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A simple, responsive and beautiful Todo list Based React framework (TypeScript)

List Screen :


Focus Screen :


To view a live example, click here.

  • The List Screen allows you to write tasks.
  • The Focus Screen allows you to focus on a specific task.
  • The tasks are kept in the Local Storage so that you can access your tasks without implementing a back-end solution.

Feel free to use it as-is or customise it as much as you want.

If you want to contribute and make this much better for other developers, have a look at Issues.

If you created something awesome and want to contribute, then feel free to open a pull request.


  • Responsive
  • Simple
  • Easy to use


✔️ List Screen ✔️ Focus Screen

How To Use

From your command line, clone and run Todo-list:

# Clone this repository
$ git clone

# Go into the repository
$ cd Todo-React

# Install dependencies
$ yarn

# Run Project
$ yarn start


When you are done with the setup, you can host your app online. We highly recommend to read through the Deploying on Github Pages docs for React.

Technologies Used

  • Frameworks : React and TailwindCSS
  • Programming Languages : Typescript and CSS


If you like this portfolio template, don't forget to give it a ⭐ and also share it with me here.