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Bash tool for managing a set of repositories as a bunch


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Repository files navigation

What it does

You have lots of repositories which you want to manipulate as a bunch and see their status at glance

With rpn you can:

  • Execute any command for all (or some of)* repos in your current list
  • See all repos state list at glance (branch, ahead/behind/changes, origin)
  • Find files in all (or some of)* repos and (if needed) grep them
  • Create any number of lists of repositories you want to manipulate as a bunch

* Filtering can be done by: name, branch, package, having changes (or not)

rpn also has predefined commands to interact with git, composer and docker containers.

For git you can:

  • Switch to branch of interest (fuzzy naming supported) with (if needed): fetching, reseting to origin
  • View log list
  • Show stastus
  • Fetch updates
  • View last set tags
  • Etc...

For composer you can:

  • Look which repo has which verson of composer package of interest
  • Install packages

For docker containers you can:

  • Run/stop/build/restart containers (you have to rewrite at-repo commands)
  • Run php commands in containers like composer install or bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate

How it works

Every rpn command:

  • Steps into each (can be filtered) repo item listed in list-directory
  • Run some shell code inside it

All you need is to organize your bunch-of-repos as a number of soft links to repo directories (or real directories) in special list-directory and point it to rpn.

If you have more than one bunch-of-repos you can make special groups-directory where every subfolder is a list-directory described above.


  1. Clone code to your HOME directory
git clone ~/.rpn
  1. Add start-up code to your .bashrc
cat << EOL | sed -r 's:^\s+::' >> ~/.bashrc
    source ~/.rpn/src/
  1. Set main setting: path to your current list-directory
cat << EOL | sed -r 's:^\s+::' >> ~/.bashrc

That's it. rpn is ready to use.

Additional settings

If you have more than one bunch-of-repos, you may want to set groups-directory:

cat << EOL | sed -r 's:^\s+::' >> ~/.bashrc

If you want you can set some custom settings:

cat << EOL | sed -r 's:^\s+::' >> ~/.bashrc

NOTICE: Set up your settings after executing start-up code


Rpn commands are subcommands of rpn util. They are made as bash functions.

To get simple list of all available commands run:


Repo state list


rpn l # Prints out repo-state-list

You will get repo-state-list (sample):

REPO: [ xxxxx     ]  1 hour [release/v2.4.0       ..M] (
REPO: [ xxxx      ]  6 day  [release/v2.3.1       ▲▼.] (
REPO: [ xxxxxxx   ]  3 day  [release/v2.3.1-dev   ...] (
REPO: [ xxxxxxx   ]  7 day  [release/v2.3.1-fix   ...] (
REPO: [ xxxxxxx   ]  3 day  [release/v2.3.1       ...] (
REPO: [ xxxxxxxxx ]  6 day  [release/v2.3.1       ..U] (
REPO: [ xxxx      ]  3 day  [release/v2.3.0       ...] (
REPO: [ xxxxxxx   ]  6 day  [release/v2.3.1       12.] (
REPO: [ xxxxxxx   ]  2 day  [release/v2.3.1       ..M] (
REPO: [ xxxxxx    ]  9 day  [release/v2.3.1       3..] (
REPO: [ xxxxxxxxx ]  4 week [master               ...] (


REPO: [ xxxxxxxx  ]  4 week [release/v2.3.1       6▼M] (
      ↑              ↑       ↑                    ↑↑↑         ↑
      repo           commit  branch               ||changes   origin

repo    - project directory name
commit  - last commit time ago
branch  - current branch
ahead   - number commits of commits ahead of remote branch (more than 9: ▲)
behind  - number commits of commits behind from remote branch (more than 9: ▼)
changes - M - having modified files, U - having uncommitted files
origin  - origin address

Help system

To get list of available commands with short description run:

rpn help

To get help-info for specific command run:

rpn help <cmd> # prints help for <cmd> command
rpn <cmd> help # prints help for <cmd> command

If commmand does not have predefined help-info you will see its bash-code.

