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This program is based on XMRIG

Note: There is 0% dev fee

Table of contents


  • High performance.
  • Official Windows support.
  • Small Windows executable, without dependencies.
  • x86/x64 support.
  • Support for backup (failover) mining server.
  • keepalived support.
  • Command line options compatible with cpuminer.
  • It's open source software.




  -o, --url=URL            URL of mining server
  -O, --userpass=U:P       username:password pair for mining server
  -u, --user=USERNAME      username for mining server
  -p, --pass=PASSWORD      password for mining server
      --rig-id=ID          rig identifier for pool-side statistics (needs pool support)
  -t, --threads=N          number of miner threads
  -v, --av=N               algorithm variation, 0 auto select
  -k, --keepalive          send keepalived packet for prevent timeout (needs pool support)
      --nicehash           enable support
      --tls                enable SSL/TLS support (needs pool support)
      --tls-fingerprint=F  pool TLS certificate fingerprint, if set enable strict certificate pinning
  -r, --retries=N          number of times to retry before switch to backup server (default: 5)
  -R, --retry-pause=N      time to pause between retries (default: 5)
      --cpu-affinity       set process affinity to CPU core(s), mask 0x3 for cores 0 and 1
      --cpu-priority       set process priority (0 idle, 2 normal to 5 highest)
      --no-huge-pages      disable huge pages support
      --no-color           disable colored output
      --variant            algorithm PoW variant
      --user-agent         set custom user-agent string for pool
  -B, --background         run the miner in the background
  -c, --config=FILE        load a JSON-format configuration file
  -l, --log-file=FILE      log all output to a file
  -S, --syslog             use system log for output messages
      --max-cpu-usage=N    maximum CPU usage for automatic threads mode (default 75)
      --safe               safe adjust threads and av settings for current CPU
      --asm=ASM            ASM code for cn/2, possible values: auto, none, intel, ryzen.
      --print-time=N       print hashrate report every N seconds
      --api-port=N         port for the miner API
      --api-access-token=T access token for API
      --api-worker-id=ID   custom worker-id for API
      --api-id=ID          custom instance ID for API
      --api-ipv6           enable IPv6 support for API
      --api-no-restricted  enable full remote access (only if API token set)
      --dry-run            test configuration and exit
  -h, --help               display this help and exit
  -V, --version            output version information and exit

Example Usage

In this example, we are:

  • Using the highest CPU priority --cpu-priority 5
  • Using 4 CPU threads --threads 4
  • Using keepalive for TCP packets to prevent a timeout --keepalive
  • Connecting to the official X-CASH mining pool --url
  • Using a password of YOUR_MINING_COMPUTER_NAME (replace YOUR_MINING_COMPUTER_NAME with any name for your mining computer) --pass YOUR_MINING_COMPUTER_NAME

./XCASH_CPU_Miner --cpu-priority 5 --threads 4 --keepalive --url --user YOUR_XCASH_XCA_OR_XCB_ADDRESS --pass YOUR_MINING_COMPUTER_NAME

Algorithm variations

  • av option used for automatic and simple threads mode (when you specify only threads count).
  • For advanced threads mode each thread configured individually and av option not used.
av Hashes per round Hardware AES
1 1 (Single) yes
2 2 (Double) yes
3 1 (Single) no
4 2 (Double) no
5 3 (Triple) yes
6 4 (Quard) yes
7 5 (Penta) yes
8 3 (Triple) no
9 4 (Quard) no
10 5 (Penta) no

Build Instructions

Linux (Ubuntu)

  • Install dependencies
    sudo apt install git build-essential cmake libuv1-dev libmicrohttpd-dev libssl-dev

  • Clone the repository
    git clone

  • Create a build folder and build the program
    cd XCASH_CPU_Miner && mkdir build && cd build && cmake .. && make


Download prebuilt dependencies from XMRig and then unzip them anywhere Note: If you just installed Visual Studio 2017 you can use 3.3, If you already had it installed try 3.1 instead

  • Clone the repository
    git clone

  • Create a build folder and build the program
    Replace PREBUILT_DEPENDENCIES_DIRECTORY with the directory location of the prebuilt dependencies
    cd XCASH_CPU_Miner && mkdir build && cd build && cmake .. -G "Visual Studio 15 2017 Win64" -DXMRIG_DEPS=PREBUILT_DEPENDENCIES_DIRECTORY && cmake --build . --config Release

If you get errors about redefintion of structs you might need to build without HTTPD and TLS (meaning the API and TSL will not work)
cd XCASH_CPU_Miner && mkdir build && cd build && cmake .. -G "Visual Studio 15 2017 Win64" -DXMRIG_DEPS=PREBUILT_DEPENDENCIES_DIRECTORY -DWITH_HTTPD=OFF -DWITH_TLS=OFF && cmake --build . --config Release

Common Issues

HUGE PAGES unavailable

  • Run as Administrator.

Other information

  • No HTTP support, only stratum protocol support.
  • Default donation is 0%

CPU mining performance

It will be roughly around half of what you were mining at with Cryptonight V8 X-CASH

Please note performance is highly dependent on system load. Tasks heavily using a processor cache, such as video playback, can greatly degrade hashrate. Optimal number of threads depends on the size of the L3 cache of a processor, 1 thread requires 2 MB of cache.

Maximum performance checklist

  • Idle operating system.
  • Do not exceed optimal thread count.
  • Use modern CPUs with AES-NI instruction set.
  • Try setup optimal cpu affinity.
  • Enable fast memory (Large/Huge pages).


No packages published


  • C++ 78.0%
  • C 15.0%
  • Assembly 5.0%
  • CMake 2.0%