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Shadow DOM Testing

Marcel Pfotenhauer edited this page Apr 6, 2020 · 1 revision

Shadow DOM Testing

Shadow DOM is a construct that helps create encapsulated web components. The self-contained nature of such components makes it hard to automate them. As their elements can not be accessed via regular Javascript. Selenide enables us to still handle these elements.

Showing the Shadow DOM Tree

To access the elements within a shadow DOM we need to have a look at the tree within. To show this tree we can simply use the Chrome DevTools. If a component has a shadow DOM it will have a #shadow-rootelement as child. Everything under this element is considered the Shadow DOM.

Accessing the Shadow DOM

Selenide provides the shadowCss-function with which we can access the Shadow DOM elements. For this we need a CSSSelector identifying the parent, under which the Shadow DOM is located, and one which identifies the element we want to access. Below is an example how to use it.

$(Selectors.shadowCss("#target-element", "#shadowhost-element")).click()

This function will return a WebElement which can be used in the usual way.

The shadowCss-function can also be used to access a Shadow DOM within a Shadow DOM. For this we also need add a collection of selectors for the parents of the inner Shadow DOMs. The Syntax for this looks like this.

$(Selectors.shadowCss("#target-element", "#shadowhost-element", listOfInnerShadowHost))

Example Project

Some example test cases can be found here.

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