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this project I gathered, assessed, cleaned and stored the data from twitter and in the README file I will provide more details

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  1. Gathering data I gathered Data from different sources • I read twitter_archived from csv file • And read image_predictions from a tsv file using url after programmatically downloading it • Finally I read a json file in a DataFrame called api_df
  2. Assessing data I have started assessing data file by file programmatically and visually I have assessed twitter_archived in the first visually using [.sample(5) & .head() ] After that I assessed it programmatically using some functions | methods like [ .info & .describe & .count &value_counts &duplicated ] While assessing the data I have discovered some issues • Quality issues 1- tweet_id must be string instead of int 2- timestamp must be date_time instead of string 3- 'None' values in name 4- 'None' values in dog_stage 5- unnecessary rating_denominator column 6- unnecessary columns like (in_reply_to_status_id ,in_reply_to_status_id, retweeted_status_id , retweeted_status_user_id) 7- missing values in expanded_urls • Tidiness issues 1- dogs stage have 4 columns despite it is 1 variable deserve only 1 col Secondly I have assessed image_predictions table first visually using [.head() ] After that I assessed it programmatically using some functions | methods like [ .info & duplicated ] While assessing the data I have discovered some issues • Quality issues 1- tweet_id must be string instead of int 2- drop unnecessary all false results in p1_dog & p2_dog & p3_dog finally , I have assessed api_df table first visually using [head() ] After that I assessed it programmatically using some functions | methods like [ info & describe] While assessing the data I have discovered some issues • Quality issues tweet_id data type must be object instead of int • Tidiness issues all data must be combined in one table not separated
  3. Cleaning data In the beginning I started with copying the original data before cleaning using copy method I have started cleaning issue by issue and started from quality issues 1- I have converted tweet_id from int to string in image_predictions_clean table 2- I have converted tweet_id from int to string in twitter_archived_clean table 3- I have converted tweet_id from int to string in api_df_clean table 4- I have converted timestamp to date_time in twitter_archived_clean 5- I have dropped the unnecessary columns for retweet and replies in twitter_archived_clean table 6- I have replaced None with nan values 7- I have dropped rating dominator column 8- I have removed rows for missing values in expanded urls column 9- I have dropped unnecessary all false results in p1_dog & p2_dog & p3_dog Secondly , I have cleaned tidiness issues 1- I have made a one col for one variable instead of 4 columns 2- I have combined all data in one table
  4. storing data After wrangling I saved the data in a csv file using to_csv method


this project I gathered, assessed, cleaned and stored the data from twitter and in the README file I will provide more details






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