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18S-NemaBase is a database dedicated to 18S rRNA sequences from nematodes. All sequences were obtained from SILVA v111 and v138. Taxonomic string corrections were based on the World Register of Marine Species (WoRMS) database. Below is the steps taken to create this database.

Correct Taxonomic String

Taxonomic strings from WoRMS

Taxonomic strings were pulled from WoRMS based on a code written by Joe Sevigny (,


Isolate Nematode Sequences in SILVA

Download SILVA v138 Ref NR 99. Isolate nematode sequences:

grep Nematoda seq_file_name.fasta > seq_ID_list.fasta

Match Genus from SILVA to Corect Taxonomy from WoRMS

Extract genus names and accession numbers from SILVA v138

Awk -F”;” ‘{print $(NF-2), $(NF-1)}’ seq_ID_list.fasta | sed ’s/__//g’ >genus_list.fasta

Use custom script ( to match WoRMS taxonomic string to genus name

python3 ./genus_list.fasta >correct_taxonomic_strings.fasta

Check to make sure you only have nematodes. Export to excel to make sure all strings are correct.

Replace Taxonomy in SILVA

Isolate taxonomy

cut -f6- v138_genera_full_taxonomy_expanded.fasta >v138_genera_full_taxonomy_expanded_sub.fasta

Match the correct taxonomic string to sequence based on accession number

paste v138_genera_full_taxonomy_expanded_sub.tsv v138_genera_full_taxonomy_expanded_genus_sp_fields.list 'sed 's/\t/:/g' >Final_names_list_v138.fasta
while read -r line; do accessionid=$(cut -f1 <(echo "$line")| sed 's/>//'); toreplace=$(grep -w "$accessionid" silva.fasta); sed -i "s|$toreplace.*|$line|" silva.fasta; done <Final_v138_for_NemaBase.fasta 

Repeat all steps with SILVA v111. Concatenate both versions

cat Final_v138_for_NemaBase.fasta Final_v111_for_NemaBase.fasta >Final_all_silva_db.fasta >18SNemaBase.fasta

Quality Assurance


Sequences from the database were aligned, placed on a phylogenetic tree, and dereplicated to prevent redundancy in the database. Dereplication can be done with the alignment. We choose to use trees as they provide adjusted alignment predictions based a model. Both methods yield the same results. Alignments and phylogenetic trees were created for Enoplida and Dorylaimida. Chromadorida was further broken into sub orders for analysis. An example with Enoplida is below.

Isolate Enoplida sequences with seqtk.

grep "Enoplida" 18SNemaBase.fasta >Enoplida_names.fasta
seqtk subseq Enoplida_names.fasta Final_all_silva_db.fasta >Enoplida_seqs.txt

Alignment with Muscle.

muscle -in Enoplida_seqs.txt -out Aligned_Enoplida.fasta

Make a phylogenetic tree with FastTree

FastTree -nt -gtr Aligned_Enoplida.fasta >Enoplida_tree.tre

Custom dereplication script ( Enoplida_tree.tre Enoplida_derep.fasta

Review output and remove sequences that are exact replicate (i.e. same sequence and same species or subspecies name). Review tree for sequences that may be out of place. Check all misplaced sequences against 18S-NemaBase, SILVA, and NCBI Blast to ensure these are erroneous. Remove replicates and erroneos sequence

Customize the database

The final database is supplied as a fasta file that can be manually added to in most text editors. If prefered the file can also be concatenated with custom sequence file. Ex:

cat 18SNemaBase.fasta Sanger-sequenced_full_18S.fasta >Final_all_silva_db.fasta >18SNemaBase-supplemented.fasta


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