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Bitcoin Get Received By Address

Xenland edited this page Dec 5, 2012 · 3 revisions

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This function will output the total bitcoins received for the selected Bitcoin Address(This does not reflect the "Current Balance", it only reflects the amount of total accumulated of Bitcoins over time)


This function takes two parameters which are bitcoin_address and minimum_confirmations. Bitcoin Address is considered required but will soft-error if nothing is in-putted. However Minimum Confirmations will default to "1" if nothing is imputed and is not required.

Output | Type: Array

This function outputs an array this array will output return_status , *total_received_in_satoshi, total_received_in_bitcoin


  • Type: Integer

-1 = Failure to run script (This shouldn't be taken litterly but basically nothing was ran)

1 = Success

100 = Failure to connect to Bitcoin client

101 = Failure to retrieve balance

102 = Invalid Bitcoin address was set


  • Type: Integer
  • Notes: This is how many Bitcoins in the smallest form possible known as "Satoshi", ALWAYS use this variable to apply any formulas or math calculations. First convert all Bitcoin currency math variables to the lowest possible form and then you can apply your math to this variable. In other words no decimal math should be applied or your doing it wrong.

If return_status is one (1), then this will be how much this address has received in "Satoshi"


  • Type: Double
  • Notes: NEVER use this to do financial math calculations, this variable is ONLY for displaying or output. Applying math to this variable for the intention of moving Bitcoins could lose you and/or your customers Bitcoins/Monies.

If return_status is one (1), then this will be how much this address has received in Bitcoins