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Vita Vibius III (Duna STS 2) report

Yakez edited this page Apr 8, 2020 · 31 revisions

Full unlabeled report is 178 screenshot gallery at imgur. Some images travel around and can be out of order: 178 screenshots here

Mission: Vita Vibius III.

Crew: 5.

Commander: Bill Kerman.

Cargo bay payload:

  • Maris Station OEM (Observation Expansion Module);

  • Tacita Roaming Base;

  • VTOL engine cluster with extra fuel;


  • Assemble Duna transfer craft at LKO in 2 launches;
  • Fill up tanks at Minmus;
  • Reach Duna and rendezvous with Maris Station;
  • Install Maris Station OEM as middle section (Observation Expansion Module);
  • Send LAME to refuel at Ike;
  • Leave 1 crew member at station for support roles, then land SMM at Duna;
  • Deploy Tacita Roaming Base;
  • Transfer 3 of 4 crew member to Tacita Base expedition;
  • Perform Duna expedition;
  • Leave Duna to Maris station;
  • Complete rest of mission objectives at station and summon LAME back to configure craft for Kerbin return;
  • Return to Kerbin.

SMM type 3 Vita Vibius has bigger cargo payload and more versatile engines out of the box. Return to Duna while was planned by refitted SMM type 1 was instead tasked to new SMM type 3 Vita Vibius. This mission was expected to be 2 part launch with some orbital construction of engine section.

Picture 1. Next generation of Heavy Launch System in action.

Picture 2. Separation of side boosters. LAME is carried upside down parallel to SMM (under).

Picture 3. Separation of main boosters. One big booster configuration is abandoned for more cheaper mass production of double boosters and easier payload balance.

Picture 4. LAME and SMM configured. NEC type 2 was installed as initial part of planned support package with 2 additional NEC type 2.

However, problems started right after the start. Vita Vibius reached LKO as planned, but the ground team flagged support package for engine adapter as inadequate and useless. It was originally planned to use 3 NEC type 2 as means of propulsion. Also KSA miscalculated Minmus burn delta V, witch put complexity of refuel operation further making it potentially double landing. But KSA has came up with an idea to proceed with mission.

Picture 5. Support package launched.

Picture 6. Support package with NEC type 3.

It was decided to send prototype of NEC type 3. While it was never tested and obviously lacked maneuvering capabilities of predecessors it was up to the task. And after some problems with docking and using more monopropellant as expected SMM got so much needed extra fuel and installed NEC type 3 at LKO.

Picture 7. Vita Vibius fully assembled for Minmus burn.

Picture 8. NEC type 3 at full power for the first time.

Minmus burn was made as expected, but for some reason pilot made an error and put SMM at inverse orbit. While it is not really major issue, it definitely have cost of some extra delta V spent.

Picture 9. Vita Vibius at Low Minmus Orbit.

Further problems have arisen at Minmus orbit. After LAME separation Vita Vibius was unable to dock to NEC. It was never tested and radiators were blocking so much needed docking port clearance. While not a major issue, it would result in a lot of extra maneuvering both at Minmus and Duna. KSA ordered mission to proceed and sent some support calculations and proposals on how to approach now more complex mission profile.

Picture 10. Vita Vibius separates from LAME and NEC.

Picture 11. Vita Vibius is unable to dock back with NEC as planned.

Picture 12. LAME is landing on Minmus under pover of 6 RV-1 "Cub" engines.

During Minmus fuel refinement LAME once again have felt short on cooling of its systems. This have made Minmus pit stop even longer than planned initially. Quite good that whole mission had large headroom before Duna transfer window and can use Maris Station OEM as an extra habitation during this mission!

Picture 13. Mint dust generator.

One of propositions from the ground was to land SMM at Auxilium base, then dock and refuel SMM with mobile refinery, then lift refinery with SMM, launch LAME, dock all 3 components and land LAME with all the cooling on the mobile refinery... Plan was completely opposed by the crew and commander of mission due to unnecessary risks and complexity.

Picture 14. LAME returning back to SMM with full tanks.

Picture 15. Rendezvous planning with SMM.

Picture 16. Lame picking up NEC on the way to SMM

And later after analysis of new KSA plans Bob have found a fatal flaw. With an issue of recessed docking port on NEC it would be impossible to land LAME on Ike for refuel operation... But as a contingency plan Vita Vibius had some spare EVA tools to fix an issue like that. So mission engineer has made spacewalk to detach radiators with solar panels from NEC. Engineer was tacked if possible to attach now extra radiators back to LAME.

Picture 17. Attaching radiators from NEC to LAME with EVA tools.

Picture 18. One radiator is sacrificed to space deities.

3 out of 4 radiators were successfully retrieved and reattached to LAME. Last one was lost to space. Also while at that task engineer performed original backup plan and used EVA struts to strengthen NEC coupling for Duna transfer burn. One of EVA struts was also lost.

Picture 19. Using EVA struts to enhance joint.

Picture 20. Duna Burn.

Picture 21. Duna aero-capture is planned.

When SMM was ready. Mission have made Duna burn from high Kerbin orbit and later correction burn to put it in aero-break trajectory.

Picture 22. Vita Vibius arrived at Duna.

Picture 23. Vita Vibius during aero-break.

Picture 24. Orbit after breaking.

After successful breaking SMM made several burns to change inclination and rendezvous with Maris Station.

Picture 25. Maris Station docking.

This time around mission had only small module to expand station. Observation Expansion Module is a small addition aimed to enhance station accommodations and Duna observation potential with panoramic cupola.

Picture 26. OEM in cargo bay of SMM.

Picture 27. OEM - Observation Expansion Module. Consist of: probe core with reaction wheels, antenna, battery pack, solar panels, cupola and hitchhiker crew container.

