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Prestige Plus for WotR

Requirements: ModMenu. TTT-Core.

  • This mod adds a lot of character options to the game, especially combat maneuvers and prestige classes!
  • All features are toggleable.


Combat Maneuver+


  • This is how I implement it:
  1. There are 3 kinds of grapples in the game. My Grapple Mechanic is very close to tabletop. Shifter and beast shape grapples stay owlcat-brew but once the character takes Grapple (Improved Grapple) feat, their grapple mechanics would be turned into mine. Finally, monster grapples stay the way it is in vanilla.
  2. If you are grappled, you can attempt to break the grapple by making a combat maneuver check (DC equal to your opponent’s CMD; this does not provoke an attack of opportunity) or Thievery check (with a DC equal to your opponent’s CMD). If you succeed, you break the grapple as a standard action. However, if you fail nothing happens, you don't use your standard action.
  3. You can only tie up pinned creatures, and then they still need to be grappled. The rope would be bursted if you release grapple, because you don't have time to tie someone up properly in combat. They are not helpless but can become the target of Coup De Grace. Additionally, grapple actions against them auto-succeed, they're auto pinned by the rope and their Thievery check DC to escape is higher.
  • Added Feats: Grapple (Improved Grapple), Greater Grapple, Rapid Grappler, Unfair Grip, Pinning Knockout, Pinning Rend, Savage Slam, Dramatic Slam, Hamatula Strike, Throat Slicer
  • Added Mythic Feats and Abilities (inspired by tabletop abilities of the same name): Grapple (Mythic), Uncanny Grapple, Aerial Assault, Knot Expert, Meat Shield, Maneuver Expert
  • Added Familiar: Crab King
  • Added Alchemist Discovery: Tentacle
  • Erastil: requires worshipping Erastil or Lawful Good
  • Falayna: requires worshipping Falayna (Expanded Content) or Lawful Good
  • Iomedae (sentinel): requires worshipping Iomedae or Lawful Good
  • Ragathiel: requires worshipping Ragathiel (Expanded Content) or Lawful Good
  • Chaldira (sentinel): requires thievery 1, worshipping Sarenrae or Neutral Good
  • Shelyn (sentinel): requires worshipping Shelyn or Neutral Good
  • Seramaydiel: requires Inspire Courage or Neutral Good
  • Arshea: requires worshipping Arshea (Expanded Content) or Neutral Good
  • Desna: requires worshipping Desna or Chaotic Good
  • Milani (sentinel): requires worshipping Milani (Expanded Content) or Chaotic Good
  • Pulura: requires worshipping Pulura or Chaotic Good
  • Irori: requires worshipping Irori or Lawful Neutral
  • Otolmens: requires worshipping Otolmens (Expanded Content) or Lawful Neutral
  • Magdh: requires worshipping Magdh (Expanded Content) or Lawful Neutral
  • Gozreh (exalted): requires worshipping Gozreh or Neutral
  • Pharasma (exalted): requires worshipping Pharasma or Neutral
  • Nethys (exalted): requires worshipping Nethys or Neutral
  • Mrtyu: requires worshipping Mrtyu (Expanded Content) or Neutral
  • Naderi (sentinel): requires worshipping Naderi (Expanded Content) or Neutral
  • Nivi (exalted): requires worshipping Torag or Neutral
  • Calistria (exalted): requires worshipping Calistria or Chaotic Neutral
  • Gorum (sentinel): requires heavy armor proficiency, worshipping Gorum or Chaotic Neutral
  • The Lantern King: requires worshipping The Lantern King (Expanded Content) or Chaotic Neutral
  • Nocticula (sentinel): requires worshipping Nocticula (Expanded Content) or Chaotic Neutral
  • Some of her boons have changed because she's in the middle of spoilers
  • Groetus (exalted): requires worshipping Groetus (Expanded Content) or Chaotic Neutral
  • Zon-Kuthon (sentinel): requires worshipping Zon-Kuthon or Lawful Evil
  • Achaekek (sentinel): requires worshipping Achaekek or Lawful Evil
  • Mahathallah (exalted): requires worshipping Asmodeus or Lawful Evil
  • Akuma: requires worshipping Asmodeus or Lawful Evil
  • Arazni (sentinel): requires worshipping Urgathoa or Neutral Evil
  • Charon (sentinel): requires worshipping Charon (Expanded Content) or Neutral Evil
  • Norgorber: requires worshipping Norgorber or Neutral Evil
  • Szuriel (sentinel): requires worshipping Szuriel (Expanded Content) or Neutral Evil
  • Kabriri (exalted): requires worshipping Kabriri (Expanded Content) or Chaotic Evil
  • Lamashtu (exalted): requires worshipping Lamashtu or Chaotic Evil
  • Rovagug: requires worshipping Rovagug or Chaotic Evil
  • Socothbenoth (sentinel): requires worshipping Areshkagal (Expanded Content) or Chaotic Evil
  • Diverse Obedience
  • Continue the aligned class progression or start your Exalted career!
  • Perform Miracle: Essentially you prepare up to 30 spells each level to choose from, because the UI will explode if you have too many spells.
  • Guided Hand
  • Guided Hand (Mythic)
  • The favored weapon is determined by your actual deity, not the deity of your obedience.
  • It works for deities from other mods!
  • The class has only 5 levels.
  • Gain spell progression at level 2, 3, 4, 5.
  • Hide your alignment!

