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Digital Cafeteria Solution POC

easyFood is a digital cafeteria solution, which helps the users/employees to view food available and place order via web app portal, which notifies the vendor about the orders, user then get notified when the order is ready. User can give feedback as well. Admin can monitor the generated revenue and view order details for trend analysis and inventory management. This solves the problem of long queues and saves user's time.


The Problems!

  • Long Queues - Consumes lots of Time
    • Queue to get Coupon/Token
    • Queue to get food
  • No Feedback
  • Paper Wastage
  • No Easy Access To Reports & Data

An Idea!

  • An App for User/Student/Employee
    • To Select Meal & Pay
    • To Recharge on their own
    • To Give Feedback
  • An App for Vendor/Staff
    • To Set Menu items
    • To Add/Set Item rates and availability
    • To accept orders and mark delivered
  • An App for Admin/Manager
    • To Recharge User Wallets via Cash
    • To Monitor Daily Revenue and Feedback
    • To View Food Orders Trends and plan inventory

The benefits!

  • Avoiding Queues - Saves lot of Time
  • Real Time Menu
  • Ordering Convenience
  • Faster & Convenient Payment Options
  • Real Time Customer Feedback
  • Easy Access To Reports & Data
  • Paperless Solution

The easyProcess!

  1. The Recharge : User goes to the admin, pays cash and get cash points in their wallet or recharge via other options.

  2. The Order : User browse and select the meal in the user app and pay using cash points available.

  3. The Delivery : Vendor gets notified! >Prepares Meal >User Collects the meal >Vendor Marks Delivered!

  4. The Analysis : User gives feedback! Admin monitors feedback and order trends and plans inventory accordingly

The TechStack!

    • WebApp: Angular8, MaterialUI
    • Spring Boot & Node APIs
    • MySQL & MongoDB


An Intelligent Cafeteria Solution POC






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