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BDK Prove Coin Ownership

Xenland edited this page Jan 12, 2013 · 1 revision

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This function will assist you with creating a login handshake with the visitor (Can very well be used as a Bitcoin address verification function as well). Step 1 is to call the function with the visitors bitcoin address and ask the user to sign the variable called string_to_sign and ask the user to submit it into a single-line textbox. Step 2 is to verify if that information is all valid.


This function takes four parameters(only the first two are required for step 1): bitcoin_address, step, step_2_signature, step_2_original_data


  • Type: String


  • Type: Integer
  • Notes: tell the function which step we are at


  • Type: String
  • Notes: This is the base64 output from the users Bitcoin client.


  • Type: String
  • Notes: This is the message we are checking the Bitcoin Address/Signature pair against

Output | Array

This function outputs an array this array will output return_status, new_address, checksum.


  • Type: Integer

-1 = Failure to collect information on the receipt 1 = Success

100 = Connection to Bitcoin client failed

101 = Creation of random string failed.

102 = In-putted server checksum doesn’t match the local server check sum. Tell user to try again we can't trust this information if the server checksum doesn’t match the data.

103 = The signature may be valid but this token is expired, tell the user to try again, and get a new token to sign.

104 = Bitcoin address was not set, with out the address we can't retrieve any Bitcoin information.

105 = (Same as 104 only different for debugging purposes) Bitcoin address was not set, with out the address we can't retrieve any Bitcoin information

106 = message did not validate, signature should not be trusted


  • Type: Integer

If return_status equals one (1) and in step 2 phase, this variable will return as one (1) if this visitor owns that address.


  • Type: String

If return_status equals one (1) and in step 1 phase, this variable will return the string required to sign