Homebrew Options:

  • At level 5 you can learn all necromancy spells (requires 13 int, full caster)
  • Or become a ghoul! (you're undead so incompatible with lichdom)
  • Or become a vampire! (requires blood drinker, incompatible with lichdom)
  • Gain spell progression at level 2-10.
  • Focused Sacred Weapon can't be turned off once chosen (it will become very complicated for me otherwise)
  • Credence gives access to Dervish in TTT.

Homebrew Options:

  • Blossoming Light: a mythic ability to use Solar Invocation for free!
  • Gain spell progression at level 2-4, 6-8, 10.
  • A True Imbue Arrow is always with a quickened spell XD
  • And we have Deadeye Devotee!

Homebrew Options:

  • Storm of Arrows: a mythic ability to increase the number of uses of Hail of Arrows!
  • Share your pet with Djinni’s Blessing!
  • Gain Cavalier Mobility if TTT-base installed.
  • Trample (Mythic): a mythic feat inspired by tabletop abilities of the same name! (notice that owlcat trample works differently from tabletop)

Homebrew Options:

  • Bond of Genies: a mythic ability to mount any party member!
  • Based off, and basically the same as the gunslinger archetype.
  • Convert your grit to panache (swashbuckler mod) or vice versa!
  • The class has only 3 levels.
  • Requires worshipping Ragathiel (Expanded Content) or Lawful Good.
  • Gain spell progression at level 2-10.

Homebrew Options:

  • A mythic ability to deliver any touch spell via enchanting touch!
  • Become a master spy!
  • Kinetic Esoterica: continue kineticist progression every 2 levels!

Homebrew Options:

  • Divine Psychic: continue cleric progression every 2 levels!
  • Simplify Guerrilla Tactics, making it easy to use in the game!
  • The class gives access to Paired Opportunists in CO+ and Spring Attack in Swashbuckler Mod, but you'll need the respective mod active to select them. If you don't want these feats, my mod doesn't require anything, as the original feature will still be there.
  • Chosen Ally is for barbarian standard rage only =-=
  • Gain Swift Aid if Expanded Content installed.
  • Preemptive Strike works best with a long reach!
  • The class has only 5 levels.

Homebrew Options:

  • Alternative access to the class for non-halflings!
  • A mythic feat to use another combat maneuver with Exploitive Maneuver.
  • Image of Divinity: At 7th level, a heritor knight’s appearance changes to superficially resemble the Inheritor herself, although she is still recognizable to those who know her, and her statistics do not change.
  • This is absolutely my favorite.
  • The Terrain Mastery abilities of Astral Plane and Abyss are actually useless in the module but they are prerequisites for their Terrain Dominance.
  • There isn't a GM available telling which creature is native to where, so ONLY ABYSS's favored enemy bonus works, for demons (which is written explicitly in the its description). And you guys probably won't focus on other creatures anyway lol
  • Gain spell progression at level 2-10.
  • Master Archer gives access to Deadeye’s Blessing in TTT and Pinpoint Targeting in ExpandedContent, but you'll need the respective mod active to select them. If you don't want these feats, my mod doesn't require anything, as the original feature will still be there.
  • Gain a new Favored Terrain at level 2, 6, and an upgrade at level 9, 10. No need to study for 24 hours!
  • The class has only 3 levels.
  • Gain spell progression at level 1-3.

Homebrew Options:

  • Spells per day/Destroyer of Tyranny/Sword Against Injustice: Now warpriest-friendly!

Homebrew Options:

  • Gigantic Steed gives stackable bonus instead of size bonus. It just doesn't make any sense that this can't stack with magical enlarge effect!
  • Steed’s Reach is togglable, because longer reach might have negative impact in the game.

Homebrew Options:

  • Gigantic Assault: a mythic ability to charge like a beast!
  • This is absolutely my favorite.
  • Requires Dark Codex, or you won't gain Prodigious Two-Weapon Fighting.
  • The class has 10 levels, but I only implement the first 3 levels because it doesn't have good stuff at higher levels.

