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Using CAS

Machiste N. Quintana edited this page Jan 12, 2015 · 10 revisions

Also check out:


gem 'rubycas-client-rails'
gem 'rubycas-client', '2.2.1'

In application_controller.rb:

before_filter CASClient::Frameworks::Rails::Filter, :unless => :skip_login?
before_filter :current_user

#so we can use current_user in the views
helper_method :current_user

def current_user
  current_user = User.find_or_create_by( netid: session[:cas_user] )
  if !current_user
    redirect_to :root
    return false

# hack for skip_before_filter with CAS
# overwrite this method (with 'true') in any controller you want to skip CAS authentication
def skip_login? 

In config/environment.rb

  :cas_base_url => "",
  :username_session_key => :cas_user,
  :extra_attributes_session_key => :cas_extra_attributes

#Rails 4 As of Aug 23, 2014 rubycas-client hasn't yet been updated to work with Rails 4 in the RubyGems repository, but it works straight from GitHub!

gem 'rubycas-client', :git => ""

You don't need to include gem 'rubycas-client-rails'

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