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Sprint Report: Week 9

Wilhelmina2-coder edited this page Mar 12, 2024 · 2 revisions


During this week's sprint, our team achieved several important milestones. We successfully developed the server side of the reservation link, and streamlined our car inventory by reducing the number of vehicles and ensuring we have the right data for the cars we intend to use. Additionally, we implemented an email notification system for clients to receive updates after completing the form.


  1. Ask your teammates to share what they completed, with links to the artifacts.
  2. Ask your teammates to share any blockers or challenges they faced or are facing.

The sprint report is a group submission, but one member of your team will write it each week.

Author: [Wilhelmina Asante]

What did your team accomplish this week?

  • We completed the server side of the reservation since the database to seed the customer's data was not ready previously.
  • We also reduced the number of cars ensuring we have the right data for the cars we intend to use.
  • We also built an email system where clients can get notified after their reservations has been approved.
Who Link(s) Task Description
Solomon Alan-Dei add email functionality using sendgrid
Wisdom Dzeagu Add customer reservation form design
Wilhelmina Asante Created and configured an email for use.

What challenges did your team face?

What challenges did your team face? What are you or your teammates blocked on?

  • N/A

What is your plan for next week?

What tasks will your team complete? What features will your team build? We will add the todos and meet our instructor again in the early days of the week before the final demo day.

Any other notes or observations from this week?