Homebrew Options:

  • Become an Angel of Death early! (requires precise shot)
  • Feat: Extra Tyrant’s Discipline
  • Gain spell progression at level 2, 4, 6, 8, 10.

Homebrew Options:

  • Summon Shadow: You can choose an animal companian instead and make it undead!
  • Shadow Jump: You can choose any feat from the dimentional feat chain instead! This requires Microscopic Content Expansion mod. If you don't want these feats, my mod doesn't require anything, as the original feature will still be there.
  • Extra Shadow Jump: This is a homebrew feat that gives you 4 extra uses of Shadow Jump ability and you can take it as soon as shadowdancer level 1!
  • Gain spell progression at level 2-5, 7-10.
  • With good stuff from this version
  • Gain spell progression at level 2-4, 6-8, 10.

Homebrew Options:

  • Endless Gaze: a mythic ability to use Unnerving Gaze for free!
  • Shadow Jump: You can choose any feat from the dimentional feat chain instead! This requires Microscopic Content Expansion mod. If you don't want these feats, my mod doesn't require anything, as the original feature will still be there.
  • Extra Shadow Jump: This is a homebrew feat that gives you 4 extra uses of Shadow Jump ability and you can take it as soon as umbral agent level 1!
  • Learn 3 Thrashing Dragon stances!
  • The class has more stuff on tabletop but it's enough of a power house atm :)
  • From Path of War

New Archetypes


  • Construct Rider
  • Internal Alchemist
  • Can select certain bonus feats in place of an alchemical discovery.
  • Mad Scientist
  • For Lv2 discovery, Left spell slot blank to create genius extracts. For Lv4 discovery, start brewing and wait for an hour.
  • This is absolutely my favorite.






  • Constable
  • Squad Commander: automatically start laying out a plan at the end of each combat!
  • Emissary
  • Requires TTT, or you won't gain the bonus feats!















New Styles

New Feats

Trip Feats

  • Vindictive Fall
  • Ranged Trip
  • Ace Trip: You don’t take the –2 penalty for making trip attempts with a ranged weapon using Ranged Trip, and you can attempt trip combat maneuver checks against anyone, even if the creature is immune to trip.
  • Cleaving Sweep
  • Down Like Dominoes: When you successfully trip a foe, as a free action you can attempt an additional trip attack against an adjacent creature at a –4 penalty. If this second trip is successful, you immediately move to its square and may continue to attempt to trip other creatures, taking a cumulative –4 penalty on each trip attempt after the first. In a round, you can trip a number of creatures equal to 1 + half your tier in this way.

Sunder Feats

  • Crush Armor
  • Sunder Storm: When you succeed at a sunder combat maneuver check, you drive the shattered pieces of the item into the flesh of its wearer, dealing 1d6 + a number of points equal to your tier of divine damage. Additionally, as a full-round action, you can attempt a sunder combat maneuver against each opponent within reach.
  • Tear Apart: Your sunder combat maneuver no longer disables armor, but rends it. If the check is successful, deal your weapon damage to the target and reduce the target’s armor bonus, natural armor bonus, or shield bonus by half your tier (minimum 1). If the creature has an enhancement bonus to the bonus you chose, reduce the normal bonus first, then apply any leftover reduction to the enhancement bonus. You can’t reduce the bonus below 0.

Bull Rush Feats

  • Quick Bull Rush
  • Raging Throw
  • Hurricane Punch
  • Knockback
  • Drive Back: As a full-round action, you can make one melee attack at your highest base attack bonus against each opponent within reach. You must make a separate attack roll against each opponent, then attempt a free bull rush combat maneuver check against each foe that you hit.
  • Combat Trickery: Through buffoonery and deceit, you can trick opponents into moving where you want them. You can make a bull rush combat maneuver check to all adjacent opponents as a standard action, using your Bluff check modifier in place of your CMB.

Disarm Feats

Dirty Trick Feats

New Ki Powers

New Magus Arcana

New Rage Powers

New Rogue Talents

New Inquisitions

New Orders

New Spells

New Mythic Prestige Class Features

  • Unbreakable Defense: You no longer have a limited amount of Defensive Stance rounds per day.
  • Riposte (Mythic): The duelist adds her mythic tier as a bonus on her attack roll when attempting a parry and riposte. This bonus does not stack with Ever Ready mythic feat.
  • Metaphysical Sneak Attack: If the student of war deals sneak attack damage to a target, he can study that target, allowing him to apply his Know Your Enemy effects. Additionally, his sneak attack no longer deals precision damage.
  • Mystic Catalyst: You can use Lesser Spell Synthesis ability at will.

