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Manual installation

artur-gajewski edited this page Nov 22, 2012 · 1 revision


Clone this project into your development environment.

$ git clone

Now go to your newly created directory.

Copy the distribution file for the parameters to your local file:

$ cp app/config/parameters.yml-dist app/config/parameters.yml

Modify the parameters.yml to reflect your database connections and smtp settings.

If you don't have Composer yet, download it following the instructions on or just run the following command:

$ curl -s | php

Then, use the install command to install all dependancies:

$ php composer.phar install

After all dependancies are installed, make sure your app/cache and app/logs folder have write access and run the following commands:

$ app/console doctrine:database:create

$ app/console doctrine:schema:create

You should now have a working application environment.

#Database migrations

This app comes bundled with Doctrine Migrations bundle, which simplifies the process of keeping database structure in sync with multiple developers and production environment.

Migrations bundle checks the structure of your entities and does it's magic based on that information.

You should create migration script after you are done with adding/dropping or renaming tables, table columns or constraints.

$ app/console doctrine:migrations:diff

New migration scripts appear when you pull new code from Github. To see if there are any new migrations available, you need to check the status.

$ app/console doctrine:migrations:status

If you see new migrations available, all you have to do is run the migrations.

$ app/console doctrine:migrations:migrate

You should now have your database in an updated state with up-to-date structure that corresponds with application's entity classes.

#Initializing database

If you wish to erase data in the database and create a new fresh instance of database with dummy data and three users, run the fixtures command:

$ app/console doctrine:fixtures:load

NOTE: This will erase all data and create new dummy data. However, this process will not recreate the structure of the database. If you wish to update schema before you run fixtures, use following routine:

$ app/console doctrine:schema:drop --force

$ app/console doctrine:schema:create

Loading fixtures as described earler, three user account are created: dev1, dev2 and dev3. Passwords for these users are the same as the usernames respectively.

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