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BDK Generate Receipt

Xenland edited this page Apr 13, 2013 · 6 revisions

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This function will open a connection with the Bitcoin client, generate a label along with a checksum and then generate a new Bitcoin address with that label & checksum and return it to the developer for the dev to do what they wish with that information.


This function takes two parameters: amount_due_in_satoshi which is optional; As well as *product_id_array which is optional; and additional_information which is also optional;


  • Type: Integer


  • Type: Array
  • Notes: Write an array of product or service ids that are in this order to be recalled later


  • Type: Array
  • Notes: Write an array of additional details you like to store with the receipt.

Output | Array

This function outputs an array this array will output return_status, new_address, checksum.


  • Type: Integer

-1 = Failure to generate reciept

1 = Success (Address generated)

100 = Failure to connect to Bitcoin client

101 = Address is too long or too short

102 = Failure to generate address


  • Type: String

If return_status equals one (1) then this variable should contain a new valid Bitcoin address.


  • Type: String

If return_status equals one (1) then this variables should contain the checksum to verify the necessary balance required to full-fill the receipt.