Other Features

  • Esoteric Dragons for Dragon Disciple: A dragon disciple can choose such a bloodline and replace her bloodline arcana with extra psychic spells.
  • Catechesis for Hellknight Signifer
  • Quick Draw: If a Swordlord already has Quick Draw or Alertness, he gains Aldori Dueling Mastery as a bonus feat.
  • Tabletop Grappling Infusion: There's a toggle to let you attempt a combat maneuver check to have the blast grapple that opponent, instead of allowing a reflex save. Your bonus on this check is equal to 2 + your kineticist level + your Constitution modifier (treat the blast as a Huge creature). The DC for the purposes of escaping the grapple, is equal to 10 + its CMB.
  • It takes effect as per tabletop rules, but the break-free part is still owl-brew.
  • Enduring Spells Stay On Death (default on): Now with Enduring Spells, your buff stay on death, less save scumming :)
  • Dimensional Retribution Bypasses Dimensional Lock (default on): Now with Dimensional Retribution, teleportation effect no longer restricted in certain areas
  • Estimated THC: Show hit chance and spell (not) saved chance in turn based mode. This is not precise because it doesn't take into consideration certain effects such as concealment, spell penetration or conditional save bonus, but still better than nothing, eh? (default off)
  • Infernal Healing: You can fully heal outside of combat by spending gold, as if you buy a wand of infernal healing and use it! (gold : hp = 3:2)
  • Weak Crits against Enemies: Symmetrical with owlcat weak crits settings, making it fair (default off)
  • English Learning Mode: Show English dialogues along with any other language of yours (default off)
  • Lazy Crusade: Global map speed * 1000, reveal range * 1000, unlimited army movement, easier level up (default off)
  • Spell Turning effects no longer reflect touch spells and AoE spells, as per tabletop
  • Razmiri Mask no longer reflects anything more than Aroden Belt would
  • Enemy AI now recognize your permanent Spell Turning effects and act like a sane person
  • Fix Difficulty CMD Tripple-Dipped: This will significantly reduce enemy CMD at higher difficulties. CMD is calculated by adding STR bonus, DEX bonus and AC bonus, which means difficulty stat advancement is applied 3 times in vanilla, leading to total madness.
  • Fix Power Attack: now working as descripted: This bonus to damage is halved (–50%) if you are making an attack with an off-hand weapon. Note that Piranha Strike has the same bug but it isn't fixed because this might give Piranha Strike an edge over Power Attack, which is pretty coool.
  • Fix the bug that prone unit can be tripped. If you would allow some kind of head kicking, turn this off in mod menu.
  • Fix the bug that physical kinetic blasts that create an area effect don't count as magical.
  • Fix the bug(?) that a sawtooth saber can't be wielded with two hands.
  • Fix the bug that eldritch scion's arcane accuracy incorrectly uses INT.
  • Fix the bug that aeon bane giving crazy attack bonus.
  • Fix the bug that Clemency of Shadows triggers every AoO regardless of whether it crits or not.
  • Fix the bug that Dragon Disciple can't progress spell books other than spontaneous arcane ones (2-4, 6-8, 9-10)
  • Fix the bug(?) that enemies can't take a 5 foot step.
  • Fix the bug(?) that you can't skip selections.
  • Fix the bug(?) that some prestige class requirements still apply after taking the first level.
  • Fix the bug that Drunken Technique: Firewater Breath doesn't deal any damage when saved.
  • Fix the bug that activate abilities are effectively missing the last charge.
  • Fix the bug that stat damage can't kill you for some reason.
  • Add a null check to SavingThrowBonusAgainstDescriptor.
  • Joy Patches: Fix the owner blueprint issue Wrath Patches keep complaining about.
  • You can no longer directly target an enemy with an ability which it's immune to.
  • Better AI: No longer choose invalid targets, no longer try to dominate other creatures with dominate person (vampire), no longer cast contagion (unreasonably weak, and also buggy for AI)

Mod Combo

  • Thanks bitter for adding aid another related stuff to my Asavir, Golden Legionnaire and Halfling Opportunist!
  • Vampirism oracle curse can qualify for my vampiric transformation!
  • Love every feature of it!
  • My dimensional spell-like abilities can qualify for the dimensional feat chain (default on)
  • Walk Through Space with the dimensional feat chain! (default on)
  • Spellbook Progression - Fixed
  • Divine Wrath, Divine Judgment, Divine Retribution!

Thanks to

  • WittleWolfie for his Blueprint-Core, which makes modding easy and enjoyable.
  • Bubbles (factsubio) for BubblePrints, saving me from going mad.
  • Kosha99 for Russian localization!
  • All the Owlcat modders who came before me, wrote documents, and open sourced their code.
  • Pathfinder Wrath of The Righteous Discord channel members.
  • Join our Discord