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TeruyaHaroldo committed Jan 25, 2021
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# NativeScript Yoonit Camera

![NativeScript]( ![Version]( ![Downloads](

![Android]( ![iOS]( ![MIT license](

A NativeScript plugin to provide:
- Modern Android Camera API (Camera X)
- MLKit integration
- Camera preview (Front & Back)
- Face detection (With Min & Max size)
- Landmark detection (Soon)
- Face crop
- Face capture
- Frame capture
- Face ROI
- QR Code scanning

## Installation

npm i -s @yoonit/nativescript-camera

## Usage

All the functionalities that the `@yoonit/nativescript-camera` provides is accessed through the `YoonitCamera` component, that includes the camera preview. Below we have the basic usage code, for more details, your can see the [**Methods**](#methods), [**Events**](#events) or the [**Demo Vue**](

#### VueJS Plugin
import Vue from 'nativescript-vue'
import YoonitCamera from '@yoonit/nativescript-camera/vue'


After that, you can access the camera object in your entire project using `this.$`

#### Vue Component
<Page @loaded="onLoaded">
export default {
data: () => ({}),
methods: {
async onLoaded() {
console.log('[YooCamera] Getting Camera view')
console.log('[YooCamera] Getting permission')
if (await this.$ {
console.log('[YooCamera] Permission granted, start preview')
doFaceDetected({ x, y, width, height }) {
console.log('[YooCamera] doFaceDetected', `{x: ${x}, y: ${y}, width: ${width}, height: ${height}}`)
if (!x || !y || !width || !height) {
this.imagePath = null
image: {
}) {
if (total === 0) {
console.log('[YooCamera] doImageCreated', `${type}: [${count}] ${path}`)
this.imageCreated = `${count}`
} else {
console.log('[YooCamera] doImageCreated', `${type}: [${count}] of [${total}] - ${path}`)
this.imageCreated = `${count} de ${total}`
this.imagePath = source
doEndCapture() {
console.log('[YooCamera] doEndCapture')
doQRCodeContent({ content }) {
console.log('[YooCamera] doQRCodeContent', content)
doStatus({ status }) {
console.log('[YooCamera] doStatus', status)
doPermissionDenied() {
console.log('[YooCamera] doPermissionDenied')

## API

### Props

| Props | Input/Format | Default value | Description |
| - | - | - | - |
| lens | `"front"` or `"back"` | `"front"` | The camera lens to use "front" or "back". |
| captureType | `"none"`, `"front"`, `"frame"` or `"qrcode"` | `"none"` | The capture type of the camera. |
| imageCapture | boolean | `false` | Enable/disabled save image capture. |
| imageCaptureAmount | number | `0` | The image capture amount goal. |
| imageCaptureInterval | number | `1000` | The image capture time interval in milliseconds. |
| imageCaptureWidth | `"NNpx"` | `"200px"` | The image capture width in pixels. |
| imageCaptureHeight | `"NNpx"` | `"200px"` | The image capture height in pixels. |
| colorEncoding | `"RGB"` or `"YUV"` | `"RGB"` | Only for android. The image capture color encoding type: `"RGB"` or `"YUV"`. |
| faceDetectionBox | boolean | `false` | Show/hide the face detection box. |
| faceMinSize | `"NN%"` | `"0%"` | The face minimum size percentage to capture. |
| faceMaxSize | `"NN%"` | `"100%"` | The face maximum size percentage to capture. |
| faceROI | boolean | `false` | Enable/disable the region of interest capture. |
| faceROITopOffset | `"NN%"` | `"0%"` | Distance in percentage of the top face bounding box with the top of the camera preview. |
| faceROIRightOffset | `"NN%"` | `"0%"` | Distance in percentage of the right face bounding box with the right of the camera preview.
| faceROIBottomOffset | `"NN%"` | `"0%"` | Distance in percentage of the bottom face bounding box with the bottom of the camera preview.
| faceROILeftOffset | `"NN%"` | `"0%"` | Distance in percentage of the left face bounding box with the left of the camera preview.
| faceROIMinSize | `"NN%"` | `"0%"` | The minimum face size related within the ROI. |

