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A Graph-based Algorithm for Estimating Clonal Haplotypes of Tumor Sample from Sequencing Data

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A Graph-based Algorithm for Estimating Clonal Haplotypes of Tumor Sample from Sequencing Data


#Generating the second generation sequencing data, paired-end reads.

1. NorSim

  Usage:   norsim [options] <ref.fa> <nor.sim>
  Options: -r FLOAT	mutation rate of GV (0.0010000000)
           -R FLOAT      	fraction of indels (0.000000)
           -X FLOAT      	probability an indel is extended (0.300000)
           -D FLOAT      	delete rate in indel (0.500000)
           -B FLOAT      	BB rate in mutation (0.333330)
           -I <delpos.txt>  	input long indel set file
           -A <nor_AB.idx>  	output the positions of AB mutation type in normal
           -o <nor_simout.txt>  	result for runing case
./norsim -r 0.001 -B 0 -A nor_AB.idx ref.fa nor.sim

2. TumSim

  Usage:   tumsim [options] <ref.fa> <base.sim> <nor_AB.idx> <subclone.sim>
  Options: -r FLOAT      	mutation rate of SV (0.0000100000)
           -R FLOAT      	fraction of indels (0.000000)
           -X FLOAT      	probability an indel is extended (0.300000)
           -D FLOAT      	delete rate in indel (0.500000)
           -B FLOAT      	BB rate in mutation (0.333330)
           -b FLOAT      	LOH BB rate in mutation (0.500000)
           -A FLOAT      	mutation rate of LOH in normal AB (0.0000100000)
           -p FLOAT      	the position of high desity (0.500000)
           -n int      	mutation number in high desity (100)
           -l int       	length of high desity (100000)
           -I <indelpos.txt>  		input long indel set file. generating <subclone.sim.idx> for 'ReadGen'
           -N <other_chged.idx> 	input changed positions in other subclone(may multi-choices)
           -C <*_chged.idx>  		output changed positions in this turmor
           -o <*_simout.txt>  	output result for runing case
./tumsim -r 0.007  -A 0 -B 0 -n 7000 -p 0 -l 100000 ref.fa nor.sim nor_AB.idx s1.sim
./tumsim -r 0.003  -A 0 -B 0 -n 3000 -p 0 -l 100000 ref.fa s1.sim nor_AB.idx s2.sim

#The ratio of three sub-clones is 3:5:2.

3. ReadGen

  Usage:   readgen [options] <ref.fa> <*.sim> <left.fq> <right.fq>
  Options: -d INT		outer distance between the two ends of paired_end reads [10000]
           -s INT     standard deviation of MAX_DIS [10]
           -l INT     length of left  read [100]
           -r INT     length of right read [100]
           -c float   cover rate of read [5.000000]
           -e float   error r  ate in generate reads [0.000000]
           -S       	output single read(not paired_end reads)
           -k       	keep 'N' character in reads
           -I <subclonde.sim.idx>   long insert table file from 'TumSim'
           -O <genread.log>  		  result for runing case
./readgen -l 250 -r 250 -d 1000 -s 10 -c 30 ref.fa nor.sim n30_left.fq n30_right.fq
./readgen -l 250 -r 250 -d 1000 -s 10 -c 50 ref.fa s1.sim s1_left.fq s1_right.fq
./readgen -l 250 -r 250 -d 1000 -s 10 -c 20 ref.fa s2.sim s2_left.fq s2_right.fq

4. Merge

  Usage:   merge  ref_name  *1.fq ... *n.fq   all.fq
./merge chr16 n30_left.fq s1_left.fq s2_left.fq  t100_left.fq
./merge chr16 n30_right.fq s1_right.fq s2_right.fq  t100_right.fq

5. BWA

bwa index -a bwtsw ref.fa
bwa aln ref.fa t100_left.fq>t100_left.sai
bwa aln ref.fa t100_right.fq>t100_right.sai
bwa sampe -f p1.sam ref.fa t100_left.sai t100_right.sai t100_left.fq t100_right.fq

Step2:Dividing and Assembling

#Extraing variants as VPE information.

6. VPE

  Usage:   vpe readlength ref.fa vpoint.sim in.sam out.vaf VPEname
./vpe 250 ref.fa s2.sim p1.sam 1.vaf VPE1

#Counting the missing point.

7. Misspoint

  Usage:   misspoint vpoint.sim VPEname1 insertsize1 VPEname2 insertsize2 outname   
./misspoint s2.sim VPE1 1000 VPE2 1500 missp

#Mapping against the reference.


  Usage: input:    VPE
         output:   apart file


  Usage: input:    .xlsx (process apart file to excel file) and ref.xlsx (turn ref.fa to excel file)
         output:   VPE_variants_AB (merge them to VPEAB.txt)

#Clustering by SciClone tool.

10. SciClone

11. Sci-cluster

  Usage:   sc cluster.txt cluster 
./sc cluster.txt siclus

#Connecting short chain groups.

12. Haplotype

  Usage:   haplotype vpoint.sim cluster VPEname1 insertsize1 VPEname2 insertsize2 VPEname2 insertsize3 out
./haplotype s2.sim siclus VPE1AB.txt 1000 VPE2AB.txt 1500 VPE3AB.txt 2000 short_chain

Step3:Generating the Maximum Spanning Tree and Thickness Stripping

#Caculating the weighted matrix for the undirected graph.


  Usage: input: 
           positionAB.xlsx  (apart short_chain into positionAB and variantsAB)
           variantsAB.xlsx  (apart short_chain into positionAB and variantsAB)
           cluster.xlsx (turn siclus into excel file)
           w.mat (weighted matrix)
           w0.mat    (weighted matrix for the founding clone variants)
           ww.mat    (weighted matrix after thickness stripping)

#Removing the row and column with all zeros.

14. none_zero.m

  Usage: input: w0.mat and ww.mat
         output: w0_nonezero.mat and a0.mat
                 ww_nonezero.mat and aww.mat

#Generating the spanning tree.


  Usage: input:
         output: chainAB.txt         

#Generating the real clusters and haplotype chain.

16. Re-cluster

  Usage:   rc vpoint1.sim vpoint2.sim vpoint3.sim realcluster realchain


  Usage: input:    rchain.xlsx
         output:   rechainAB.txt


18. Check

  Usage:check realcluster realchain chain
./ck reclus rechainAB.txt chainAB.txt


A Graph-based Algorithm for Estimating Clonal Haplotypes of Tumor Sample from Sequencing Data






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