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# Gamedev-08-q7

Contains the 7 question (Physical engine and levels design): gamedev-5780

Created by:

Yotam dafna

Tomer hazan

Game description:

  • Brick Breaker Game, the player needs to break all the bricks to pass through levels.

  • The player should aim the plate so that the ball hits the bricks and breaks them.

  • The player start with 3 lives and every time the ball reach the bottom the player will start again the level and the life will go down by 1.

  • Game Over - when the lives run out.

WhatsApp Image 2020-05-18 at 15 24 24

The Player

Keyboards and Movement:

  • The player controls the plate by clicking and dragging the mouse and decides which direction in the X-axis it will move (left or right).

  • space key - Release the ball up.


  • The player cant get out from the screen (Right or Left).

Player Collision:

  • Extra life - If the player break a brick there is a chance that extra life will fall down from the brick, if the player will collect him, he will get extra life (animation in "Bricks");

  • Ball - if the ball hits the player(plate) the ball will fly in a certain direction.

The Ball

Ball Collision:

  • With Botton - if the ball reachs the bottom he will rebooted to player position.

  • With Brick - the brick life points will go by 1.

  • With Boundries - the ball will fly in a certain direction.


  • The Ball cant get out from the screen boundaries(left,right,top)


Every brick as life points of its own that if they go down to 0, the brick will will explode.

There are 2 types of bricks - "brick", and "last brick":

  • brick - if the player will destroy the brick, another brick will showed up with different color, and if the second brick will expload - the "last brick" will showed up in a different color.

  • last brick - if the player will destroy the last brick he will get 1 points to the score.

animations (expload last brick and extra life):

WhatsApp Image 2020-05-18 at 15 24 24 (1)


  • The game has 3 different levels.

  • level 1 - the first picture.

  • level 2:


  • level 3:



When the player is playing, the score and the life points will be presented to the player in the screen.

Panels - the game has 3 different panels:

  • Start Game - the first panel that the player will see at the start of the game(buttons - Start Game or Quit).


  • Load Level - the player will see the panel (the next level - "level X") for 3 seconds after pass the level.


  • Game Over - after the amount of lives will fall down to 0 the player will see the Game Over panel (buttons - Play Again or Quit)


Game Manager

  • parameters:
public class GameManager : MonoBehaviour
    public int lives;                           // keeps the number of life points that the player have.
    public int score;                           // keeps the total score.
    public Text livesText;                      // life points in canvas.
    public Text scoreText;                      // score in canvasa.
    public bool gameOver;                       // boolean parameter if the game is over or not.
    public GameObject gameOverPanel;            // the game over panel (Turn on or off).
    public GameObject loadLevelPanel;           // the load game panel (Turn on or off).
    public int numberOfBricks;                  // keeps the numbers of bricks that the player needs to destroy.
    public Transform[] levels;                  // keeps the levels.
    public int currLevelIndex = 0;              // keeps the current level index.
    public Ball ball;                           // ball object
    private int totalLvlBricks;                 // keeps the total bricks of the current level
  • Start function
    void Start()
        livesText.text = "Lives: " + lives;
        scoreText.text = "Score: " + score;
        numberOfBricks = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("brick").Length + GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("last brick").Length;
        totalLvlBricks = numberOfBricks;

  • Update lives function
public void UpdateLives(int changeInLives)
        lives += changeInLives;

        //check for no lives left and trigger the end of the game
        if (lives <= 0)
            lives = 0;
        else if (changeInLives < 0)

        livesText.text = "Lives: " + lives;

  • Restart level
private void RestartLevel(){

        Instantiate(levels[currLevelIndex],, Quaternion.identity);
        numberOfBricks = totalLvlBricks;
        gameOver = false;

  • Update score (when the player will get points)
    public void UpdateScore(int points)
        score += points;
        scoreText.text = "Score: " + score;

  • UpdateNumOfBricks and go to next level
    public void UpdateNumOfBricks()
        if (numberOfBricks <= 0)
            if (currLevelIndex >= levels.Length - 1)
            else // next level
                loadLevelPanel.GetComponentInChildren<Text>().text = "Level " + (currLevelIndex +2);
                gameOver = true;
                Invoke("LoadLevel" , 3f);

  • GameOver function
        void GameOver()
        gameOver = true;

  • Play again function
public void PlayAgain()

  • Quit function
public void Quit()

Link to ITCH.IO

Brick Breaker Game


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