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Next.js authenticator for wax. This uses sessions as storage for the details of a wax wallet / user.

Supported Wallets


npm install @cryptopuppie/next-waxauth
yarn add @cryptopuppie/next-waxauth
pnpm add @cryptopuppie/next-waxauth


  • Implement the provider
// pages/_app.tsx

import WaxAuthProvider from "@cryptopuppie/next-waxauth";
import type { AppProps } from "next/app";
import "../styles/globals.css";

const endpoint = ""; // provide the wax net to use
const chainId =
  "f16b1833c747c43682f4386fca9cbb327929334a762755ebec17f6f23c9b8a12"; // provide the chainId of the wax net

function MyApp({ Component, pageProps }: AppProps) {
  return (
    <WaxAuthProvider net={{ endpoint, chainId, dApp: "simpleapp" }}>
      <Component {...pageProps} />
export default MyApp;
  • Add the API handler
// pages/api/auth/[auth].ts

import { handleAuth } from "@cryptopuppie/next-waxauth";

export default handleAuth;
  • Use the hooks provided in any components / page
// pages/components/some-component.tsx

import { useWaxUser, useAuthFunctions } from "@cryptopuppie/next-waxauth";

export default MyComponent() {
    const { logout, loginWithCloudWallet, loginWithAnchor } = useAuthFunctions();
    const { user, isLoggedIn } = useWaxUser()

    if (isLoggedIn) {
        return (
                <p>You are logged in as {user.wallet}</p>
                <button onClick={logout}>logout</button>

    return (
            <p>You are currently not logged in.</p>

            <button onClick={loginWithCloudWallet}>login with cloud wallet</button>
            <button onClick={loginWithAnchor}>login with anchor</button>