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Block editor: remove CSS appender hiding #102613

Block editor: remove CSS appender hiding

Block editor: remove CSS appender hiding #102613

Re-run triggered April 26, 2024 10:35
Status Failure
Total duration 19m 14s
Artifacts 2


on: pull_request
Matrix: e2e-playwright
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3m 53s
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12 errors, 9 warnings, and 8 notices
Playwright - 2
Failed to CreateArtifact: Received non-retryable error: Failed request: (409) Conflict: an artifact with this name already exists on the workflow run
[chromium] › editor/blocks/navigation.spec.js:316:2 › Navigation block › navigation manages focus for creating: test/e2e/specs/editor/blocks/navigation.spec.js#L631
1) [chromium] › editor/blocks/navigation.spec.js:316:2 › Navigation block › navigation manages focus for creating, editing, and deleting items Error: Timed out 5000ms waiting for expect(locator).toBeVisible() Locator: frameLocator('[name="editor-canvas"]').getByRole('document', { name: 'Block: Navigation' }).getByLabel('Add block') Expected: visible Received: hidden Call log: - expect.toBeVisible with timeout 5000ms - waiting for frameLocator('[name="editor-canvas"]').getByRole('document', { name: 'Block: Navigation' }).getByLabel('Add block') 629 | 630 | // Wait until the nav block inserter is visible before we move on to using it > 631 | await expect( navBlockInserter ).toBeVisible(); | ^ 632 | 633 | await expect( navBlockInserter ).toBeFocused(); 634 | at Navigation.useBlockInserter (/home/runner/work/gutenberg/gutenberg/test/e2e/specs/editor/blocks/navigation.spec.js:631:36) at /home/runner/work/gutenberg/gutenberg/test/e2e/specs/editor/blocks/navigation.spec.js:381:20
[chromium] › editor/blocks/navigation.spec.js:316:2 › Navigation block › navigation manages focus for creating: test/e2e/specs/editor/blocks/navigation.spec.js#L631
1) [chromium] › editor/blocks/navigation.spec.js:316:2 › Navigation block › navigation manages focus for creating, editing, and deleting items Retry #1 ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Error: Timed out 5000ms waiting for expect(locator).toBeVisible() Locator: frameLocator('[name="editor-canvas"]').getByRole('document', { name: 'Block: Navigation' }).getByLabel('Add block') Expected: visible Received: hidden Call log: - expect.toBeVisible with timeout 5000ms - waiting for frameLocator('[name="editor-canvas"]').getByRole('document', { name: 'Block: Navigation' }).getByLabel('Add block') 629 | 630 | // Wait until the nav block inserter is visible before we move on to using it > 631 | await expect( navBlockInserter ).toBeVisible(); | ^ 632 | 633 | await expect( navBlockInserter ).toBeFocused(); 634 | at Navigation.useBlockInserter (/home/runner/work/gutenberg/gutenberg/test/e2e/specs/editor/blocks/navigation.spec.js:631:36) at /home/runner/work/gutenberg/gutenberg/test/e2e/specs/editor/blocks/navigation.spec.js:381:20
[chromium] › editor/blocks/navigation.spec.js:316:2 › Navigation block › navigation manages focus for creating: test/e2e/specs/editor/blocks/navigation.spec.js#L631
1) [chromium] › editor/blocks/navigation.spec.js:316:2 › Navigation block › navigation manages focus for creating, editing, and deleting items Retry #2 ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Error: Timed out 5000ms waiting for expect(locator).toBeVisible() Locator: frameLocator('[name="editor-canvas"]').getByRole('document', { name: 'Block: Navigation' }).getByLabel('Add block') Expected: visible Received: hidden Call log: - expect.toBeVisible with timeout 5000ms - waiting for frameLocator('[name="editor-canvas"]').getByRole('document', { name: 'Block: Navigation' }).getByLabel('Add block') 629 | 630 | // Wait until the nav block inserter is visible before we move on to using it > 631 | await expect( navBlockInserter ).toBeVisible(); | ^ 632 | 633 | await expect( navBlockInserter ).toBeFocused(); 634 | at Navigation.useBlockInserter (/home/runner/work/gutenberg/gutenberg/test/e2e/specs/editor/blocks/navigation.spec.js:631:36) at /home/runner/work/gutenberg/gutenberg/test/e2e/specs/editor/blocks/navigation.spec.js:381:20
[chromium] › editor/plugins/inner-blocks-render-appender.spec.js:66:2 › RenderAppender prop of InnerBlocks › Users can dynamically customize the appender: test/e2e/specs/editor/plugins/inner-blocks-render-appender.spec.js#L112
