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Components: add unit test __experimentalExpandOnFocus unit tests fo…
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…r `FormTokenField` (#57122)

* add unit test

* add tests for suggestion visibility after selection
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chad1008 authored and artemiomorales committed Jan 4, 2024
1 parent f9f33ce commit ac57369
Showing 1 changed file with 97 additions and 0 deletions.
97 changes: 97 additions & 0 deletions packages/components/src/form-token-field/test/index.tsx
Expand Up @@ -741,6 +741,103 @@ describe( 'FormTokenField', () => {
] );
} );

it( 'should render suggestions after a selection is made when the `__experimentalExpandOnFocus` prop is set to `true`', async () => {
const user = userEvent.setup();

const onFocusSpy = jest.fn();

const suggestions = [ 'Green', 'Emerald', 'Seaweed' ];

onFocus={ onFocusSpy }
suggestions={ suggestions }

const input = screen.getByRole( 'combobox' );

await user.type( input, 'ee' );

expectVisibleSuggestionsToBe( screen.getByRole( 'listbox' ), [
] );

// Select the first suggestion ("Green")
await user.keyboard( '[ArrowDown][Enter]' );

expect( screen.getByRole( 'listbox' ) ).toBeVisible();
} );

it( 'should not render suggestions after a selection is made when the `__experimentalExpandOnFocus` prop is set to `false` or not defined', async () => {
const user = userEvent.setup();

const onFocusSpy = jest.fn();

const suggestions = [ 'Green', 'Emerald', 'Seaweed' ];

onFocus={ onFocusSpy }
suggestions={ suggestions }

const input = screen.getByRole( 'combobox' );

await user.type( input, 'ee' );

expectVisibleSuggestionsToBe( screen.getByRole( 'listbox' ), [
] );

// Select the first suggestion ("Green")
await user.keyboard( '[ArrowDown][Enter]' );

expect( screen.queryByRole( 'listbox' ) ).not.toBeInTheDocument();
} );

it( 'should not render suggestions after the input is blurred', async () => {
const user = userEvent.setup();

const onFocusSpy = jest.fn();

const suggestions = [ 'Green', 'Emerald', 'Seaweed' ];

onFocus={ onFocusSpy }
suggestions={ suggestions }

const input = screen.getByRole( 'combobox' );

await user.type( input, 'ee' );

expectVisibleSuggestionsToBe( screen.getByRole( 'listbox' ), [
] );

// Select the first suggestion ("Green")
await user.keyboard( '[ArrowDown][Enter]' );

// Click the body, blurring the input.
await document.body );

expect( screen.queryByRole( 'listbox' ) ).not.toBeInTheDocument();
} );

it( 'should not render suggestions if the text input is not matching any of the suggestions', async () => {
const user = userEvent.setup();

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