Picture 28. Separation of Maris Station Core module.

Picture 29. OEM installed in the middle of Maris Station.

When Maris Station was back online LAME was separated from SMM and reconfigured with NEC on other docking port. LAME was remotely controlled to reach Ike and land on a good mining location for refuel operation.

Picture 30. LAME and NEC separated.

Picture 31. LAME assembled for Ike operations.

Picture 32. Ike burn calculations.

Picture 33. LAME Ike orbit insertion.

Picture 34. LAME landing under power of NEC. Shrimp maneuver is about to happen.

Picture 35. Shrimp maneuver is executed, flipping LAME 180 degrees. Last bit of landing is made on 6 RV-1 engines.

Picture 36. LAME during Ike refuel.

Once again LAME felt short of its designed goals. Due to nature of Ike orbit and day/night cycle it was rather slow in its refuel cycle. Further improvements need to be made for LAME. Including addition of fuel cells for night operations.

During lift off from Ike LAME also have encountered difficulties in acceleration, so ore container cargo was jettisoned to improve TWR before performing shrimp maneuver.

Picture 37. LAME is struggling to lift off from Ike with full tanks. Extra ore jettisoned.

Picture 38. LAME have performed shrimp maneuver and now clear to reach orbit.

Picture 39. LAME reaching stable Ike orbit.

After relaxation on Maris Station SMM had started landing procedures. One crew member stayed at Maris Station for orbital coordination and communications.

Picture 40. Vita Vibius VTOL engine cluster is armed for landing.

Picture 41. Vita Vibius gliding on a thin atmospheric cushion of Duna.

Picture 42. Double drogue parachute is released at 10 km.

Picture 43. 8 main parachutes are released.

Picture 44. Successful parachute and landing gear deployment.

Picture 45. Engaging 4 T-1 engines in VTOL cluster to bleed off last 50 m/s of speed.

Picture 46. First crewed touch down on Duna!

After all landing checks it was time to release Tacita Roaming Base. Vita Vibius was lowered onto cargo bay doors to release payload. VTOL engines were fired and SMM gracefully hopped to the side away from the base. Tacita Roaming Base docked to Vita Vibius and 3 crew members with all the supplies were transferred for the expedition.

Picture 47. Payload is released.

Picture 48. Initiating hop procedure.

Picture 49. Landing SMM back.

Picture 50. Docking base to SMM.

Picture 51. Tacita Roaming was base lifted on pistons and is docked to Vita Vibius.

Next step was to perform expedition on Duna. This time it was driving around rather boring flats and gathering information on Duna soils. Pilot stayed at Vita Vibius to keep the engines warm.

Picture 52. Tacita Roaming Base Leaving for the expedition.

Picture 53. Driving in red Dunes.

Picture 54. EVA relaxation time.

Picture 52. Totally scientific research!

Picture 53. Scientific examination of sunset atmospheric composition.

Picture 54. Psychological research during "Duna monster that ate kerbalnauts" story time.

Picture 55. On the way back to Vita Vibius.

After rather extensive expedition it was time to leave everything unnecessary on Duna and head back to Maris Station. Samples were transferred through the docking port on board, engines were fired and Vita Vibius left for the Duna skies.

Picture 56. Ready for the lift off.

Picture 57. 6 CR-7 and 4 T-1 at work.

Picture 58. Totally natural ejection of VTOL engine stage from SMM cargo bay.

Picture 59. Stabilizing.

Picture 60. SMM Reaching orbital speeds Orbital insertion burn.

Picture 61. Docking to Maris Station.

Vita Vibius has reached Maris Station with no issues. After arriving at Maris Station and performing extensive research in Station Lab it was time to summon LAME back from Ike orbit.

Picture 62. Plotting LAME aero-break from Ike.

Picture 63. Burn.

Picture 64. Break.

Picture 65. Flip.

Picture 66. Dock.

After LAME was at Maris Station crew examined condition of module and stitched it with EVA struts for more secure burns. After that Vita Vibius has started its journey to Kerbin.

Picture 67. Pre-flight checks and examination.

Picture 68. Calculating return Burn.

Picture 69. Leaving Maris Station from 69 km Duna orbit.

Picture 70. Kerbin return burn.

Vita Vibius was set for return and arrived at Kerbin as planned. After that some issues were encountered. Polar orbit insertion proved to be far too aggressive and with poor fuel balance management flipped SMM during aero-break. When LAME started rapid disassembly pilot opted for spin stabilization and cooling, but was only successful after atmosphere cut clean LAME with rear docking port and nose cone airlock/docking port of SMM.

Picture 71. Reaching Kerbin.

Picture 72. Totally planned rapid disassembly/disposal of LAME during Kerbin aero-break.

Picture 73. Combating stuff that Kerbals usually inhale.

Picture 74. Orbit looks fine, tho.

Picture 75. Rear docking port is examined and approved as "new lightweight version for docking training simulator".

Picture 76. Lightweight version of Vita Vibius over Kerbin North Pole.

Crew was green lighted from KSA to proceed with landing on Kerbin after EVA assessment. After performing several less aggressive landing aero-breaks Vita Vibius has plummeted into Kerbin atmosphere.

Piloting any SMM vessel without nose cone was always a challenge and SMM type 3 is heavier to handle. Stabilization was made rather low over Kerbin sea level. And crippled craft transferred on turtle sub-sonic speeds to finally land at KSC.

Picture 77. Final decent of VVIII mission.

Picture 78. Stabilization.

Picture 79. Arriving at KSC.

Picture 80. Landing at KSC.

Picture 81. Graceful hockey stop of Vita Vibius at KSC runway.

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