To see bash-code of the command run:

rpn .show <cmd> # prints <cmd> bash-code
rpn <cmd> .show # prints <cmd> bash-code

To get this manual page run:

rpn man    # Output format defined by 'view-man-as-man' option
rpn man -m # Man-page  format
rpn man -t # Text-page format (run if you don't like man-page)

Main command

Main rpn command is do command which executes any bash code inside each repo in current list-directory


# Prints out repo directory and git remote name repository
rpn do 'pwd; git remote'

do command has these options:

-- Filters --

-b <branch>   - execute on repos with branch '<branch>.*'
-r <repo>     - execute on with name <repo>, can be set multiple times (-r rp1 -r rp2 -r rp3)
-R <repo>     - execute on all filters repos but process repo <repo> first, can be set multiple times
-p <package>  - execute on repos which have composer package <package>
-g            - execute on repos which have local changes
-G            - execute on repos which do not have local changes

For -r|-R options you can set '.' value which mean 'current repo' (in $PWD)

-- Code --

-f <file>   - execute file <file>
-c <code>   - execute code <code>
-s          - execute as standalone script file
-S          - only print out code will be executed (useful for debugging)

-- Verbosity --

-Q  - 'quite-mode' is turned on if N_REPO_QUITE
-q  - Turn on 'quite-mode' (output is suppressed, and is showed only if return code is none zero)
-v  - Turn on 'verbose-mode'
-vv - Turn on 'verbose-mode' + 'debug mode' (every command in executed code is printed)

-- Output --

-l - print only repo state list
-h - print header (repo state list)
-H - print no header
-L - pipe output to less

Most of other commands can accept most of these options.

Many of other commands are just simple wrapper for do command and look like this:

n-repo-git.fetch()  {
    n-repo-do "$@" -Qs << 'EOF'
        printf -- "[ %-${max_length}s ] fetching ...\n" "$repo"
        git fetch


By default commands are executed in subshell . This can be overriden by -s option which leads to executing code as a standalone bash script file.

Filtering repositories

You can filter repos in which command will be run by:

  • enumerating repo names (-r repo1 -r repo2 -r repo3)
  • setting branch mask (-b branch)
  • having/not-having changes in repo (-g/-G)
  • having some composer package installed (-p package)

List of commands

-- Main --
l           - print repo state list
do          - execute any code inside each repo directory
find        - find files in current bunch-of-repos

-- Help --
man         - show rpn manual (README file)
help        - print command list with short description
help <cmd>  - print <cmd> command help-section
<cmd> help  - print <cmd> command help-section or bash-function body (if no help-section)
version     - print version

-- System --
cd <repo>       - cd to repo directory
.show <cmd>     - print <cmd> bash-function body
<cmd> .show     - print <cmd> bash-function body
.update         - update rpn code from github
.cd-group <grp> - cd to <grp> directory
.dirs           - print directories in current 'list-directory'
.hint.<xxxx>    - create and print 'hint-list' <xxxx>

-- Config --
cfg         - print environment configuration
root        - print or set current 'list-directory'

-- Composer packages --
package <name>  - print repo name and package version for repos which has package <name>
package.install - install composer packages

-- Git --
git.switch      - switch to branch (release/v4 -> release/v4.3.1)
git.last-tags   - show last created tags
git.origin      - reset current local <branch> to origin/<branch>
git.fetch       - fetch
git.log         - show log
git.di          - show diff        - show [header, git status, git log -1]
git.master      - reset to master          - show git status

-- Docker --         - build docker containers
dc.restart       - restart docker containers
dc.stop          - stop docker containers
dc.up            - up docker containers
dc.env           - show diff between .env and .env.dist

-- Symfony inside docker (commands executed inside docker containers for each repo) --
code.clear-cache - clear cache for symfony project
code.install     - full install composer packages (with 'scripts' and 'platform-requirements')
code.migration   - run symfony migration
code.prepare     - code.(clear-cache + install + migration)

Command completion

rpn is trying to support tab-completion anywhere it possibly can

# -- Common completions --

rpn <tab>        # Will propose user command
rpn .<tab>       # Will propose system command (started with a dot '.')

rpn help <tab>   # Will propose command with help-section or standalone help-section

rpn cmd -<tab>   # Will propose cmd-option

rpn cmd -b <tab> # Will propose list of all current branches
rpn cmd -r <tab> # Will propose list of repos
rpn cmd -R <tab> # Will propose list of repos
rpn cmd -p <tab> # Will propose list of packages

# -- Command specific completions --

rpn cd         <tab> # Will propose list of all repos
rpn find       <tab> # Will propose list of files (list is configured by find-hint option)
rpn package    <tab> # Will propose list of all possible packages
rpn git.switch <tab> # Will propose list of all possible branches

Command completion caching

Because generation of hint-lists can be time consuming, heavy hint-lists are cached in files in $N_REPO_DIR_ROOT/.cache subdirectory.

hint-lists generation commands are system and prefixed with .hint prefix.

