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Sprint Report: Week 3

sarpeybinda edited this page Jan 30, 2024 · 27 revisions

Summary of what our team accomplished this sprint

In this sprint, our team achieved significant milestones in the development of our Rent Ride project. First and foremost, we successfully completed the design phase of the landing page, ensuring a visually appealing and user-friendly interface. This achievement is crucial in creating a positive and engaging experience for our users right from the start.

Additionally, we finalized the Entity Relation Diagram (ERD) for the Ren Ride project. This milestone is pivotal in establishing a well-organized and efficient database structure, contributing to the overall reliability and functionality of our application. Overall, our team's efforts during this sprint have propelled us closer to delivering a seamless and high-quality web-based car rental experience..

Author: Wilhelmina Asante

What our team accomplished this week

This week, our team accomplished the design of the Rent-Ride's landing page, ensuring a visually appealing user interface. Additionally, we finalized the Entity Relation Diagram (ERD) for the app, establishing a well-structured database foundation.

Who Link(s) Task Description
The Team Detailed Project Requirements
The Team Entity Relation Diagram (ERD)
Sarpey Landing Page

Challenges our team faced

What challenges did your team face? What are you or your teammates blocked on?

  • Power outages and internet disruptions slowed down our team project, causing delays and hindering communication. Having a reliable infrastructure is crucial for smooth teamwork and productivity in group projects.

What we plan for next week

We plan to get the actual landing page ready

  • Solomon Alan Dei: Task 1 - Working on the backend
  • Wilhelmina Asante: Feature 2 - Creating
  • Wisdom Dzeagu: Task 3 - Working on backend
  • Sarpey Courage Binda: Task4 - Working on the front end

Other notes or observations from this week