2) [chromium] › editor/plugins/inner-blocks-render-appender.spec.js:66:2 › RenderAppender prop of InnerBlocks › Users can dynamically customize the appender Error: Timed out 5000ms waiting for expect(locator).toBeVisible() Locator: locator('.my-dynamic-blocks-appender').getByText('Multiple Blocks Appender') Expected: visible Received: hidden Call log: - expect.toBeVisible with timeout 5000ms - waiting for locator('.my-dynamic-blocks-appender').getByText('Multiple Blocks Appender') 110 | await expect( 111 | dynamimcAppender.getByText( 'Multiple Blocks Appender' ) > 112 | ).toBeVisible(); | ^ 113 | 114 | // Verify that the custom appender button is now not being rendered. 115 | await expect( addBlockBtn ).toBeHidden(); at /home/runner/work/gutenberg/gutenberg/test/e2e/specs/editor/plugins/inner-blocks-render-appender.spec.js:112:5
[chromium] › editor/plugins/inner-blocks-render-appender.spec.js:66:2 › RenderAppender prop of InnerBlocks › Users can dynamically customize the appender: test/e2e/specs/editor/plugins/inner-blocks-render-appender.spec.js#L112
2) [chromium] › editor/plugins/inner-blocks-render-appender.spec.js:66:2 › RenderAppender prop of InnerBlocks › Users can dynamically customize the appender Retry #1 ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Error: Timed out 5000ms waiting for expect(locator).toBeVisible() Locator: locator('.my-dynamic-blocks-appender').getByText('Multiple Blocks Appender') Expected: visible Received: hidden Call log: - expect.toBeVisible with timeout 5000ms - waiting for locator('.my-dynamic-blocks-appender').getByText('Multiple Blocks Appender') 110 | await expect( 111 | dynamimcAppender.getByText( 'Multiple Blocks Appender' ) > 112 | ).toBeVisible(); | ^ 113 | 114 | // Verify that the custom appender button is now not being rendered. 115 | await expect( addBlockBtn ).toBeHidden(); at /home/runner/work/gutenberg/gutenberg/test/e2e/specs/editor/plugins/inner-blocks-render-appender.spec.js:112:5
[chromium] › editor/plugins/inner-blocks-render-appender.spec.js:66:2 › RenderAppender prop of InnerBlocks › Users can dynamically customize the appender: test/e2e/specs/editor/plugins/inner-blocks-render-appender.spec.js#L112
2) [chromium] › editor/plugins/inner-blocks-render-appender.spec.js:66:2 › RenderAppender prop of InnerBlocks › Users can dynamically customize the appender Retry #2 ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Error: Timed out 5000ms waiting for expect(locator).toBeVisible() Locator: locator('.my-dynamic-blocks-appender').getByText('Multiple Blocks Appender') Expected: visible Received: hidden Call log: - expect.toBeVisible with timeout 5000ms - waiting for locator('.my-dynamic-blocks-appender').getByText('Multiple Blocks Appender') 110 | await expect( 111 | dynamimcAppender.getByText( 'Multiple Blocks Appender' ) > 112 | ).toBeVisible(); | ^ 113 | 114 | // Verify that the custom appender button is now not being rendered. 115 | await expect( addBlockBtn ).toBeHidden(); at /home/runner/work/gutenberg/gutenberg/test/e2e/specs/editor/plugins/inner-blocks-render-appender.spec.js:112:5
Playwright - 2
Process completed with exit code 1.
[chromium] › widgets/customizing-widgets.spec.js:45:2 › Widgets Customizer › should add blocks: test/e2e/specs/widgets/customizing-widgets.spec.js#L77
1) [chromium] › widgets/customizing-widgets.spec.js:45:2 › Widgets Customizer › should add blocks TimeoutError: Timeout 10000ms exceeded. Call log: - waiting for locator('.editor-styles-wrapper').locator('role=button[name="Add block"i]') 75 | 76 | // Click on the inline appender. > 77 | await | ^ 78 | 'css=.editor-styles-wrapper >> role=button[name="Add block"i]' 79 | ); 80 | at /home/runner/work/gutenberg/gutenberg/test/e2e/specs/widgets/customizing-widgets.spec.js:77:14
[chromium] › widgets/customizing-widgets.spec.js:45:2 › Widgets Customizer › should add blocks: test/e2e/specs/widgets/customizing-widgets.spec.js#L77
1) [chromium] › widgets/customizing-widgets.spec.js:45:2 › Widgets Customizer › should add blocks Retry #1 ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── TimeoutError: Timeout 10000ms exceeded. Call log: - waiting for locator('.editor-styles-wrapper').locator('role=button[name="Add block"i]') 75 | 76 | // Click on the inline appender. > 77 | await | ^ 78 | 'css=.editor-styles-wrapper >> role=button[name="Add block"i]' 79 | ); 80 | at /home/runner/work/gutenberg/gutenberg/test/e2e/specs/widgets/customizing-widgets.spec.js:77:14
[chromium] › widgets/customizing-widgets.spec.js:45:2 › Widgets Customizer › should add blocks: test/e2e/specs/widgets/customizing-widgets.spec.js#L77
1) [chromium] › widgets/customizing-widgets.spec.js:45:2 › Widgets Customizer › should add blocks Retry #2 ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── TimeoutError: Timeout 10000ms exceeded. Call log: - waiting for locator('.editor-styles-wrapper').locator('role=button[name="Add block"i]') 75 | 76 | // Click on the inline appender. > 77 | await | ^ 78 | 'css=.editor-styles-wrapper >> role=button[name="Add block"i]' 79 | ); 80 | at /home/runner/work/gutenberg/gutenberg/test/e2e/specs/widgets/customizing-widgets.spec.js:77:14
Playwright - 6
Process completed with exit code 1.