#### Methods

| Function | Parameters | Valid values | Return Type | Description
| - | - | - | - | -
| requestPermission | - | - | promise | Ask the user to give the permission to access camera. |
| hasPermission | - | - | boolean | Return if application has camera permission. |
| preview | - | - | void | Start camera preview if has permission. |
| startCapture | `type: string` | <ul><li>`"none"`</li><li>`"face"`</li><li>`"qrcode"`</li><li>`"frame"`</li></ul> | void | Set capture type "none", "face", "qrcode" or "frame". Default value is `"none"`. |
| stopCapture | - | - | void | Stop any type of capture. |
| destroy | - | - | void | Destroy preview. |
| toggleLens | - | - | void | Toggle camera lens facing "front"/"back". |
| setCameraLens | `lens: string` | `"front"` or `"back"` | void | Set camera to use "front" or "back" lens. Default value is `"front"`. |
| getLens | - | - | string | Return "front" or "back". |
| setImageCapture | `enable: boolean` | `true` or `false` | void | Enable/disabled save image capture. Default value is `false` |
| setImageCaptureAmount | `amount: Int` | Any positive `Int` value | void | For value `0`, save infinity images. When the capture image amount is reached, the event `onEndCapture` is triggered. Default value is `0`. |
| setImageCaptureInterval | `interval: number` | Any positive number that represent time in milliseconds | void | Set the image capture time interval in milliseconds. |
| setImageCaptureWidth | `width: string` | Value format must be in `NNpx` | void | Set the image capture width in pixels. |
| setImageCaptureHeight | `height: string` | Value format must be in `NNpx` | void | Set the image capture height in pixels. |
| setImageCaptureColorEncoding | `colorEncoding: string` | `"YUV"` or `"RGB"` | void | Only for android. Set the image capture color encoding type: `"RGB"` or `"YUV"`. |
| setFaceDetectionBox | `enable: boolean` | `true` or `false` | void | Set to show/hide the face detection box. |
| setFacePaddingPercent | `percentage: string` | Value format must be in `NN%` | void | Set face image capture and detection box padding in percentage. |
| setFaceCaptureMinSize | `percentage: string` | Value format must be in `NN%` | void | Set the face minimum size percentage to capture. |
| setFaceCaptureMaxSize | `percentage: string` | Value format must be in `NN%` | void | Set the face maximum size percentage to capture. |
| setFaceROIEnable | `enable: boolean` | `true` or `false` | void | Enable/disable face region of interest capture. |
| setFaceROITopOffset | `percentage: string` | Value format must be in `NN%` | void | Distance in percentage of the top face bounding box with the top of the camera preview. |
| setFaceROIRightOffset | `percentage: string` | Value format must be in `NN%` | void | Distance in percentage of the right face bounding box with the right of the camera preview. |
| setFaceROIBottomOffset | `percentage: string` | Value format must be in `NN%` | void | Distance in percentage of the bottom face bounding box with the bottom of the camera preview. |
| setFaceROILeftOffset | `percentage: string` | Value format must be in `NN%` | void | Distance in percentage of the left face bounding box with the left of the camera preview. |
| setFaceROIMinSize | `percentage: string` | Value format must be in `NN%` | void | Set the minimum face size related within the ROI. |

#### Events

| Event | Parameters | Description
| - | - | -
| imageCaptured | `{ type: string, count: number, total: number, image: object = { path: string, source: blob, bynary: blob } }` | Must have started capture type of face/frame. Emitted when the face image file saved: <ul><li>type: "face" or "frame"</li>count: current index</li><li>total: total to create</li><li>image.path: the face/frame image path</li><li>image.source: the blob file</li><li>image.binary: the blob file</li><ul>
| faceDetected | `{ x: number, y: number, width: number, height: number }` | Must have started capture type of face. Emit the detected face bounding box. Emit all parameters null if no more face detecting.
| endCapture | - | Must have started capture type of face/frame. Emitted when the number of image files created is equal of the number of images set (see the method `setImageCaptureAmount`).
| qrCodeContent | `{ content: string }` | Must have started capture type of qrcode (see `startCapture`). Emitted when the camera read a QR Code.
| status | `{ type: 'error'/'message', status: string }` | Emit message error from native. Used more often for debug purpose.
| permissionDenied | - | Emit when try to `preview` but there is not camera permission.

### Message

Pre-define message constants used by the `status` event.

| Message | Description
| - | -
| INVALID_CAPTURE_FACE_MIN_SIZE | Face width percentage in relation of the screen width is less than the set (`setFaceCaptureMinSize`).
| INVALID_CAPTURE_FACE_MAX_SIZE | Face width percentage in relation of the screen width is more than the set (`setFaceCaptureMaxSize`).
| INVALID_CAPTURE_FACE_OUT_OF_ROI | Face bounding box is out of the set region of interest (`setFaceROIOffset`).
| INVALID_CAPTURE_FACE_ROI_MIN_SIZE | Face width percentage in relation of the screen width is less than the set (`setFaceROIMinSize`).

## To contribute and make it better

Clone the repo, change what you want and send PR.

Contributions are always welcome!


Code with ❤ by the [**Cyberlabs AI**]( Front-End Team
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import { CameraBase } from './Yoonit.Camera.common';
export declare class YoonitCamera extends CameraBase {
createNativeView(): Object;
initNativeView(): void;
disposeNativeView(): void;
requestPermission(explanation?: string): Promise<boolean>;
hasPermission(): boolean;
setImageCaptureColorEncoding(colorEncoding: string): void;

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