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Set Up An XIA Environment

Dan Barrett edited this page Apr 8, 2017 · 11 revisions

Table of Contents

Build XIA

XIA is currently only distributed in source form. This page describes how to get and build the code.

Preferred Platform

XIA is developed and has been tested on Ubuntu 16.04 or later. Other Linux distributions may also work but have not been tested.


Install the necessary support packages:

sudo apt-get install git libxml2 libxml2-dev libssl-dev libprotobuf-dev protobuf-compiler python-protobuf python-networkx python-nacl python-pip python-tk python-dev python-requests python-crypto build-essential openssl swig

Install the Twisted library if you intend to use the XIA Visualizer.

sudo apt-get install python-twisted

Get the XIA source code

NOTE: The XIA-V2 branch is the most up-to-date stable code and is recommended for evaluators.

git clone
cd xia-core
git checkout xia-v2

Staying up to date

cd xia-core
git pull


cd xia-core
To enable debug builds: This will enable addition logging as well as allowing for use with gdb.
DEBUG=1 ./configure
make clean

Add The XIA bin Directory To The Path (optional)

Add the following line to your .bashrc, .profile, or .zshrc file to avoid having to include the path to the XIA utilities.

export PATH=$PATH:~/xia-core/bin

Generate API Documentation

If desired, man pages for the XIA utilities and APIs may be generated locally. This is an optional step.

If necessary, install the following packages

sudo apt-get install doxygen help2man python-sphinx swig

Build the documentation

cd xia-core
make doc

Make the man pages visible Add the following line to your .bashrc, .profile, or .zshrc file to make the XIA man pages accessible.

export MANPATH=$MANPATH:~/xia-core/doc/man
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