given orders:

app/console line-items:child-content-eligibility:update comma,separated,order,ids

Remove values from given key

This command allows you to remove values from a given key. This command checks if any of the given values are being used.

app/console key-values:remove-values test_key test_value1, test_value2 

There are 2 options that we can use:

--dry-run  # Run without actually removing anything; to force the removal go with --dry-run=no

--skip-line-item-check # Run without scanning if the key-values are being used in any line-item custom targeting

Update key-values targeting pair

This command allows you to update values for given key in all lines in given orders. You can use key previously not assigned to the line or use already existing one just to add new values.

First parameter is a comma-separated list of orders that needs to be updated.

Second parameter is a targeting key that should be changed

Third parameter is a comma-separated values that key should have after running the command. Be advised: this command is not clearing up old key values before adding new ones. If all values existed in some line - the update of this line will be skipped.

Fourth parameter (optional) is a key-val operator (IS or IS NOT, default IS).

app/console line-items:key-values:update comma,separated,order,ids key comma,separated,values operator

Add creatives to line items in an order

If you have an order with many line items which you want to reuse the same creative template you need to execute:

app/console order:add-creatives --order ORDER_ID --creative-template CREATIVE_TEMPLATE_ID

or its simpler version:

app/console order:add-creatives -o ORDER_ID -c CREATIVE_TEMPLATE_ID

It will get all line items in the given order (ORDER_ID), create a new creative based on the given creative template (CREATIVE_TEMPLATE_ID) and assign it to all the lines.

The new creative's names will be built based on the line-item name and its first creative placeholder size.

If your creative requires string variables you can use --creative-variables option:

app/console order:add-creatives --order ORDER_ID --creative-template CREATIVE_TEMPLATE_ID --creative-variables VARIABLES_WITH_VALUES_PAIRS

or its shortcut -r:

app/console order:add-creatives -o 2666092254 -c 11899731 -r VARIABLES_WITH_VALUES_PAIRS

The VARIABLES_WITH_VALUES_PAIRS is a string of pairs separated by ;, each pair is a combination of two strings separated by :, for example:

  • creativeVariable:creativeVariableValue - passed to the script will set one variable and its value in creative,
  • var1:val1;var2:val2;var3:val3 - passed to the script will set three variables and their values to in creative.

You can additionally add a suffix to creative template's name by passing optional option:

app/console order:add-creatives --order ORDER_ID --creative-template CREATIVE_TEMPLATE_ID --creative-suffix "SUFFIX"

or the simpler version:

app/console order:add-creatives -o ORDER_ID -c CREATIVE_TEMPLATE_ID -s "SUFFIX"

This way the new creative's names will be built based on the line-item name, its first creative placeholder size and given suffix, for example new creative's name can look like: ztest MR 300x250 - 300x250 (test) where:

  • ztest MR 300x250 0.01 was the line item name (the price part was removed),
  • 300x250 is the first creative placeholder size,
  • (test) is the given suffix The command which created such creative could have looked like this:
app/console order:add-creatives -o 123456 -c 1234567890 -s "(test)"

If you want to create new creative per each line in order add --force-new-creative=1 option or its shorter version: -f1


  • app/console order:add-creatives --order=2666092254 --creative-template=11899731 --creative-variables="bidderName:indexExchange;test1:test2"
  • app/console order:add-creatives --order 2666092254 --creative-template 11899731 --creative-variables "var1:val1;bidderName:indexExchange;test1:test2"
  • app/console order:add-creatives -o 2666092254 -c 11899731 -r "bidderName:indexExchange" -s "(send all-bids)"
  • app/console order:add-creatives -o 01234567890 -c 01234567890 -s "(send all-bids)" -f1

Generate JSON slots config for Prebid.js bidder

Most likely when adding a new bidder you'll get a link to spreadsheet with all the slots, sizes and IDs needed for the integration to work. If you just copy the slot name, sizes and ID columns and put to a CSV similar to the example placed in generate-bidders-slots-json/generate-bidders-slots-json-sample.csv you can run one command to get the slots' config which you can put in AdEngine JS file. For example for Pubmatic bidder the command looks like this:

app/console generate:bidders-slots-json -b pubmatic -f generate-bidders-slots-json/generate-bidders-slots-json-sample.csv

Different bidders require different slot configs and CSV structures, more examples:

  • AppNexus: app/console generate:bidders-slots-json -b appnexus -f generate-bidders-slots-json/generate-bidders-slots-json-appnexus-sample.csv,
  • Magnite (Rubicon): AppNexus: app/console generate:bidders-slots-json -b magnite -f generate-bidders-slots-json/generate-bidders-slots-json-magnite-sample.csv,

Cron jobs

A cron job is defined in k8s-cron-jobs directory:

  • It is designed to periodically (4 times a day) approve suggested ad units
  • It runs in k8s in the dev env
  • It uses manually created credentials adeng-query-tool-credentials
  • Its main job is to run app/console suggested-adunits:approve

To see logs, go to!/job?namespace=dev, select job with name starting from dfp-query-tool- and click on "Logs" icon.

How to build and deploy new version for cron jobs?

  1. Bump the version in the TAG variable in Makefile and the k8s-cron-jobs/dfp-query-tool-poz-dev.yaml file
  2. Run make build in order to build a dfp-query-tool image
  3. Run make push in order to push the image to artifactory
  4. Verify in artifactory if the image with correct tag (version) has been created
  5. Run make delete in order to remove existing cronjob from k8s
  6. Run make deploy in order to create new cronjob in k8s
  7. Verify in k8s dashboard if the container has been created


If the built image somehow does not get pushed to the k8s check the latest version of k8s-deployer and update it in the dfp-query-tool-poz-dev.yaml file.

In order to get to the k8s dashboard you need to use Valut to get the dashboard-user token.


Useful resources for future development:


You can run phpunit tests executing:

$ ./vendor/bin/phpunit test

or (just a visual difference):

$ ./vendor/bin/phpunit test --color --testdox


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