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Every unit test represents one or several requirements. Standard Xcode API (XCTest framework) provides very basic expressions that work well, but the result code is not very concise and easy to read/understand.


  1. make the result code concise and self-expressive;
  2. allow to express requirement as closure (so it can consist of single value, expression or multiple expressions);
  3. allow to return value from a check.

How to install

The recommended way is to install using CocoaPods.

How it works

The library provides number of helper functions, each of these functions accept requirement description and closure, that returns the value that will be evaluated (and returned for some functions).

How to use

When you have an Optional value or you have a function/closure that produces Optional value, and you need this value only if it's NOT nil, or call XCTFail otherwise:

let nonNilValue = try RXC.value("Value is NOT nil") {
	// return here an optional value,
	// it might be result of an expression 
	// or an optional value captured from the outer scope,
	// will call 'XCTFail' if value IS 'nil' or just return
	// non-Optional value overwise

Same as the above, but does not return a anything. When you have an Optional value or you have a function/closure that produces Optional value, and you need to make sure that this value is NOT nil, or call XCTFail otherwise:

try RXC.isNotNil("Value is NOT nil") { // does not return anything
	// return here an optional value,
	// it might be result of an expression 
	// or an optional value captured from the outer scope,
	// will call 'XCTFail' if value IS 'nil' or pass through
	// silently otherwise

When you have an Optional value or you have a function/closure that produces Optional value, and you need to make sure that this value IS nil, or call XCTFail otherwise:

try RXC.isNil("Value IS nil") { // does not return anything
	// return here an optional value,
	// it might be result of an expression 
	// or an optional value captured from the outer scope,
	// will call 'XCTFail' if value is NOT 'nil' or pass through
	// silently otherwise

When you have an Bool value or you have a function/closure that produces Bool value, and you want to continue only if it's true, or call XCTFail otherwise (if it's false):

try RXC.isTrue("Value is TRUE") { // does not return anything
	// return here a boolean value,
	// it might be result of an expression 
	// or an boolean value captured from the outer scope,
	// will call 'XCTFail' if value is 'false' or pass through
	// silently otherwise

The VerificationFailed data type has the only parameter:

  • let description: String that contains the requirement description passed to the corresponding RXC.* function.


[DEPRECATED - use 'nschum/SwiftHamcrest' instead] A more expressive and readable way to describe expectations in Xcode unit tests.








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