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Pipeline for analyzing 16S rRNA Illumina paired-end amplicon sequencing


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The moniker "illumitag" stands for "environmental sequence tags" performed on the "Illumina" technology.

This project is a python pipeline handling the analysis -- from start to finish -- of 16S rRNA Illumina paired-end amplicon sequencing data.

It was developed by Lucas Sinclair ( while working in the Limnology department at the Evolution Biology Center of Uppsala University. The code has an MIT license and everyone is welcome to use, modify or extend the pipeline.


The following publication will provide information about the pipeline, why it was developed, what it can do and what is produced:

Microbial Community Composition and Diversity via 16S rRNA Gene Amplicons: Evaluating the Illumina Platform

In addition you can find a couple of documents in the github repository explaining some of the aspects of the project (see the documentation directory), as well as a provisional installation procedure (below). If you do download the software and use it on your computer, I'd be interested to receive your feedback and criticism.

Unfortunately, other than that there is no manual at the moment describing all the aspects of the pipeline. The code, however, is comprehensive, commented and well-written. At this point it is wise to describe in more detail what the illumitag project is and is not.

The main focus when developing illumitag was to test the functioning of the new protocol we developed in our lab when switching from 454 to Illumina sequencers and to check the coherence and validity of the results obtained. Thus, the pipeline built fits our current needs and is designed to be easily used by the bioinformaticians in our department to quickly analyze the 16S experiments that lots of our researchers are generating.

Hence, the illumitag project is not a biologist-oriented tool that supports all the possible use cases one could have with 16S rRNA sequence reads out of the box. For instance, it does not have a graphical interface to operate, nor any bash/sh/csh commands. Indeed, as each sequencing experiment will have different goals and scientific questions associated to it, there cannot be a standard set of procedures to apply to the data. To illustrate this, one could asks ourselves what should the following command do ?

$ illumitag --forward reads_fwd.fasta --reverse reads_rev.fasta

Hard to say. To solve the problem, the scientist would have to specify an endless list of options and the design of a tool supporting so many different cases would be greatly complicated.

$ illumitag --forward reads_fwd.fasta --reverse reads_rev.fasta --barcode_single TRUE --barcode_only_in_reverse_reads TRUE --discard_missmatch_barcode 2 --remove_sequences_from "Plastid, Mitochondrion, Thaumarchaeota" --seperate_phyla_in_graph_when_larger_than 3000 --version_of_silva_to_use SSURef111 etc...

Instead, the illumitag project is a flexible and modular collections of packages written in proper, clean and commented object-oriented python which enables the user to survey, modify and extend the code-base easily -- provided he has a sufficient knowledge in programming. It is a basis upon which the scientist can set up the processing and analysis that he sees fit for his own data sparing him from having to develop lots of the infrastructure needed himself.

Many objects common to any analysis such as a "FASTQ file pair", a "Sample", a "Collection of Samples", a "Cluster of sequences", a "Collection of OTUs" are provided. In addition you will find routines for sending these objects through well-known algorithms such as UCLUST, UPARSE, PandaSEQ, CREST classifier, Vegan NMDS, etc. Lots of other functionality is also present such as a multitude of visualization in matplotlib and other things such as the ability to automatically distribute the computation on a network of computers (via SLURM). But here again, every cluster varies between each university and it would make no sense to provide all possible options in the list of command line arguments.


The kind of outputs that are generated by the pipeline are the following. Starting from your raw reads out of the Illumina sequencer, you will end up with a report for every individual sample, as well as a report for every collection of samples that you wish to group in the same "project".


No automated installation has been developed for the illumitag package yet. But following this document and typing these commands on your bash prompt should get you started. If you cannot get a functional installation set up, contact the authors.

Step 1: Cloning the repository

Here you will download a copy of the code from github and place it somewhere in your home directory.

$ cd ~
$ mkdir repos
$ cd repos
$ git clone

Step 2A: Modify your search paths

Here you will edit your ~/.bashrc or ~/.bash_profile to add a reference to the code you just downloaded.

$ vim ~/.bash_profile
export PYTHONPATH="$HOME/repos/illumitag/":$PYTHONPATH

Step 2B: Modify your binary search path

There are some dependencies that are not too large and can be bundled as binaries with this module. To avoid the hassle of downloading and compiling these requirements, we have added a bunch of them in the repository. Add them to your $PATH.

$ vim ~/.bash_profile
export PATH="$HOME/repos/illumitag/bin/linux/:$PATH"

Step 3: Install your own version of python

Your system probably comes with a version of python installed. But the variations from system to system are too great to rely on any available python. We strongly suggest to just install our own version in your home directory.

For this we will be using this excellent project:

To install it you may use this sister project:

Basically you just need to type this command:

$ curl -L | bash

These lines go into your .bash_profile:

$ vim ~/.bash_profile
export PYENV_ROOT="$HOME/.pyenv"
export PATH="$PYENV_ROOT/bin:$PATH"
eval "$(pyenv init -)"

Relaunch your shell and type these commands to get the right version of python now:

pyenv install 2.7.10
pyenv rehash
pyenv global 2.7.10

Step 4: Install all required python packages

illumitag uses many third party python libraries. You can get them by running these commands:

$ pip install sh
$ pip install decorator
$ pip install biopython
$ pip install threadpool
$ pip install patsy
$ pip install scipy
$ pip install matplotlib
$ pip install pandas
$ pip install statsmodels
$ pip install ipython
$ pip install scikit-learn
$ pip install rpy2
$ pip install brewer2mpl
$ pip install regex
$ pip install ftputil
$ pip install names
$ pip install shell_command
$ pip install pystache
$ pip install tabulate
$ pip install tqdm
$ pip install humanfriendly
$ pip install biom-format
$ pip install future==0.13.1
$ pip install scikit-bio==0.1.4

Don't forget to rehash the binary links at the end:

$ pyenv rehash

Step 5: Check you have all the required executables

illumitag will search for several different binaries as it processes your data. Please check all of these are available in your $PATH:

$ which pandaseq27
$ which usearch7
$ which usearch6
$ which fastqc
$ which blastn
$ which classify

Step 6: Check you have all the required R dependencies

illumitag will use some R packages that need to be installed. If you do not have them already, please install them:

$ R install 'vegan'

Step 7: Make a working directory with the raw data linked

By default, illumitag will search for the sequence data in a directory called ILLUMITAG placed in your home directory. This can be modified of course for your own setup. Each specific collection of sequence data should have an associated json file placed in the json directory of the repository telling illumitag exactly what the name of the files are.

$ cd ~
$ ln -s /proj/ $HOME/proj

Step 8: Start typing python commands to analyze your data

$ ipython -i -c "import illumitag"


Pipeline for analyzing 16S rRNA Illumina paired-end amplicon sequencing







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