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TypeScript Visual Studio

MIT license

Visual Stark Image

Xenotracer is a tool that will accelerate your smart contract development speed by visualizing the flow of function calls inside your contract, and the function calls between contracts. It is an extension of Visual Studio Code that you can use while you develop your smart contract in Visual Studio Code IDE. It is developed with Typescript.

Currently, it supports visualizing the Cairo language.

Why does Xenotracer exist?

Visual Stark Image

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How to install

Currently, we haven't published our extension to the Visual Studio Code marketplace.

For now, you can follow these steps instead to install it locally:

  1. Install npm on your computer if you haven't. See Developer Area.
  2. Install vscm in npm npm install -g vsce
  3. Clone this repository, then do cd xenotracer
  4. Do, vsce package, it will output 'xenotracer-x.x.x.vsix' to the folder
  5. On your Visual Studio Code, install it by going to your extension page. Click the three-dot and click Install from VSIX. Direct it to the .vsix file from the previous step. img
  6. It's installed!

Note: We haven't released our first version, expect many bugs to happen!

How to use

Simply open Command Pallete (CMD / CTRL + SHIFT + P) and select > Xenotracer: Visualize Contract Flow when your contract file is open. It will create a window to visualize your contract flow.


Developer Area

Do these steps to start developing or contributing Xenotracer's code.

  • Install npm first: we use 16.x version. Node JS
  • Install yarn Here

Then do these steps!

yarn install

It will download all required packages

Try Extension

Use F5 in your Visual Studio Code, then use the "Run Extension" option to try the extension.


To be announced in

Several Other Usages

  • Unit test test: Do yarn test
  • check code quality: Do yarn lint

See package.json for more information!

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