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jDiff is a Java object diffing/merging library. The aim is to provide support for arbitrary object content diffing and merging (like git diff/merge) through native support for general object and extensible interfaces to allow custom logic to be plugged in.


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Java object diffing and merging made easy.

Build Status

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Project Status

This project is still under development so the APIs and underlying implementations are subject to change. But it should be able to handle non-critical production use cases with the current test coverage.

Getting Started

  1. Add this to maven

        <version>(Check the releases tab for latest version)</version>
  2. Create the object diff mapper

    Currently the reflection mapper is the only implementation.

    ObjectDiffMapper mapper = new ReflectionObjectDiffMapper();
  3. Diff/Merge objects

    public class MyClass {
        private String str;
        private List<Integer> list;
        public MyClass(String str, List<Integer> list) {
            this.str = str;
            this.list = list;
        public String getStr() {
            return str;
        public List<Integer> getList() {
            return list;
    MyClass obj1 = new MyClass("foo", Arrays.asList(1, 2));
    MyClass obj2 = new MyClass("bar", Arrays.asList(2));
    DiffNode diff = mapper.diff(obj1, obj2);
    // apply diff in place
    MyClass newObj = mapper.applyDiff(obj1, diff);
    assert newObj == obj1;
    assert "bar".equals(newObj.getStr());
    assert Arrays.asList(1, 2).equals(newObj.getList());
    obj1 = new MyClass("foo", Arrays.asList(1, 2));
    // apply diff into a new object
    newObj = mapper.applyDiff(obj1, diff, Collections.singleton(Feature.MergingStrategy.DEEP_CLONE_SOURCE));
    assert newObj != obj1;

Advanced Usage

Ignore transient fields

ObjectDiffMapper mapper = new ReflectionObjectDiffMapper()

Custom Merging/Diffing Handler

 * This example shows how to serialize dates into millis for diffing instead of field by field reflection
public class DateDiffingHandler extends AbstractDiffingHandler<Date> {

    public DiffNode diff(@Nonnull Date src, @Nonnull Date target, @Nonnull DiffingContext diffingContext) {
        if (src.equals(target)) {
            return DiffNode.empty();
        return new DiffNode(new Diff(Diff.Operation.UPDATE_VALUE, getMillis(src), getMillis(target)));

    private static Long getMillis(Date date) {
        if (date == null) {
            return null;
        return date.getTime();


public class DateMergingHandler extends AbstractMergingHandler<Date> {

    public Date merge(@Nullable Date src, @Nonnull DiffNode diffNode,
            @Nonnull MergingContext mergingContext) throws MergingException {
        Diff diff = diffNode.getDiff();
        if (diff == null) {
            return src;
        switch (diff.getOperation()) {
            case NO_OP:
                return src;
            case UPDATE_VALUE:
                validateSourceValue(getMillis(src), diffNode, mergingContext);
                Long target = (Long) diff.getTargetValue();
                if (target == null) {
                    return null;
                return new Date(target);
        return src;

    private static Long getMillis(Date date) {
        if (date == null) {
            return null;
        return date.getTime();


ObjectDiffMapper mapper = new ReflectionObjectDiffMapper();
diffMapper.registerDiffingHandler(Date.class, new DateDiffingHandler());
diffMapper.registerMergingHandler(Date.class, new DateMergingHandler());

// alternatively you can also just annotate your field like:
class YourClass {
            diffUsing = DateDiffingHandler.class,
            mergeUsing = DateMergingHandler.class
    Date date;

Generic Field Support

public class StringListToStringDiffingHandler extends AbstractDiffingHandler<List<String>> {
    public DiffNode diff(@Nonnull List<String> src, @Nonnull List<String> target, @Nonnull DiffingContext diffingContext) {
        if (src.equals(target)) {
            return new DiffNode();
        Diff diff = new Diff(Diff.Operation.UPDATE_VALUE, String.join("|", src), String.join("|", target));
        return new DiffNode(diff);

ObjectDiffMapper mapper = new ReflectionObjectDiffMapper();
diffMapper.registerMergingHandler(new StringToStringListMergingHandler());
// alternatively you can also just annotate your field like:
class YourClass {
            diffUsing = StringListToStringDiffingHandler.class
    List<String> stringList;


  • Support arbitrary object diffing and merging

    • "Native" diffing support for array, collection (Iterable, Set, Map) and general objects
    • "Native" merging support for array, collection (List, Set, Map) and general objects
    • Pluggable interface to allow for extensible diffing/merging support (e.g. unmodifiable collections)
  • Support abitrary size object diffing/merging as long as the object fits into memory using Iterative approach

  • Support optional validation during merging

  • Allow for ignoring transient fields upon configuration

  • Allow for adding custom object equality checker to avoid expensive comparison

  • Allow for using either equals() or hashCode() for default object equality check

  • Seralization friendly diffing result (e.g. can be stored and recovered using JSON)

  • Well tested

Use Cases

  • Object auditing record

    You can generate reports on how objects are modified.

  • Distributed object change handling system

    You can build an ETL type of system:

    build diffs on one set of boxes, seralize them in db, and selectively merge them on other boxes based on certain criteria


Release Handling

$ mvn gitflow:release-start
$ git push origin HEAD

Travis will pick up the release branch, release artifacts to Sonatype OSSRH, merge and tag the release.

If that failed, a manual local merge can be done (in release branch):

$ mvn gitflow:release-finish


jDiff is a Java object diffing/merging library. The aim is to provide support for arbitrary object content diffing and merging (like git diff/merge) through native support for general object and extensible interfaces to allow custom logic to be plugged in.







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