For example for package list it is: rpn .hint.package

Cache files are kept due to cache-lifetime setup in cache-* parameters in seconds

For example cache-package=600 which means than cache-file with package-list will be regenerated after 600 seconds since it was (re)created last time.

To force recreation of cache-file you should run corresponding hint-command

You can see current cache settings by running:

rpn cfg cache

Command namespace import

If you do not like to enter command prefixes such as git. or dc. and want to type rpn fetch instead of rpn git.fetch you can import command-namespace to global namespace.

This is done by setting configuration parameter ns-import.

Namespaces are delimited by comma:


Once you did it you can run: rpn switch instead of rpn git.switch.


Configuration of rpn is made by environment variables with prefix N_REPO

To see all current configuration, run:

rpn cfg    # Output format defined by 'view-config-as-env'
rpn cfg -p # Configuration parameters format
rpn cfg -e # Environment variables format

Parameters are just more short format for environment variables:

dir-root <=> N_REPO_DIR_ROOT

To see only group of interest configuration, run:

rpn cfg cache # Show cache configuration
rpn cfg dir   # Show dir configuration

To set configuration parameter:

N_REPO_CACHE_BRANCHES=120  # Set environment variable
rpn cfg cache-branches 120 # Set parameter with 'cfg' command

NOTICE: Set up your configuration after executing start-up code

Configuration parameters description

-- Directories --
dir-groups           path to `groups-directory`
dir-root             path to current `list-directory`
dir-install          path to rpn dist installed

-- Commands parameters --
ns-import            string of command namespaces imported to global namespace delimited by comma, sample: 'git,dc'
quite                default output mode is `quite-mode` (output is suppressed, and is showed only if return code is none zero)

-- Completion caches life-times in seconds --
cache-branches       all known branches     [in all repos]
cache-branches-cur   current branches       [in all repos]
cache-find-hint      file names             [in all repos]
cache-package        composer package names [in all repos]

-- Repo state list parameters --
line-ahead-sign           sing for ahead commits (when exceeds 9)
line-behind-sign          sing for behind commits (when exceeds 9)
line-branch-len           max length of branch name
line-repo-len             max length of repo name
line-long                 long format of `repo-state-list` (includes: origin or last commit message)

line-color-name           color of repo name
line-color-ahead          color of `ahead` symbol
line-color-behind         color of `behind` symbol
line-color-modified       color of `modified` symbol
line-color-untracked      color of `untracked` symbol
line-color-mod-untracked  color of `modified and untracked` symbol

-- Find command parameters --
find-depth                default -maxdepth of searching
find-hint                 list of directories in repo where to find files for `tab-completion`
find-short                print short file name (from repo subdirectory)

-- View config --
view-config-as-env        show configuration as ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLES (or config-parameters)
view-man-as-man           show manual as man page (filter with `pandoc` and `nroff`)

Default Configuration

dir-groups                ~/projects/_groups
dir-root                  ~/projects/_groups/main
dir-install               <path to rpn dist installed>

quite                     1

cache-branches            60
cache-branches-cur        60
cache-find-hint           600
cache-package             600

line-color-ahead          $'\E[0;32m'
line-color-behind         $'\E[0;31m'
line-color-modified       $'\E[0;94m'
line-color-mod-untracked  $'\E[0;33m'
line-color-name           $'\E[0;94m'
line-color-untracked      $'\E[0;33m'

line-ahead-sign           ▲
line-behind-sign          ▼
line-branch-len           25
line-repo-len             15
line-long                 1

find-depth                4
find-hint                 ([0]="config" [1]=".docker")
find-short                1

view-config-as-env        0
view-man-as-man           0

Naming history

There was a tool for repo manipulating called rp which is abbreviation of repo. Then I made n-repo for manipulating a bunch-of-repos which leads us to rpn.


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