🎭 Playwright Run Summary
1 skipped 177 passed (8.9m)
🎭 Playwright Run Summary
1 skipped 184 passed (9.2m)
🎭 Playwright Run Summary
2 failed [chromium] › editor/blocks/navigation.spec.js:316:2 › Navigation block › navigation manages focus for creating, editing, and deleting items [chromium] › editor/plugins/inner-blocks-render-appender.spec.js:66:2 › RenderAppender prop of InnerBlocks › Users can dynamically customize the appender 1 skipped 189 passed (10.1m)
🎭 Playwright Run Summary
185 passed (8.7m)
🎭 Playwright Run Summary
221 passed (12.4m)
🎭 Playwright Run Summary
1 failed [chromium] › widgets/customizing-widgets.spec.js:45:2 › Widgets Customizer › should add blocks ─ 3 skipped 180 passed (6.5m)
🎭 Playwright Run Summary
3 skipped 145 passed (7.7m)
🎭 Playwright Run Summary
11 skipped 180 passed (8.8m)
Playwright - 3
Node.js 16 actions are deprecated. Please update the following actions to use Node.js 20: actions/setup-node@64ed1c7eab4cce3362f8c340dee64e5eaeef8f7c, actions/cache@88522ab9f39a2ea568f7027eddc7d8d8bc9d59c8. For more information see:
Playwright - 4
Node.js 16 actions are deprecated. Please update the following actions to use Node.js 20: actions/setup-node@64ed1c7eab4cce3362f8c340dee64e5eaeef8f7c, actions/cache@88522ab9f39a2ea568f7027eddc7d8d8bc9d59c8. For more information see:
Playwright - 2
Node.js 16 actions are deprecated. Please update the following actions to use Node.js 20: actions/setup-node@64ed1c7eab4cce3362f8c340dee64e5eaeef8f7c, actions/cache@88522ab9f39a2ea568f7027eddc7d8d8bc9d59c8. For more information see:
Playwright - 5
Node.js 16 actions are deprecated. Please update the following actions to use Node.js 20: actions/setup-node@64ed1c7eab4cce3362f8c340dee64e5eaeef8f7c, actions/cache@88522ab9f39a2ea568f7027eddc7d8d8bc9d59c8. For more information see:
Playwright - 7
Node.js 16 actions are deprecated. Please update the following actions to use Node.js 20: actions/setup-node@64ed1c7eab4cce3362f8c340dee64e5eaeef8f7c, actions/cache@88522ab9f39a2ea568f7027eddc7d8d8bc9d59c8. For more information see:
Playwright - 6
Node.js 16 actions are deprecated. Please update the following actions to use Node.js 20: actions/setup-node@64ed1c7eab4cce3362f8c340dee64e5eaeef8f7c, actions/cache@88522ab9f39a2ea568f7027eddc7d8d8bc9d59c8. For more information see:
Playwright - 8
Node.js 16 actions are deprecated. Please update the following actions to use Node.js 20: actions/setup-node@64ed1c7eab4cce3362f8c340dee64e5eaeef8f7c, actions/cache@88522ab9f39a2ea568f7027eddc7d8d8bc9d59c8. For more information see:
Playwright - 1
Node.js 16 actions are deprecated. Please update the following actions to use Node.js 20: actions/setup-node@64ed1c7eab4cce3362f8c340dee64e5eaeef8f7c, actions/cache@88522ab9f39a2ea568f7027eddc7d8d8bc9d59c8. For more information see:
Report to GitHub
Node.js 16 actions are deprecated. Please update the following actions to use Node.js 20: actions/setup-node@64ed1c7eab4cce3362f8c340dee64e5eaeef8f7c, actions/cache@88522ab9f39a2ea568f7027eddc7d8d8bc9d59c8, ./packages/report-flaky-tests. For more information see: